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下面以一节江苏省(2013年)读写训练课的优质课为例,分析读写训练中的铺垫与生成。该堂课的授课对象为连云港市某四星级高中二年级的学生,语言输入材料――“What is life?”(文章详见教学月刊网站www.jxyk.com“资料下载”栏目中的“原文选登”)是一篇富有哲理的叙事散文,讲述了一位开朗、诙谐、勇毅、积极向上的87岁老太太Rose,通过努力完成大学课程并获得学位,最后在睡梦中安然离世的经历。在这节课上,来自南京外国语学校的杨梦老师安排了六个教学环节:读前情境导入、整体理解文本、读后思想性铺垫、写前发展性铺垫、生成性输出与评价、课堂小结与提升。通过这六个环节,杨老师诱导并引领学生完成了语言陈述性知识向程序性知识的转换,在高质量的语言输入―内化―输出过程中,达到即时性生成,产生了积极的情感共鸣。以下是课例实录,经与杨梦老师协商,在生成性输出与评价环节略作修改,小标题为作者添加。



T: What do you think the picture is about?

S1: A man growing from young to old.

S2: A person growing up and growing old.

T: The process happens to everyone, no exception, and it’s unavoidable. (板书: unavoidable)


What is life?

They say it’s from B to D.

From Birth to Death.

But what is between B and D?

It’s a C.

So what is a C?

It’s a CHOICE.

Our life is a matter of choices.

Live well and it will never go wrong.

T: What is a C in your eyes?

S3: Change.

S4: Challenge.

S5: Choose.

【简析】在此环节,杨老师在话题情境中引出主题Life―Growing old is unavoidable and growing up is optional. 她适时推出一首小诗,调动学生主动阅读的积极性,通过对“C”的个性化理解,在师生互动中生成change, challenge和choose,同时,她也巧妙地为后续的语言输出(学生用英语写一首小诗)做了文体结构上的指导性铺垫。


在学生自主阅读文本之前,杨老师让学生带着任务――回答四个W(who, when, what, why)快速浏览全文,找寻文本中的基本要素,然后要求用一句话对整体文义进行概述。

T: Who is the hero of the story? S: Rose.

T: When the story happened, how old was she?

S: 87.

T: What did Rose do at the age of 87?

S: Going to college.

T: Why did she go to college at such an old age?

S: To realize her dream.

在对上述四个陈述性问题所进行的探讨与解决之后,学生将四个答案串联起来,自然而然就完成了一句话概述:At the age of 87, Rose went to college to realize her dream.

在此基础上,杨老师用问题“What kind of person is Rose?”引导学生进行小组互动式交流,讨论主人公的为人和品格,并填写句子:Rose is a/an _________ lady.

在个体与群体的思维碰撞中,学生个性化地从感性层面逐渐步入理性层面,他们描述Rose 的词有:friendly, kind, thoughtful, wise, generous, determined, humorous, talkative, energetic, easygoing, enthusiastic, optimistic ... 接着,杨老师带着学生赏析一首小诗――“A friend”。

A friend

A friend is like a flower,

a rose to be exact.

A friend is like a heart

that goes strong

until the end.

【简析】在这一环节,杨老师安排了6分钟的学生自读时间,学生借助掠读,对文本进行整体理解,通过四个基本问题的互动式探讨,水到渠成地完成了一句话概述。她用导向性问题“What kind of person is Rose?”引领学生去发散思维,提高自主阅读的层次,借助小组互动和师生互动,对主人公Rose进行多方位描述。她和学生一道赏析第二首小诗“A friend”,为后续的读后思想性铺垫做好心理准备。



T: Read out the sentence and tell us why you like it.

S1: The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. I like it because I want to make my life less regretful when I grow old.

S2: Growing old is unavoidable, but growing up is optional. I like it because everyone has to grow up.

T: And what do you think will help us grow up?

S2: We can make choices to make ourselves grow up.

S3: We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. I like it because we should not stop playing when we study and work if we want to live a beautiful life.

S4: We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. I like this sentence because when we choose to get help from others, we can say we have lived well in the world; when we choose to give help to others, we can say we have lived a great and meaningful life.

T: As teenagers, what can we give to other people personally?

S4: Help.

T: Now, as to friendship, I’d like to listen to your opinions.

S5: I feel that you first have to be a friend if you want to have a friend.

T: Yeah! To be a friend is to give because giving is the best way to receiving.


Growing old is unavoidable, but growing up is optional.

The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change, having no regrets.

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.


What is life?

Life is growing up.

Life is having no regrets.

Life is giving.




(1) It’s better to look back upon life

and say

I can’t believe I did that

than to say

I wish I did that.


You get the best

from others

when you give

the best of yourself.

T: Now, let’s do further thinking, within 3 minutes, considering the two poems above, turn to my question: What’s the true meaning of life?

之后,她以“What is life to you”为题,让学生在思考后进行互动交流。同时,她用PPT打出自己创作的小诗,作为样本。

As for me,

Life is like

a cup of coffee,

sweet, bitter,

and sour.

Life is like a mirror,


what you show it

and what you did.




T: Poem is a best way to express your emotions or ideas. What is life to you? Write your ideas into a short poem.




Life is a glass of clear water,

You can make it taste sweet or bitter.

So, no matter what condition you are in,

The taste of water just depends on yourself!

So the first thing in it is one more heart,

And when your time is near, you look back on,

You will have a peaceful smile on your face!


S1: Thoughtful! Because nothing is hard for us if we put our hearts into it!

S2: Colorful! I think we should make life colorful!

S3: Meaningful! Especially the words―the taste of water just depends on yourself. I agree with it.

T: What can you remember in her poem? We ourselves decide the taste of water!





在呈现图1的情景下,杨老师问学生:What is life in our eyes? 师生经过探讨达成共识:Everything makes up our life. No matter what we meet in our life, the first thing we must do is to be positive.



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