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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-08-05 11:40:26
时间:2023-08-05 11:40:26     小编:

A stag went for an outing with his family in a jungle. Suddenly, his antlers got caught in the branches. The stag struggled hard, but could not free himself. His wife and baby kept on watching helplessly. The stag thought, “Everything was fine till now. Now, I am stuck. We won’t be able to reach home until I have my antlers free. How unlucky I am!” The stag struggled for some more time but he was exhausted. He finally gave up. The stag kept cursing his fate all the night.

The next morning, a woodcutter cut down the branches and set the stag free. The stag thanked him and rushed back home with his family. On reaching home, he was shocked to learn that a pack of lions had attacked their area the previous day. Many lives were lost. Within the flash of a second, the stag realized that he and his family were saved because his antlers had got caught in the branches. The moments which he considered to be the worst period turned out to be the most fortunate for him.





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