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时间:2023-05-19 00:58:12     小编:


Key Words

Hester; Camilla; love; comparison; feminist consciousness

摘 要




The Scarlet Letter represents the height of Hawthorne’s literary genius. The Puritan setting enables Hawthorne to portray the human soul under extreme pressures. Hester is the heroine of Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. She makes the way to rebellion not only in her thought but also in her action. As a woman, she always wants to find consolation and enjoyment from her husband or lover. She admires and seeks for the ideal marriage. Hester is eager to gain brightness and freedom. But her heart is always full of contradiction and grief. The punishment of Puritanism and humiliation of the people make her merely crazy. It is a pity that Dimmesdale’s cowardice and Puritanism’s restraint lead her life to a tragic ending. In a sense, as a woman suffering from spirit sorrow, she is still loyal to Dimmesdale. She is a good model for the women of new generation. From her, people can know about the intrinsic meaning of true love.

Camilla, as a controversial Princess, lives in Modern English royal family. By comparison with Hester, she is also a rebellious woman to fight against the royal family and the public. Camilla is older than Charles and a spanorced woman, which makes it difficult for them to marry. But the intense love between them has spanned decades. It is a tale that has reached almost Shakespearian heights of passion, misery and betrayal. Their marriage thrusts them back into the spotlight which examines how they are kept apart by the royal family. But when the marriage between Charles and Diana ends, Camilla is regarded as a villain by the press.

Both Hester and Camilla are rebels, struggling against the loveless marriages. This paper mainly analyzes their views of love by comparison, from the aspects of their different backgrounds, characters, rebellious spirits, views of love and results. From their views of love, people can know the reasons to result in their different fates and results. It’s easy to find that Hester’s thought is full of religious mistrial atmosphere and fatalism. This kind of religious thought envelops her whole life. Camilla cannot give in English royal family and the public. Nothing can shake her belief—loves Charles very much.

I. The Different Backgrounds of Hester and Camilla

Different backgrounds signify different fates, just like Hester and Camilla. Although their backgrounds are so different, the attitude to seek true love is the same—breaking through traditional concepts and secular prejudices and seeking their true love.

A. The Influence of Puritanism upon Hester’s Poor Fate

Hester— the heroine of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, who values private self, pursuing personal freedom, humanity dignity, inspanidual rights and so on, gives a heavy punch upon puritan society. The letter “A” functions as her passport into religions where other women dare not tread. Hester has been portrayed as an intelligent and capable woman. It is the extraordinary circumstances shaping her that make her become such an important figure. She is the most controversial person. To a profound extent, she symbolizes a revolution.

As a woman, she indulges herself, on behalf of human vulnerability and sadness. For the secular, she commits adultery, but as a devout puritan, she has also run counter to the religious rules. Pearl is just Hester in miniature—craze, despair, emotional resistance and headstrong temperaments. She has been married, but she has never loved. When she and Dimmesdale make love, the organs of sense are wakening by love. She comes to realize the true meaning as a woman. Therefore, she is eager to seek her true love. Her rebellious attitude and courage for the world not only confess her indulgence, but also collect her love in her heart. Thus, human and religious contradictions become the focus. She is a devout puritan in essence, just because of great vitality, makes mistakes and has to suppress her desires. Dimmesdale and She don’t play frivolous game, her crime is the result of humanity’s extending, which doesn’t mean abandoning religion, just because humanity and religious doctrine conflict.

The novel exposes capitalist development, the brutal social codes, religious deceptions and moral hypocrisies in the nineteenth-century era. Hester is written in a high moral heroine in disguise. But English traditions and prejudices are engraved on their minds: weak in numbers, but strong in spirit.

Puritans live unrealistic lives that are horrifyingly rigid and that lead those to act definitely on the outside of love. They advocate being faithful with their rather gloomy outlook of life. Although Hawthorne doesn’t personally show the view of puritan life, the problem of sin is obvious in his works. The Scarlet Letter is an American classical literature, a psychological melodrama about the cruel and unusual punishment of original sin committed out of love. The novel suggests that American romanticism adapt to American Puritanism. The theme is that guilt or sin will be punished whether you face or hide it. It puts forward a question that whether Hester admits her sin or not, and her love is really sinful. The dominant concern in the novel is the moral, emotional, and psychological effect on the people in general and those implicate in it in particular. Puritanism is the ultimate reason that influences on Hester’s whole life.

