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Has anyone seen Jessica Jenkins

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-08-07 16:25:15
Has anyone seen Jessica Jenkins
时间:2023-08-07 16:25:15     小编:

What’s the basic story line?

Jessica Jenkins always thought she was a regular kid. Then, one day, she gets the surprise of a lifetime―you can’t see her even if she is in front of you! With the help of her best friend, Izzy, Jessica goes on a search to discover the cause of her new power. Along the way, she gets caught up in shocking secrets: a person being taken away secretly, trying to find him/her, and a task to keep some superpower out of the wrong hands.

The characters in this book are, for the most part, believable. Some of their back stories, like Izzy’s and Tom’s, go a bit unexplained, though. Others, like Jessica’s and Max’s, are well developed. Overall, the characters in this book act and speak the way kids like them would do in real life.

Who would like this book?

Anyone who likes realistic fiction with a fantastic twist would enjoy this book. The book is a fantasy story without the strange creatures and crazy settings. The characters are normal kids who happen to be dealing with superpowers.

I would grade this book an 8 out of 10. The characters are entertaining and the book has a good plot and theme. However, the plot gets a bit confusing toward the middle, when Jessica’s powers are being explained.


fantasy n. 虚幻故事

twist n. 曲折

scale n. 刻度

plot n. 情节



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