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格式:DOC 上传日期:2013-12-17 17:27:44
时间:2013-12-17 17:27:44     小编:

Abstract: This text bases on inspanidual's acting on my own, coming with the understanding and view of the society and it’s value , law and inspanidualism’s reorientation as the springboard of the justice of this text, named the second part of this article. Following the third , the fourth and the fifth part, on the basis of drawing lessons from the theory view of the famous philosopher and the jurist of the ancient, and with my own personal understanding of my life, I talk separately about the freedom ,the equality and the justice’s development XiaoShi,real intension and launch to the modern meaning of the society each of them. In order to pursue and achieve the goal of knowing to the three tentatively. The focal point of this text is the sixth part ,I just analyze the freedom and the equal’s paradox and the conflict between them .Meanwhile, on the basis of the objective requirement of the modern justice and the real situation of the nation, I discuss their concurrences for further study, especially how they are in our country according to the special cases.KeyWords: Freedom Equality Justice Understanding 正义之平等与自由解读1 引言作为人之生存与发展的首要价值,自由与平等以及与其紧密相关的社会正义问题一直是人类非常关注而又颇感揪心的问题。这样的东西并不需要很深的逻辑推理,也不需要进行理论研究的升华,而是在实际生活过程中触手可及,无处不在的社会现象,这是人类生活于世无意或有意置身于此的无奈,是每个人必须面对的一种实实在在的生活。

“这不公平”,像这样再平常不过的话语,即使只算一种牢骚,却并不阻止我对于其“公平”本身的思考,但我又疑惑于卢氏之“人生来就是自由的,但却无往不在枷锁之中”,以及何为正义?怎样才能最大程度地实现正义?在自由与平等二元价值并存与冲突之中,怎样为了正义而相得益彰地处理二者的关系?这些萦绕在耳际的问题一直困扰着我,迫使我不得不就此深入下去。2 正义的出发点:个体自主



于是,那种原始状态便不能继续维持;并且人类如果不改变其生存方式,就会消灭。” 。

“然而,人类不能产生新的力量,而只能是结合并运用已有的力量;所以人类便没有别的办法可以依存,除非是集合起来形成一种力量的总和才能够克服这种阻力,由一个唯一的动力把它们发动起来,并使它们共同协作。” 。



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