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Tess of D’Uberville, is a famous work of Thomas Hardy. This work describes the tragedy of Tess. Tess’ tragedy coagulates with much more different color of the society and person. It destroys this daughter who was born in nature, and owned man’s simple natural character. The novel’s subtitle calls Tess “a pure woman”, after Tess loses chastity, she kills the man, but the female of this earth is innocent. She has persevering vitality, contending with not only destiny by possessing singly, but society, the families, inspaniduals etc. She has another heavy factor to make this pure and great female head for destruction eventually. In her life, there are three main persons who directly affect her. The first one is Alec, who rapes her and becomes the direct murder. His appearance changed Tess’ all. The second one is Angle, who is the accessory and also the best lover of Tess. The third one is Tess herself. Besides, the society and the family affect Tess’ whole life largely. Thus, in this paper, the author makes some detailed discussion and analysis of these factors.

Key Words

Chastity; destiny; murder;

摘 要



贞洁;命运; 谋杀.


No profound experience, no good work, as the saying goes for hundreds of years. In the novel of Tess of D’Urberuilles, the author introduced a pure girl in his novel, who becomes a murder. And what reduce Tess to be a murder? Is it only because the rape of Alec? And what was the real love? Was the love between Tess and ? If the girl could be more confident, or more courageous, could the result be changed?

In the “first phase” of the novel, Alec D’Urberville takes the advantage of the innocence of Tess. Later, in the third part, she then fell deeply in love with Angle Clare, an affluent agriculturist. Tess soon alienates by revealing her earlier encounter with D’Urberville. Tess of D’Urbervilles demonstrates a great deal about the themes of the novel as well as the character of Tess. The book was supposes to reveal the versatility of Tess’ character. However, it also revealed a good deal that helps us understand Hardy’s central theme of the book. It was because the versatility of Tess herself that makes her unique. However, she was a woman of purity and fortitude.

Most of scholars and readers attribute Tess’ death to Alec only. But the author of this paper thinks that Angle, Tess, and the society are also the factors, besides Alec.

I. The Famous Work, Tess of D’Urberville, and Its Great Writer

A. The Setting of the Novel

The 19th century is a prosperous period in English literature. There is a most impotent writer, we can’t forget, and He is Thomas Hardy. He is just the author of my subject. Tess of D’Urbervilles is generally regarded as Hardy’s finest novel. This is a brilliant tale of love, betrayal, seduction, duty, sin and rule. At last, this is a tragedy.

In tragedy, the reader, often sympathizes and empathizes with the protagonist who attains “wisdom through suffering.” Tess, who is a so virtuous girl, why did Hardy give Tess, a virtuous girl, a sorrowful destiny? Here, we should turn our eyes to the author—Thomas Hardy. His work reflected the deep changes of social economy, moral and custom, after the capitalism invaded into the England country. Not only, he wrote the people’s tragedy, especially women’s tragedy, and reveals the false of capitalism.

Tess of D’Urbervilles published in 1891, which is the most remarkable work of Hardy. It has displayed one by a short lifetime of heroine, Tess, and pressing tragedy experience, the world tragedy. Facing a bourgeoisie on this account, superstructures such as morality and religion has initiated open one challenge.

Tess of D’Urbervilles is an extraordinarily beautiful book, as well as an extraordinary moving one. It is a tragic tale of a beautiful and innocent peasant grill that is the victim, not only of her Victorian environment, but also of people, including he shiftless parents, her cruel seducer, Alec D’Ubervill and morally rigid husband, Clare, all of them that we can’t omit.

B. The Story of Tess of D’Urberville

This novel caused a heck of a fuss when Thomas Hardy first published it. Originally titled "A Pure Woman", the novel is considered as outrageous for a woman such as Tess to be seen as pure in Hardy's eyes.

Tess Durbeyfield is the peasant daughter of haggler John. John goes to get drunk in celebration and ends up so hammered that he's too ill to take some stuff which he has to sell in the horse and cart. He gets Tess and her little brother to do it instead. Tess falls asleep and the horse ends up in an accident and is killed. As a result, the overly sensitive Tess feels guilty, not realizing it is really John's fault.

Meanwhile her mother Joan has learned that a Lady D'Urberville lives in a neighboring village. She wants to send Tess to claim kin and learning that there is a master D'Urberville, has notions that Tess, being a beautiful girl, will marry him. Tess really doesn’t want to go but does out of guilt of the death of the horse. Alec, the young D'Urberville, a nasty sleazy git who needs to be castrated and lusts after Tess. She goes home after Alec tries to buy her off.

Tess's baby becomes ill, she christens the baby Sorrow in a touching ceremony with her siblings, but the child dies. Not long after, Tess gets work at Talbothays, a large dairy farm a good way away from her home town, and she heads off there. This marks a happy spell in Tess's life. She meets Angle Clare who had been at the spring dance. His father is a parson but Angle doesn't want to be involved in the church and is learning the ways of farming instead. He falls for Tess, who is distraught after deciding not to get married. Angle persists tess fall in love and agree to marry. Tess, feeling unburdened, confesses freaks out and leaves Tess, although by law they are still married, and travels to Brazil.