American Puritanism stresses predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limits to gain atonements from God’s grace. It is based on the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden. Hester’s adultery is viewed as a threat to the Puritan community in which she lives. As is known to all, sin and knowledge are linked in the Judeo-Christian tradition. The Bible begins with the story of Adam and Eve who are expelled from the Garden of Eden for eating of the fruit of the trees of the garden and knowing good and evil. Adam’s degeneration makes people have original sins, but it also gains God’s grace. God’s grace has double standard, parallel justice and charity, and love with the law. That is why Puritans wants Hester to wear “A”. Namely, we shouldn’t forget requirements of God’s justice while we gain God’s grace. Legal sanction is necessary, because Adam’s degeneration has already made rationality and emotion be parted. Thus it loses God’s integrity faith. It is difficult for novelist to identify some helpless relief. Hester and Dimmesdale’s story is like the story of Adam and Eve’s. After falling in love in an instant, there is the myth of human origin, and there is also evil. The experience of Hester and Dimmesdale recalls the story of Adam and Eve, because in both cases, sin results in expulsion and suffering. But it also results in knowledge, especially, in knowledge of what it means to be human. When Hawthorne chooses a potential human love to explore the “evil”, he has never let himself get rid of confusions and contradictions.

As Adam said: “This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.” And to the woman he said: “Great will be your pain in childbirth; in sorrow will your children come to birth; still your desire will be for your husband, but he will be your master.” (Duan Qi, 1994, 55).

This opinion affects women’s status in society. Religion aggravates the inequalities between men and women, at the same time it supports men’s great atrocities to women. It is precisely because of women subordinate status which has been designated that they suffer from the gender discrimination. Religious prejudice and secular moral punishment let them pay a heavy price. Whatever they are ancestral sins, moral sins or social sins, Hawthorne’s works all dig deeply into the dark sides of human nature The Scarlet Letter scrutinizes early American puritanical society which shows how rigid, suffocating and hypocritical it could be. Hester rebels against the Puritan ethic and longs for real life, with genuine wholesome values based on love, not on controlling. Namely, she is the opposite extreme of the puritans.

B. Condemn From Royal Family and the Public towards Camilla

Camilla Parker-Bowles is the second wife of Britain's Prince Charles. She is in modern society, but as a woman, she still doesn’t completely control her life and her true love. She doesn’t still get rid of the secular’s prejudices and church pressures.

What’s more, the royal family is arrogant. A couple being separated is seen as the modern version of Romeo and Juliet. In front of the royal family, history doesn’t progress. However, what is it that makes a man love a woman so much? Believe it or not, it has little to do with sex, even though that is more than likely fantastic. It has to do with comfortable feeling together, making each other laugh and please, and sharing the same interests and hobbies. It has to do with complementing and consolation each other, each half making the other one whole, being soul—mates. Great sex is a by—product of such a relationship. After all, Charles loves Camilla very much. The hostility toward Charles and Camilla doesn’t influence on their relationship.

The public hate Camilla, which don’t influence Camilla’s status in Charles’s heart. However, most people who have an opinion about the future king of Great Britain are very anti-Camilla. She seems to be blamed for the breakup of Charles and Diana’s marriage. She is perceived to be a home wrecker. However, Charles later admits that he and Camilla has been romantically involved .After Diana died in 1997, Camilla becomes Charles's steady companion and partner, amid much public chatter about the propriety of their behaviors and Charles should become king.

Meanwhile, in fact, the purposes of Charles marrying Diana have nothing to do with love. If love happened it was incidental. It has to do with an aging Prince being prodded by mother to marry so the monarchy would around for future generations. To be blunt what the future king of Britain needs is a virgin. And not to impugn the characters of English women, but hot looking and poised virgins from the upper crust families aren’t exactly in great supply. A virgin bride is the only way to ensure the royal genes are carried on to the next generation. There is also the obvious concern that the King or Queen wouldn’t contract sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, which is quite common through much of human history. Camilla fails to qualify in the virginity department. Charles has spent over 30 years dating her and has wanted to marry her, but she is off the list of royal marriage partners because she isn’t a virgin. Apparently, there are concerns that her blood isn’t blue enough. Charles could be a future King and marry a proper British virgin or could abdicate, marry the woman he loves.

Camilla’s ordinary appearance and age don’t seem appropriate for a romantic woman. She is distorted by the tabloids endlessly, so she has been casting into the limelight. The public are driven by their own dreams, and think that love should be that women have beautiful appearance, men should have handsome looks. The public allow that old men and young women have romantic love; the middle-aged men and ladies have romantic love, but look down upon the romantic love that men are younger than women. This describes the status inequality between men and women.

