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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-12 01:40:46
时间:2022-12-12 01:40:46     小编:

Discussion on Development of Gas-fired Heating,Power and Cooling Cogeneration System in ChinaCHAI Qin-hu1, GENG Ke-cheng1,2,FU Lin1,JIANG Yi1 (1.Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;2.China Huadian Engineering Corporation,Beijing 100044,China)Abstract:By analyzing the energy-saving and environmental protection of gas-fired heating and power cogeneration system and gas-fired heating,power and cooling cogeneration system in China,it is pointed out that large-scale combined gas and steam cycle system is even more superior to medium-scale and small-scale gas-fired heating,power and cooling cogeneration system,and the energy-saving of gas-fired heating and power cogeneration system is still better than that of gas-fired cooling and power cogen-eration system.The application scope of medium-scale and small-scale gas-fired heating,power and cooling cogeneration system is discussed.Key words:gas-fired heating and power cogeneration system; gas-fired heating,power and cooling cogeneration system; energy-saving; environmental protection 随着天然气在中国的推广应用,燃气热电冷联产技术开始引起广泛的关注[1~7],这种技术可以充分利用机组的余热,因此系统的综合热效率较高,而且这种技术可以缓解城市用电高峰,实现城市燃气季节性峰谷差和电力负荷峰谷差的互补。对于燃煤热电联产,我国政府一直比较重视和支持的[8],但是对于燃气热电冷联产应该如何看待,目前学术界看法不一。


1 燃气热电联产和热电冷联产的分析1.1 节能的比较 在分析我国燃气热电冷联产系统时,我们将比较的基准确定为热、电、冷全部由燃气分产的模式实现。电力由大型燃气蒸汽联合循环实现;热力由燃气锅炉实现;考虑到电制冷的效率远远高于吸收式制冷机的效率,采用电制冷。





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