Tess in the meantime ends up working with some of her old dairymaid friends for a horrible farmer. She runs into Alec who accuses her of tempting him and guilt trips Tess into living with him, because her family is on the verge of homelessness and need the money. Having given up on and realizing his hypocrisy, she agrees. Angle comes home from Brazil having realized the error of his ways and tracks Tess. On finding her, he learns that she thinks it’s too late for them. He takes off and Tess gets into a fight with Alec, which ends in her stabbing him. She runs after, and they spend time together in an old mansion. After wandering the countryside for a while, Tess finds they are at Stonehenge, and feels at home, having been described as a heathen in her home village. She tells that should she be caught she wants him to marry her sister Liza-Lu. The police catch up to her, and shortly after Tess is hanged.

Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a beautifully constructed story, which makes use of the hand of fate. It is the sweet and natural character of Tess that gives the book its exceptionality. The beautifully innocent child never seems to grow into a woman; she retains a dear innocence and vulnerability, which she had from the outset. Her purity of morals and spirit make her the perfect victim for such a small-minded society, and I empathized with her in a way I have done with few characters in novels. It is difficult not to fall in love with her quiet courage, although it is easy to feel exasperated with her intense passivity. Her true, deep love for is another thing, which makes her endearing. As Tess notes when asks if he loves her more than Tess did, no-one could because she would lay down her life for.

The three-dimensional Angle is another attractive character. Initially you want to like him and by the later chapters you begin to empathies with him despite his rather rash and inconsiderate treatment of his wife. It is clear that he loves her, but it’s also fair to say that he doesn’t feel the intense love that Tess does, given that he was so willing to treat her cruelly and with such narrow-minded hypocrisy.

Ⅱ. The Factors of the Tess’ Death

A. Direct Murder

When we read the book at the first time, it is easy to find the murder of Tess. Everything can be put on the Alec’s head. If he didn’t rape Tess, she can’t become so pity. It is not difficult to see that Alec is a playboy. At the first appearance in the scenes, his dissolute made Tess not pleased. But he is a duck in fact, he own good manner, which made Tess’ parent misunderstand. In chapter 3, a young man appeared in the garden. He looked about twenty-four, tall and dark, with full red lips and a black moustache curled at the ends. “Well, my beauty, what can I do for you? ”he said, looking interestedly at her. As a bourgeoisie gilded youth, Alec is the vicious incarnation of this novel. It is formed distinct contrast exactly with Tess, who symbolizes the kindhearted and purify. But Alec put it into her mouth. He put roses in to her hair and filled her basket with strawberries and flowers. He gave her food to eat, and watched her, while she quietly smoked a cigarette. She looked more adult and womanly than she really was. Alec could not take his eyes off her. She did not know as she smiled innocently at the flowers that behind the cigarette smoke were the cause of future sorrow in her life. At the last, he actually wrapped the coat of religion, and be further intensified commit primes. At the hardy’s time, there were so many people using religion to cheat other people, it is the hypocritical. Furthermore, it is highly entertaining even while it does not lay everything out in an easy-to-follow story, and even the climax moves so quickly that it is easy to leave the theater and not know exactly what happened. In chapter 19, she said, “it’s too late! Because you persuaded me, you with your fine words! As you did when you seduced me! You told me he would never come back! But he did! And you helped my family—that’s how you persuaded me so cleverly. But when I believed you and came to live with you, he came back! And now I have lost him a second time, and this time for ever! He will hate me now!” she turned her tear-stained face and Mrs. Brooks could see how she was suffering. And he is dying; he looks as if he’s dying! It will be my fault if he dies! You have destroyed my life and his! I can’t bear it, I can’t! The man spoke sharply, and after that there was silence. Just then she noticed a mark on ceiling. It seemed to be spreading. It was red, and when she stood on the table and touched it, it looked like blood. She ran up to listen at the bedroom door again. The dead silence was broken only by a regular drip, drip, drip. She ran wildly put into the street and begged a man she knew to come back with her. Together they hurried upstairs and pushed open the bedroom door. The breakfast lay untouched on the table, but the large knife was missing. They found it in Alec d’Urberville’s heart. He laid on the bed, pale, fixed, dead, still bleeding. Soon the news spread all over Sandbourne that Mrs. Brooks’ guest had been killed by his young wife. Yet, it also suggests, in good surrealist fashion, that “knowing”is not everything, that “seeing”and “believing” are good options. From these examples, how can we find the benefit of the religion? It is seems that many people believe the Buddhism like me in China. It easy made us doubts the foreign religion. With this doubt, I went to library. There is a book named THE PROPHET, which is written by Caly, who is Lebanese. The title page is “the first philosophy in poem”. There is a unit in this book, ON RELIGION. An old priest said, speak to us of religion. And he said: Have I spoken this day of aught else? Is not religion all deeds and all reflection? And that which is neither deed nor reflection, but a wonder and a surprise ever spring in the soul, even while the hands hew the stone or tend the loom? Who can separate his faith from his action, or his belief from his occupations? Who can spread his hours before him, saying,“This for God and this for myself: This for my soul, and this other for my body?” All your hours are wings that beat thrush space from self to self. He wears his morality but as his best garment was better naked. The wind and the sun will tear no holes in his skin. And he who defines his conduct by ethics imprisons his songbird in a cage. The freest song comes not through bars and wires. And he to whom worshipping is a window, to open but also to shut, has not yet visited the house of the house of his soul whose windows are open from dawn to dawn. Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter into it take with you your all. Take the plough and the forge and the mallet and the lute. The things you have fashioned in necessity or for delight. For in reverie you cannot rise above your achievements nor fail lower than your failures. And take with you all men: For in adoration you cannot fly higher than their hopes nor humble yourself lower than their despair. And if you would know God be not therefore a solver of riddles. Rather look about you and you shall see him playing with your chidden. And look into space, you shall see him walking in the cloud, outstanding his arms in the lightning and descending in rain. You shall see him smiling in flowers, the rising and waving his hands in trees. In this poem, I find this sentence,“he who wears his morality but as his best garment were better naked.”