Above all, it is known that Hester and Camilla experience the social unequal treatments. They are eager to break through the inequality and live a happy life. They are the good models for the women in new generations.

II. Differences in Character between Hester and Camilla

As a whole, Hester and Camilla are both brave women with strong characteristics and self-esteems. From them, people know that women are eager to seek freedom and happy marriage, but the social pressures and patriarchy system detain their passive hearts. As women in different eras, they have something in common—perseverance and inner charming.

A. Hester’s Guilty Feelings

Hester is a lovely and imaginative young girl when she is married. She needs being loved and accompanied, and longs for a rich and colorful life. But her husband never realizes her feeling and makes her entrap into solitude. So she falls in love with Dimmesdale, from then on, plants the origin of their subsequent sorrows and tortures. According to the moralists, although she is a degraded woman, her so—called degradation should be attributed to her tragic marriage. Apart from that, Puritanism is another cause to her poor fate. The Scriptures demand death for adultery, and the Puritan laws closely follow the Biblical pattern. The Puritan “fathers” stress fidelity in marriage and the sacredness of the family. Thus, the “laws” between by Hester and Dimmesdale are the seventh commandment of Decalogue, and Hester’s crime of adultery can only be punished by death. In Hester’s opinion, even though their marriage ends in a failure, Chillingworth is still her husband and it is immoral to have an intimate relationship with another man. So at an accidental sight of her lost husband, she dares not to face him and is frightened to be asked about the identity of the baby’s father, for she realizes that if she tells the name of the baby’s father, her husband must take revenge against him. That is to say, Hester is a brave and controversial woman. On one hand, she longs for the romantic love. On the other hand, she dares not incompletely betray her husband.

She is a sexy woman with oriental women’s characteristics. As a young and beautiful girl, but get married to a physique abnormal man, she cannot feel the love. After her husband disappeared, the young pastor—Dimmesdale intrudes into her lonely life. She falls in love with him. To her, many unsuspected tendencies of her impulsive and passionate nature are revealed to her. The “oriental characteristics” of her temperament, her ardent love of beauty, her native energy and capacity,—such elements need a strong and wise person to curb and guide them, scarcely disguised by the light of her innocent and womanly charm. Hester, as a social outcast, finds no invitation to repentance in the law that crushes her. The only alter native it offers her is abject self-extinction, or defiance. Man has marked Hester’s sin by a Scarlet Letter, which has such potent and disastrous efficacy that no human sympathy could reach her. Although she sets herself apart from society, she doesn’t have the innocent that allows her to do or say anything without a good excuse.

B. Camilla’s Confidence

Camilla is a socialite by birth and by nature, born into the English elite circle in 1947, like other girls of her station, is groomed for a place in society. Camilla is athletic and enjoys the outdoors and traditions like hunting and fishing. She isn’t particularly clothes-conscious but she always exudes a sexy confidence over men. She never spends much time on her hair or her nails which are always rather stubbly and bitten and dirty. But Camilla is definitely a success in her circle. Charles and Camilla experience a longstanding relationship that continues on- and-off. Finally, Charles is marrying Camilla.

Camilla doesn’t have good looking and grace of the late Princess Diana, but one thing is for sure, unlike the relationship Charles had with Diana, Charles truly loves Camilla. Not many of us are willing to pursue the same woman for over 30 years. Camilla is a blunt, down-to earth, and humorous person. According to her way of living, she is an absolutely confident woman. No matter wherever she always stands up, the strength of a magnet and invincible confidence in her appearance is largely made up disadvantages. She is full of fun in her life. Wherever she is in, she is confident in herself. She is willing to help others, and deeply loves Charles. Her fearless character seems anything goes without saying that she could not yield anything. She is pregnant with a potentiality which may burst out at any time. In her generation, a few people are like Camilla. She is bold, blunt, but is different from the other women at her period. She leaves profound impressions on many people, such as: confidence, dignity, pride, sense of security, a sense of trust, treats each other as equals.

