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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-08-05 22:32:40
时间:2023-08-05 22:32:40     小编:


关键词: 吉祥物;奖牌;火炬;会徽;开(闭)幕式

中图分类号: G 811.21文章编号:1009783X(2015)06054606文献标志码: A

Abstract:By using the research methods of comparison and literature review, this paper makes analysis on the cultural creativity in the Winter Olympic Games in Torino, Vancouver and Sochi.The main purpose is to provide the beneficial enlightenment for the 2022 Winter Games in China.Through comparison, it is found that there are some common and unique characteristics in the cultural and creative designs of the three Winter Olympics.The common features are:1) all three Olympics drew creativity from the past ones;2) they are all designed with two cultural clues which are “the history and the modern” and “the nation and the world”;and 3) technology and art are the major means used in all three Winter Olympics.The unique features are:the spiritual pursuit of art is the main theme of the Torino Winter Olympics;the Vancouver Games attached more importance to the publication of mass cultural spirit of sport for all;and the Sochi Olympic stressed on the cultural psychology of the national revival.The experience drawn from the abovementioned Winter Olympics will surely provide beneficial reference for the bidding and organizing Winter Olympics in China.The cultural creativity of the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics should focus on the national image construction and dissemination based on the nature and trend of the Olympic movement, in consideration of the situation of the social reform and development in China, by grasping the unique features and making highlights, so as to promote the overall level of the sports culture creativity in the context of the Winter Olympics.

Keywords:mascot;medal;torch;emblem;opening and closing ceremonies

奥林匹克运动作为体育与文化完美结合的庆典,包含着众多的文化元素,举办奥运会不仅是国家执政力、经济水平与体育实力的整体展现,更是文化创意能力的重要体现。通过对奖牌、吉祥物、会徽、开幕式、闭幕式等文化符号的设计来表达一个城市、国家、民族的文化积淀与创新。换言之,奥运会作为一个泛文化意义的超大规模的创意活动集合,已成为传播国家形象、展示国家文化软实力的重大实践方式。时值我国承办2022年冬奥会,习总书记明确提出“以冬奥会重燃冰雪运动热情,带动3亿人从事冰雪运动”的战略目标[1]。可以预见,未来一段时期有关冬奥会文化创意的研究与实践将成为我国体育工作的重点。鉴于此,以都灵、温哥华、索契3届冬奥会为实例,通过对奥运会中创意元素最为集中的5大文化符号,即会徽、吉祥物、奖牌、火炬、开(闭)幕式进行对比研究,探寻冬奥会文化创意发展的规律和特点,并从中获得经验和启示,为我国承办冬奥会提供有益借鉴。 另外一类是隐性失误。即虽然没有直接造成视觉上的失误,但却令人产生感受上的不足。如都灵冬奥会开幕式,导演几乎动用了一切艺术和技术手段,试图在一夜之间在全球开一堂“意大利文化艺术启蒙课”,但唯独缺少了开幕式最为重要的元素――简单而又震撼人心的创意。而都灵冬奥会开幕式就显得相对复杂一点,让人无从下手,不知道该了解什么,也不知道该记住什么。











[10]网易体育频道.2014年索契冬奥会火炬 灵感来源于凤凰涅[EB/OL].[20151015].http://sports.163.com/14/0121/17/9J4MGTEM00051CAQ.html.








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