B. Accessory

After scanning the cause of Alec, people should put their eyes to other ones. It is Angle’s turn. Many people will think that Angle is also a casualty. He is another tragic personage image in this book. He is from a middle class family. He has his idea and ambition. Neither Angle Clare nor his family has originally chosen farming as a profession for him. When he was a boy, people admired his great qualities. Now he is a man, no particular purpose in life. He is unwilling to the field serves for the God against him self’s will. And he hopes to do something for the people. Angle explains that in fact he does not in fact wish to enter the Church like his brothers, because the Church’s views are too strict and do not allow free thinking. It makes him to be treachery of his family and religion. His open mind made him to be loved with a country girl, which is not fit for her family. is the angle in Tess’ heart. His love to Tess owns the purity of first love, fervor and impressments. He is deeply dump aged by Tess’ puerility. Angle thinks “What a fresh and pure daughter of nature that dairymaid is!” He seems to remember something about her, which brings him back into happy time in the past, before his decision made his life in dilemma. This memory makes him pay more attention to Tess than the other dairymaids. In his eyes, Tess is the embodiment of perfect. He is consciousness with respect attitude and solemn marriage to get contact with Tess. After refused by Tess, he insists to wait. His determination is decisive. Clare is not depressed by Tess’ refusal. And he thinks that Tess would finally accept him. But in the night of the marriage, after known the past of Tess, Angle, the man always open mind, was failed into the deeply pain. He was in afflicted from spirit. He would believe what she said is bogus. Times and times he asks Tess to deny the truth. And he didn’t give her chance to explain that Tess was the casualty. When he sued these were never changed, he chooses escape, and he can’t understand her. After Tess told her story, everything is changed. Clare stirred the fire. It was unnecessary, but he felt he had to do something. He had not really taken in the whole story in its full horror; his face was like an old man’s. He made uncertain movements, because everything in his head was vague and uncertain. He could not make himself think clearly. “Tess! Can I believe this? Are you mad perhaps? My wife, my Tess—you aren’t mad, are you?” He was talking but could not think at the same time. His brain seemed to have stopped working. He turned away from her. Tess followed him and stood there staring at him with dry eyes. Then she went down on her knees beside him. In the chapter14, it is clear. He was relieved to see her sleeping deeply. And yet he felt he alone had the whole worry of what action to take, and the responsibility for her life as well as his. He turned away from her door, and then turned back again, pulled but his love foe her. But his eye was caught by a painting on the wall of one of Tess’ ancestors, a proud fierce woman, who looked as if she hated and wanted to deceive all men. He thought she and Tess looked alike. That was enough to stop him, and he went downstairs to his lonely bed. He looked calm and cold, dull of self-control. His face showed he had fought against passion and won, but did not like being the winner. He still found it difficult to accept that Tess, the pure village maiden, was not what she seemed. How unexpected life could be! He put out the candle. The night came in, unconcerned and uninterested, the night which had swallowed up his happiness. It seems like a sentence of Excellence Is Never An Accident. The right to be heard is constitutionally guaranteed. The right to be listened to must be earned. But Tess didn’t realize what she said is unforgiving. In the chapter15, he was escaped. Next morning he seemed to remember nothing of the night’s experiences, and Tess did not refer to his sleepwalking. They finished packing and left the farmhouse, where they had hoped to be so happy. After driving some distance stopped the carriage to get down and continue on foot. Tess was going further on in the carriage. He spoke seriously to her as they separated. He said, I am not angry with you, but I cannot bear to live with you at the moment. I will try to accept it. But until I come to you, you should not try to come to me. The punishment seemed a heavy one to Tess. Had she really deserved this? Some one said that Angle’s idea is the traditionally idea of bourgeois. But I think this saying is dogmatically. On this fair, he is also the casualty. His love to Tess is so purity, but this entire thing was tired by the cruel fact. The irony and hypocrisy of Angle’s reaction are indicated by the title of this section. It is a classic statement of society’s double standard, which judges men’s sexual behavior leniently and punishes women for the same behavior. Why is Angle unable to forgive her when she just bestowed the gift of forgiveness on him? Is her sexual experience the cause or his character and misconceptions? Does her confession necessitate their separation, or do they part because of particular traits each has? Could Tess have averted the parting by behaving differently and thereby changed her destiny? Or is her destiny unchangeable? Is she victim, self-victimizer, or both? Tess' confession destroys Angle's idea that Tess is a virginal, simple child of the soil. As a result, he cannot accept the fact. Preferring his fanciful love, he is “mothering his affection for her”. At the same time that he is disappointed in his vision of her innocence and lowly status, Angle blames her for the family background which he previously thought it would make her acceptable to respectable middle class society. He is self-contradictory because his rejection of society’s values is superficial. At a deeper level, he still believes in society’s moral laws and social code. Nevertheless, he does love Tess. His grief in laying Tess in the stone coffin clearly expresses his love, this action also symbolizes his belief that it’s really his beloved, his ideal of his beloved, no longer exists. Earlier in the evening he is torn by the desire to follow her to their bedroom. Is it a chance or even a fate operating in this incident? Or is Hardy indulging his taste for melodrama and carrying coincidence too far? Rejecting Tess at this point Angle would face to assume a “terribly sterile expression”. Thinking and clinging to society’s values which cut him off from nature and, of course, he has just come from the lush, fertile From Valley where the appetite for joy carried him along, yet he is “terribly sterile.” Choosing intellect over nature or the emotional life destroys the life force; Angle “was becoming ill with thinking; eaten out with thinking, withered by thinking; scourged out of all his former pulsating, flexuous domesticity”. The repetition emphasizes the importance of this idea and expresses the intensity of Hardy’s feelings about Angle’s intellectuality. Hardy offers a somewhat contradictory judgment of Angle’s reliance on the mind: Some might risk the odd paradox that with more animalism he would have been the nobler man. We do not say it. Yet Clare’s love was doubtless ethereal to a fault, imaginative to impracticability. Though Hardy is reluctant to say that being more open to the physical or sexual would make Angle a better man, he is critical of Angle’s over-reliance on abstractions and imagination.