III. Rebellious Spirits

A. Hester’s Three Main Rebellions

1. Insistence on the Guardianship over Pearl

Hester has never abandoned the consideration for freedom in her lonely life. She changes herself from a passionate and emotional woman into a thoughtful woman. She commits a crime, but her honest attitude relative to the male images of hypocrisy in the novels wins people’s sympathies. When the Governor questioned Hester: “What canst do for the child?” Hester, laying her finger on the red token, answered: “God gave her into my keeping and I will not give her up.” With the help of Dimmesdale, she insists on the guardianship over Pearl. And ever since then, her position has changed from a passive one to a positive one. She is a woman with highly challenging and rebellious spirit. She can boldly go to Dimmesdale, said: “What we have done is sacred dedication.” She is also a woman concerning and adapting reality, her ideas dissolves in the real attitude to tolerance of the real life.

2. Disclosing of the Hypocrisy of Chillingworth

Hester is a lonely, rebellious or even radical female image. She not only considers about women’s unequal status, but also shows her inner anger, repression and emotional loss. She becomes the personification of truth, kindness and beauty, her action is sure of love under the oppression of the feudal regime and full recognition of human rights and freedoms. Hester once hides her husband’s true identity, but when she realizes that there is a force damaging Dimmesdale’s sense of peace other than his conscience alone, she meets Dimmesdale in the forest and tells him that the physician is her husband and what he has done is for revenge. Her lover cannot forgive her at first, but he says he forgives Hester finally. In her tremendous loneliness and suffering, she goes to confess her sins, and she gradually forms a tolerant and kind-hearted broad-mindedness. The immoral love cannot make her stop, the human hardship and suffering also cannot crush her, and the present attack still cannot destroy her. She would rather live independently than bow down to men.

3. Encouraging Dimmesdale Fleeing away with her

After she returns from prison, she stands the stigma “A” and keeps the secret of her lover’s name. She raises the baby. After seven-year hard life, Hester doesn’t give up the pursuit of happy life and true love. Her heart is still full of affection for Dimmesdale. She dreams and plans to flee away with him. People should know her passion is alive from the conversation in the forest. She doesn’t repent her real “sin” and doesn’t feel humiliated for wearing the letter “A”. As a woman, suffering from spirit sorrow, she is still loyal to her lover. It’s very valuable.

B. Camilla’s Rebellion

Feminist’s demands for equality have blurred the distinctions between the sexes, creating situations where men are able to dominate women because of their more aggressive and forceful natures.

Rachel Trickett says: “Women, without some code of deference or respect, become increasingly victims” (Mao Fenghua, 2005, 11).

Camilla never gives up fighting for the secular, and she continually loves the Prince. The hostility from the British people cannot crush her. For their true love, she is willing to pay the entire price. World is progressing, Camilla is progressing too.

Camilla always keeps touch with Charles, and she is always Charles’s mistress. Facing condemns from the public and royal family, she doesn’t show the strong struggling. Because she loves Charles, that is the most important.

As women, they should comply with their husbands even if there is no love between them. But Hester and Camilla set the good examples for the new women. They dare fight for the secular for their love and dare pursuit their true love. The era is different, but the essence of struggling is the same: expecting the true love. Love is sweet, but the progress is so hard.

IV. Views of Love by Comparison

Different people have different opinions towards love. Hester and Camilla aren’t the exception.

A. The Influence of Feminism upon Hester’s Attitude to Love

Because of human fragility and sadness, Hester goes into the beautiful trap. In a sense, she ruins two men. She bears so strong punishment in her life, for her love, she pays for the extraordinary cost, such as: suffering insult, persecution, torture and loneliness. It is no easy task. Her dignity and personality is openly trampled. She affords the tremendous punishment, which doesn’t match her fault. Puritan demand for the pure belief but it should not fall into the rigid dogma of abstinence, and should be concerned about the religious essence.

The feminist tendency in The Scarlet Letter has also got people’s attention for many years. From the heroine Hester described by Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter, she seems to be a miniature of a resistant, “a Feminist Angle”, a strong woman looking forward to the equality between men and women.

Hester has permeated with the feminist consciousness that she is a pioneer who seeks freedom, inspaniduality liberation and true love. She is a person with strong perseverance and faithful love. Although she is sentenced by the rulers, she has struggled indomitably for defending their justice and truth, for defending their innocence and purity. She continually is in pursuit of her true love, and considers her love as sacrosanct. Due to the loyal love and specific perseverance, she refuses to tell the identity of her lover and would prefer to confront the harsh reality. With the protection of the lover, to seek the great love, Hester uses an unimaginable courage to support herself. She endures all the pains at present and hasn’t disclosed the name of the baby’s father. Facing to all the difficulties, she hasn’t shown the slightest retreat. The secular society also surrendered the “raped woman” for the first time. “It is to the credit of human nature, that, except where its selfishness is brought into play, it loves more readily than it hates.” (Hawthorne, 2001, 87)