The entire thing is curl, how a girl can carry on? As Angle watches Tess’ coach slowly move up the hill, he hopes that she will look back at him. Too devastated to move, she does not look out. Is this one more lost opportunity for reconciliation? If so, is the force of circumstances against them? Someone will say it’s a mournful story of love. What made this love beginning? Beautiful smile! once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something. It is what the true love in the novel is. It is paying put bravely without any return. When the world is full of love, the world is perfect.

C. Tess Herself

Our dramatis persona, Tess, is a pure woman. But her final is so pity. It is her destiny. Why people so curl to say that? But easy exactly as pure lamb get the wrong path, one kind, her pure kindhearted be destroyed easy to be wrecked by society is devoured by ferocious wolf. Her disinterest and the spirit sacrificing oneself, give vicious influence chance. But, frankness that her oneself running after purifies also makes her and happiness fail to meet Angle by a narrow chance. When her jade was died, as a girl, how can she to support this big family? But when the village people arrived at church they noticed her and started whispering to each other.

From two aspects we can see analysis character of Tess. First, she has all the innocence and purity that the nature has endowed with. We can see this point from her kind, selfless to her parents and her friends, and her loyalty to love. The second, after her unfortunate encounter, she becomes a complicated woman, and she no longer endures all things silently. She struggles against Alec and unjust treatment, contempt’s and criticizes hypocritical religion. It seems that Tess is unyielding to evils. At last, the conclusion is that the real cause of Tess’s tragedy lies in the wicked nature and hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society.

Reading the novel, people are impressed by the title page that Tess is “a pure woman”. It is the phrase that caused so much uproar when the first edition of the novel is firstly published. It has created problems for readers and critics ever since the novel was completed. The title offends many on moral grounds, for whom Tess is a ruined, immoral woman. Others are puzzled intellectually; what is Hardy’s basis for calling her pure? It calls not only the roll the novel subject, but also the tragedy having expounded her further. The subtitle defends in various ways. One of the most common defenses is the suggestion that Hardy is showing that the traditional Christian view equating virtue and purity with virginity is wrong. Another common explanation of the subtitle is that Hardy distinguishes between the act and the intention. This is a distinction Angle Clare finally makes in the novel. Or is it possible that Tess is pure in her character as Apostolic Charity that her soul remains unstained regardless of what happens to her body?

Her pure is kindhearted and moral character and is unfolding in her conduct dealing with affairs and uncompromising honesty to amatory. The contemporary reviewers are unwilling to admit who is not chaste, is pure. But in fact, the book is to tell reader how a pure and innocent girl is driver us the cruel society to the wall and finally becomes the sacrifice of the society. From the beginning to the end, what we can read is her purity and her straggle with the social driven force. In the end, when Tess is sentenced to be hanging, there’s one question in our minds. She knew what they were saying and realized she could come to church no more. So she spent almost all her time in her bedroom, which she shared with the children. Form here she watched the wind, the snow, the rain, beautiful sunsets and full moons, one after another. People began to think she had gone away. She only went out after dark, to walk in the woods and the fields. She was not afraid of the dark or the shadows; it was people she was anxious to avoid. After joking by the other girls, she actually jumped to Alec’s carriage. It is just her chartless make her fail to the evil hand. We can say that she is chartless, but the more is childish. If she owns more experiences, she can own more consciousness of safety, the result is changeable. Although the village people had almost forgotten her trouble; she decided she could never be really happy in Marlott. Trying to claim relationship with the rich d’Urbervilles seemed so foolish and shameful to her. She thought her family would never be respected there again. Even now she felt hope rise within her, hope of finding a place with no family connections and no memories. In escaping from Marlott she intended to destroy the past. Perhaps now she could make up foe her crime against society. She has been really not unfamiliar to him, she has been short of but more keeping watch but on now, this is that she is naive at the same time; also being unable to keep silent is that she is short of one aspect knowing that to affairs of human life in the character or consciousness in saying. When she told Angle the past, she also expresses her recurrence. The tradition chastity concept in her soul go ahead is having stayed deeply brand. She feels from committing a crime being thinking of one kind forever after losing chastity, the compunction feels, the inferiority complex, has come across this kind of problem once and, showing weak aspect. Once and once refusing Angle, it is just this psychology. During the period of he cannot forgive her, her inferiority complex displays mainly his slave who obvious, unceasingly, requests that making an explanation, expresses her willingness compose even. At the second half of this novel, she did Alec’s mistress. A new phase begins in Tess’ life when she meets Alec again. His pursuit as much as Angle’s rejection determines the course her life now takes. She had hoped, as women do, that living together for a time would break down his coldness. Being near him every day was her only hope of winning him back. Is arbitrary coincidence at work in her stopping at just the time and just the place where Alec is speaking? Is it coincidence that she stands in the sun so that he notices her movement when she leaves? Is their meeting again inevitable because life follows a pattern or occurs in cycles? Or is it inevitable because her personal past with Alec cannot be escaped in society? The title of this section applies, ironically enough, to both Alec and Angle. She still asked, May I write to you? I agree to the conditions, because you know best. Only don’t make it too much for me bear! That was all she said. If she had sobbed or fainted or begged him, he would probably have given way. But she made it easy for him. Due to the influence of a stranger (the Reverend Clare), Alec undergoes a religious conversion and becomes a preacher. Due to the influence of a stranger, Angle undergoes an intellectual and emotional conversion, which allows him to see Tess’ purity and innocence, and he returns to England and to Tess. Alec relapses to his former sensual, womanizing self when he sees Tess. It is just her chartless make her fail to the evil hand. We can say that she is chartless, but the more is childish. If she owns more experiences, she can own more consciousness of safety, the result is changeable.

D. Society

Studying a novel, we cannot ignore its social background. Why as Tess’ girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad so often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Thousands of years of philosophy cannot give us the answers to these questions. The society, the family are woven having moved towards this big tragedy nets. Her family is the stratum belonging to no well-liked rural area being placed in that time. The family has already arrived at a brink of collapse, her father also take his life as playing game, puts in but always on Tess' body with the difficult task. She loses her chaste, society is all chastity concept at every step incisive the life being affecting her, the ideological root-cause having become tragic ultimately. At the end, she drops every concept, and killed Alec. So there is another saying, it is just the family and the society made her like that.

When I analyzed these courses, I just found it is the destiny. If Tess lived in 21st century, can she get the different plight? I don’t think so. I don’t think she is so luckily. Day and days, we saw the law case on TV. There someone was raped; there someone was died of love… Why are there so many cases? The social is more developed. We need consciousness. The consciousness for woman! Actually, I am not feminism. But we really need adamancy for ourselves. Because of we want to control our destiny.


Tess of D’Uberville, this work is full of sympathy and helpless. People analyses the factors of Tess’ death from different parts of her life. The author of this paper takes more attention to Tess’ lover. In fact, everything would change, if there is no Alec, who raped her. Because it is a reality, it is really happened. What may only change is the attitude to this fair. A lot of reflection was left by Hardy thorough his creation of Tess’ tragedy. It seemed that Tess could never escape the wrongs of the past, either socially or personally. Tess was kind-hearted pure and brave and had acute sense of responsibility and strong sense of moral duty. Form this paper we can see that Tess moved away from her village. It seems that she wants to change her lifestyle. But it is just because Angle’s departure, Tess comes to her awful dilemma once again. To another part of her life, the society and her family are also the main factor to her death. From the tragic story of Tess’ short life, we can see in a deeper sense that it is the capitalist society of the time that has ruined her. Living in a society overwhelmed by capitalist Law, religion and state apparatus, Tess, a poor peasant, inevitably leads a tragic life and finally goes to her collapse. Thus facing so many cases, it seems that Tess’ tragedy is unavoidable.


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[3] Josef Kirschner: Die Egoisten Bible[M]. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlugn Gmb,1999.

[4] John Ruskin. 两条路的选择[M]. 德州文源出版社,2006.

[5] Merryn Williams. 哈代导读[M]. 北京大学出版社,2005.

[7] Wllian Hazlitt: On the Fear of Death[M]. London,1812

[8] 哈代著 苏苗苗译. 德伯家的苔丝[M]. 外语教学与研究出版社,1997.

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相传黄帝之妻嫘祖发明了养蚕,从此天下有了衣饰文化。本文的主人公则因致力蚕种、制丝的改革与推广,被太湖流域人民尊为“蚕花娘娘”,赢得了“当代黄道婆”、“中国乡镇企业之母”等盛誉…… 2005年8月12日,一个令纺织业界为之无......
卢作孚一生践行“实业救国”和民生主义,以创办民生实业股份有限公司和“北碚乡村建设”而闻名于世,被誉为“中国交通运输业的开拓者”和著名的爱国实业家。 关于卢作孚之死,社会上一向讳莫如深,各种出版物均以“不幸逝世”一笔带......
(一) 一九四九年一月二十日,傅斯年接替庄长恭为国立台湾大学校长,一九五○年十二月二十日晚上十一时二十分,以脑溢血逝于台湾省议会议场,在任上两年时间未到。他的突然去世,对于刚刚失去大陆不久退守台湾的国民党政权来说,是......
一 明朝万历二十七年(1599年)冬天,瓷都景德镇颇不平静,凡与陶瓷行业有关人等都诚惶诚恐。御器厂东侧的师主庙内,前来祭拜的人明显多了起来,妇孺甚至老人向着庙内供奉的神灵长揖在地,口中念念有词,表情远比平日要凝重得多。街......
丝路之旅 2014年1期
[摘要] 随着经济全球化的不断深入,中亚地区的未来贸易市场的潜力是无穷的。中国政府非常重视同中亚地区的联系。上海合作组织的成立,标志着中亚区域一体化进程的开始。在2013年,习近平主席访问哈萨克斯坦期间提出“创新合作模式,共......
因一波波的非洲移民船难事件,蔚蓝浪漫的地中海仿佛成了死亡之海,引起国际社会严重关注。非洲偷渡船接连在地中海翻沉,2000年至今,2.8万名非法移民死于前往欧洲路上,绝大多数葬身地中海。 然而,这艘拖网渔船上不仅只有甲板上待......
安娜的尸体躺在公寓的停车场,旁边是她的红色轿车。她在晚上8点钟遭人谋杀,也就是她预定到达剧院音乐会演出前的15分钟左右。 凶手共射击两次。第一颗子弹穿过她的右大腿,在她紫色的短裙上留下了一大片血迹。第二颗致命的子弹射中......
近年,坊间关于东陵大盗孙殿英最终结局的文章,均语焉不详。笔者聆听过曾任刘邓大军参谋长的李达上将、刘邓大军情报处处长柴成文等谈及孙殿英与刘邓大军的关系和他的死因。 在抗日战争时期,国民党顽固派鹿钟麟、朱怀冰、石友三等曾......
随着印度总理莫迪于5月14日~16日对中国进行访问,以 新丝绸之路著称的“一带一路”再次成为热议话题。 中国选择古都西安作为欢迎莫迪总理的首站,并在此举行国家领导人间的会晤,此举颇有深意。西安,唐代称“长安”,是丝绸之路的......
新疆喀什噶尔是中西亚交通的要塞和枢纽,又是亚欧大陆包括丝绸、陶瓷、玉器在内的各种商品集散地和中转站。喀什的老茶馆,是丝绸之路那个时代留下来的不多的遗迹胜景之一。 老茶馆代表了喀什噶尔的地域文化特色,人们在这里品茶食馕......
据美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)报告,每年被飞机撞死的鸟类数目高达9000只。飞鸟为何躲不开飞机呢?这真是太让人费解了,下面就请科学家帮我们解答吧。 2014年,美国农业部国家野生动物研究中心、印第安纳州立大学和普渡大学的科学家......
引言 1、原因分析 碎丝率的高低主要体现在切丝机与烘丝机的调节,就是说两台设备的参数决定了制丝线碎丝率的高低,因此下文主要针对两台设备的执行参数做具体分析,来验证产生碎丝率的主要症结。 2、正交实验 由上表试验数据......
舞马之死 2014年6期
芥川龙之介生于 1892 年,是代表大正至昭和初期时代的小说家。23 岁时以作家身份在日本文坛崭露头角。当时,师从夏目漱石,芥川凭借《鼻》这部作品获得夏目漱石的高度评价和赞赏,并跃身为日本文坛的宠儿。芥川在短短的数十年间发表了......
长安是丝绸之路的起点,此乃由六个硬性的元素所决定。 其一,时间的起点。 张骞出使西域两次。普遍认为汉武帝建元三年(公元前138年)第一次出使西域,为丝绸之路时间的起点。这是不对的。第一次出使西域,目的是寻找大月氏,以携......
死亡之舞 2015年2期
一种动物的存在,上苍本来只赐予它出世的权利,至于能否平安顺利地生活下去,则必须依凭生存自然法则――自我保护的能力和造化。 不清楚每个看过西班牙斗牛表演的人会作何感想,但这的确是我看了每场斗牛表演后的强烈感受。 西班......
摘 要:在《聊斋志异》这部名著中,除了以人鬼、人狐之间爱情为主题的篇章外,多篇作品描写到了友人之间情谊,在这些“友情叙事”的故事中,我们可以真切的感受到作者蒲松龄对于友人间情感的深刻理解,纯粹的,真挚的,犹如骨肉之亲,......
野兔之死 2014年7期
西伯利亚地区生活着一种野兔,行动很快而且非常小心。 冬天,西伯利亚被白雪覆盖。此时的兔子,行动起来更加小心。它们总会在确认雪地上没有人及其他动物行迹之后,才会行动。在奔跑的过程中,依然不放松警惕,一旦听到不正常的响动......
[摘 要]“丝路帆远――海上丝绸之路七省联展”是一个全面展示我国从远古至明清时期海上丝绸之路盛况的精品文物展览。本文对展览的形式设计进行综述,对其中的空间规划、艺术设计等进行探讨,以期对展览有一个更为深入的了解。 [关......
【摘 要】蕾丝从出现以来,至今一直流行于服装设计当中,深受女性喜爱,成为设计师们常用的元素之一。本文从蕾丝的发展历史、蕾丝的分类、蕾丝的装饰纹样以及蕾丝的装饰性意义四个方面介绍了蕾丝,试图在蕾丝的历史中寻找蕾丝一直兴盛......
第一,关于卢作孚的遗嘱内容 赵晓玲同志的文章《卢作孚最后的日子》,对卢先生在近代史(指第二次世界大战前后)上的卓越功绩,作了恰当的描述,本文不准备过多的涉及,只想纠正下述三点不太重要的谬误: (3)卢作孚的遗嘱内容只......
摘 要 安乐死和尊严死都能保障病人在生命末期按照自身意愿安详、尊严地死亡,但两者在伦理和法理等方面存在着差异,因而我国立法应区别对待。考虑到安乐死与我国伦理相冲突、在法学领域中还存在着诸多争议等,中国尚不宜建立安乐死的......
全球8条候鸟迁徙路线中有3条经过中国,然而,近年来这些地区大规模捕杀候鸟的行为,使得这些「千年鸟道」反而成了众多候鸟的「险境」,大批候鸟进入中国后被猎杀而死亡…… ......
西域 奇域深度探秘丝绸之路
神州 租车伴您重走丝绸之路
一望无际的戈壁滩上,飘荡着悠扬悦耳的驼铃声,列队的骆驼,负着重载,迈着稳健匀称的步伐,迎着朝霞行进…… 这情景,定会引起你对丝绸之路的憧憬。 丝绸之路――这条两千多年前开辟的中国与西方经济、文化交流的古道,至今还流传......
|题记:| 沦陷的季节,我害怕旅行 我对着照片看成为静物的风景 我去过和没去过的地方 风景正被大片圈占、篡改和死亡 |第一张照片| 第一张照片,我看到了斑斓 我有一群牛羊,和马 它们是原野上的黑点 和亮点。掠动大地......
从强盗到都督 王金发(1883―1915),原名逸,字季高,乳名金发,浙江嵊县人。他自幼性情豪爽,酷爱习武,练就了高超的射击本领。早年曾在家乡组织带有绿林性质的乌带党,并秘密从事反清活动。由于家中较为殷实,其母对其事业颇为支......
浅议“安乐死” 浅议“安乐死” 浅议“安乐死” 近来,绵阳某中学教师唐昀因不堪忍受病痛和精神上的重压,向成都华西医院提出安乐死被拒一事,使安乐死再度成为社会的敏感话题。其实,自安乐死概念被提出以来,全......
两千多年前,西汉使者张骞肩负和平使命,两次出使中亚,开辟出一条横贯东西、融通欧亚的丝绸之路。丝绸之路以其连接的文明形态之多、跨越历史时期之长而光耀人类文明的史册。 如今,中国以互尊互信、合作共赢、文明互鉴的诚意,提出......
分析甘肃段丝绸之路的旅游产品生命周期 分析甘肃段丝绸之路的旅游产品生命周期 分析甘肃段丝绸之路的旅游产品生命周期 精品源自化学科 1.旅游产品生命周期理论 产品生命周期原是市场营销学中的一个重要概念,它是指......
一、 八十自寿诗 1964年3月6日,周作人在日记中写道:饮酒一盏,醉中作诗一章,题为“八十自寿诗”。诗曰: 可笑老翁垂八十, 行为端的似童痴。(此二句仿放翁作七十书适诗) 剧怜独脚思山父,(日本传说有山父,一目独足,能......
摘 ; 要:莫言小说的魔幻现实主义色彩在当代中国文坛历来备受瞩目,小说《生死疲劳》是其采用颇具魔幻色彩的轮回的叙述模式讲述山东高密一个小村庄上个世纪五十年代以来半个多世纪历史变迁的一部长篇小说。本文拟就从小说的具有魔幻......
" 西元前399年,春暖花开,雅典面向大海 苏格拉底佇立法庭,卷发如雪 三个公诉人的愤怒也不再年轻 可爱的斯科里亚(Skolia)地方诗人迈雷托(Meletus) 可怜半辈子默默无闻的修辞学教授赖肯(Lykon) 可敬的硝皮匠兼不甚可敬的政客安尼......
讲好2 1世纪海上丝绸之路故事
活动准备 活动于2014年4月8日启动,先后组织中央驻桂和广西9家媒体记者,分为18个采访小组,共119人次,历时4个月,先后走访了老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、新加坡、马来西亚、缅甸、文莱、越南等10个国家60多座城镇,行程近5万......
摘 要:“新丝绸之路”是古代丝绸之路的延续和发展,它的建设是构建中国全方位开放格局的必然选择,是促进欧亚国家共同发展繁荣的必经之路,是推动区域平衡发展的关键一招。“新丝路”对于沿线各国在经济、政治、文化方面都有着极为重......
" 一 苏格拉底被雅典人民法庭判处死刑之时,恰逢雅典派往提洛岛(Delos)祭祀阿波罗神(Apollo)的圣船扬帆启航之日。相传当初雅典王子提修斯(Theseus)自愿作为七对献给弥诺牛(Minotaur,一个半人半牛的怪物)的童男童女之一,前往克......
[摘 要]中华民族开发利用海洋有久远的历史,古代研究中西方的交通道路有海陆两种,其中,中国丝和丝织品通过海陆运输给西方,因此被称为海上西方之路,海上丝绸之路承载着沿线国家的海洋活动。广州凭借便利的水陆交通,是中外海上贸......
一、引言 作为连接东方与西方的桥梁,中东欧这一全球重要的新兴市场覆盖了从波罗的海到爱琴海、从亚平宁半岛边缘至黑海西岸共近150万平方公里的广袤土地和约1.2亿人口。中东欧国家是丝绸之路经济带建设中的重要组成部分。加强中国中东......
【摘 要】死刑复核程序作为我国独有的程序,在我国拥有多年的发展历史,最早在汉代便已有了死刑复核程序的萌芽,随后历史发展过程中死刑复核程序一步步地发展、变迁、完善,并最终形成现在的死刑复核程序。 【关键词】死刑复核程序......
" 讼事缠身的古稀哲人苏格拉底在雅典人民法院走廊上邂逅善解神意的年轻先知游叙弗伦(Euthyphro)——刘小枫称之为“分管宗教事务的全国人大代表”,不知源出何典。 游氏敛步含笑:“苏老好雅兴呵!何不在绿谷苑(Lyceum)消闲,却有空到......
摘 要:《推销员之死》是阿瑟米勒最著名的代表作,被称为是“美国戏剧的良心”。本文从人物塑造、语言特色以及舞台设计等方面分析了这部戏剧的现实主义特色和悲剧特点,对剧中的现实主义元素进行了归纳和分析,试图从新的角度来解读这......
苏格拉底之死与西方文化宿命 公元前399年,年逾七旬的希腊哲学家苏格拉底被雅典法庭判处了死刑,罪名有两条:其一是苏格拉底喜欢探究天上世间各种稀奇古怪的知识,并且以此教导青年,蛊惑人心;其二是苏格拉底不信传统的■ ,企图引进......
一、丝绸之路的概念及意义 (一)丝绸之路的概念 丝绸之路是一个文化复合概念,既属于自然科学范畴,又属于社会科学范畴。广义的丝绸之路指从上古开始陆续形成的,遍及欧亚大陆、北非、东非的远途商业贸易和文化交流线路的总称。狭......
[提要] 建设“丝绸之路经济带”已得到有关国家的认可,要建设“丝绸之路经济带”,就必须发展现代化物流体系,以发挥物流的基础性作用。新形势下,自古就是丝绸之路主要地区的西北五省都提出在建设“丝绸之路经济带”的过程中各自的建......
[摘 要]1861年太平军在浙江与清兵作战,绍兴知府廖宗元自杀身亡,为何这位知府未与太平军交手就选择自杀成为一个历史谜团。本文从浙江各地县志记载和《能静居》日记还原历史真实。 [关键词]绍兴知府;廖宗元;太平军;胡雪岩 谈到......
摘 要:2000多年前,中国与东南亚各国就开通了海上丝绸之路,从古到今,不论从中国何处出发,南中国海都是必经之路。悠悠丝路,贯通海南,内沟航线和外沟航线见证了丝路兴盛,也为我们留下了极为珍贵的南海水下文化遗产。新时期下,环......
激活丝绸之路:430亿美元的政治经济值 丝绸之路系统的复活与再生将为中亚、东欧等国提供机会,同时也能让没有出海口的欧亚大陆腹地和贫瘠地区分享全球化带来的好处。 ——联合国亚太经社会(ESCAP)交通运输部门负责人巴里·凯布尔......
[摘要]本文主要结合“朔方翔鹰――草原丝绸之路文物珍宝展”策展实践,介绍了博物馆文物展览策划的具体流程,并就具体陈展过程中应注意的问题作了探讨。 [关键词]丝绸之路;文物策展;草原文化 先谈这次展览的主标题。标题是观众......
摘 要:通过提取陕甘段古民居建筑形象,补充完善“丝绸之路”的整体框架,而且丰富其内涵,并通过展示“丝绸之路”上的古民居建筑形象,体现古“丝绸之路”上民居建筑的建造特点。 关键词:丝绸之路;古民居 “丝路研究”由来已久......
从2009年1月1日起,所有死刑案件核准权都将收归最高人民法院,由最高人民法院统一行使。 专家表示,这是我国20多年来在最严厉的刑罚——死刑上最重大的改革,是尊重保障人权、防止冤假错案的关键一步。 “坏人神气,好人受气”严重犯罪......
摘 要:中国提出的与东盟共建新海上丝绸之路的倡议,使得传统的“海上丝绸之路”概念焕发出时代活力,这将是当前及未来一段时间中国力推的战略构想。这一战略应超越“遏制―制衡”的“相对主义”思维模式,定位于实现“互构的普遍主义......
丝绸图案设计,它是把自然界美的形象,根据人们的要求在丝绸上进行再现,也是提高人民生活水平,美化人民生活不可缺少的手段。如何通过精心描绘和印制工艺把美的东西再现在丝绸上,图案设计题材的选择是十分重要的。 一、选材的重要性......