On one hand, love is an eternal topic of mankind and is always one of the best feelings in human life. Their love is in a difficult situation, the novel considers the puritan brutal regime in North America in colonial times as its background. Hester, as committed adultery, she has been thrown into the prison by the puritanical regime, a red character wearing symbolize her stigma in her whole life. Meanwhile, she is despised and discarded by the people for wearing the letter “A”. Love is human nature, but according to Christian doctrine, Adam and Eve eat the fruit of wisdom in the Eden, and then know the sexy happiness and they reproduced the human beings instead of depending on the God, which is a kind of “original sin”. Her pure evil is just because of her sincere love, which has never been crime. Not human nature may make people crime, just because evil tempts the fragile human nature and makes human beings go towards the degeneration and evil. Hawthorne’s feminist tendency is very clear. The recognition for love and religious concepts of consciousness express his unspeakable difficulties everywhere. Although he hates unreasonable marriage, he dare not affirm the “illegal love” and be sure that lovers will be married.

On the other hand, when feelings and responsibilities conflict, Zeus didn’t hesitate to choose responsibilities, which become the methods men do during the male-dominated society, and also become a collective unconsciousness, accumulated in the process, lead to the worst instincts of human. Their love raises Dimmesdale, rather than discrediting him. He doesn’t actually desecrate the religious belief. Their love from motivation to action is not profane. Their love is pure and scared in the sense of the secular and religion.

B. Camilla’s Active Attitude to Her Love

Camilla is a confident woman and deeply loves Charles. Her maturity and rationality wins Charles’s heart. How many people are willing to spend 35 years waiting to marry the person they love? Of course on the grand scheme of things their relationship is nothing but piffle. Maybe it is a tragic life for most people that are willing to spend more than 30 years waiting their true love. Charles should consider his sovereign in the future, instead of his true love. They shouldn’t have to go through life projecting a false version of themselves because of hundreds of years of tradition. It is difficult for them that they get rid of the constraints of royal family. What is more, it is more difficult for them that they marry people they love. The reason that women can attract Charles is not their good looks, just because of their feelings together. It is hoped that Charles and Camilla finally live a happy life and can enjoy a life of bliss together.

People should salute Camilla for her courage in marrying Charles, in spite of her weird and dysfunctional family. Most women are likely to refuse this marriage, because they cannot afford the pressures and responsibilities. But Camilla would stand for it which suggests she loves Charles for marrying the woman he loves, even though his mother disapproves. It doesn’t seem like courage but in the weird world of the royal monarchy what he does require a lot of courage.

For most men, they like to choose beautiful women as their girlfriends or wives. They may spend much time in dressing their wives up. Camilla never spends much time on her hair or her nails, but she attracts Charles. Therefore, Camilla and Charles look unique. They represent what we are not familiar in our times in the world: they represent the sincere feelings, representing sincere understanding, representing the sincere love that is not the trend of the times. It is said that the first love is the most profound and strong and will even affect person’s whole li

fe. So do Camilla and Charles.

As For Camilla, it is believed that love is the force that makes them realize on an emotional level that we are not alone. Love demonstrates that everything that is meaningful in their lives is in the context of a relationship. Whatever she is or is not in the minds of the public, she’s no fresh-faced young girl in her twenties out to rob a wealthy old man. But Charles loves her very much, for some strange reason that alone is a comfort to him.

V. Different Results

Hester and Camilla are in different eras, of course, their experiences are different. Hester doesn’t yield to social pressure and is indifferent to the Puritan moral law and “punishment”. Her silence itself is a speechless protest against the harsh society. However, she cannot completely get rid of religious restraints. She is not a firm rebel because of her compromise. Camilla, as a new generation woman, bears a lot of condemns from the public and royal family. However, she has a firm conviction —loves Charles very much. Nothing can shake her belief. She cannot yield to the public and royal family. So their results are different.

A. Hester’s Tragic Result

This novel openly ends in tragedy, for the secret of Hester and Dimmesdale becomes public knowledge when the minister reveals his adultery and openly accepts Hester and Pearl, who have long suffered in silence. Ironically, Hester is “freed” by the confession, no longer bearing the Scarlet Letter alone. Dimmesdale is also freed, although he dies after the confession, he is finally freed from the guilty of his inner sin. And she dreams some day that women can enjoy equal status with men. Although Hester is strong, brave, hardworking, good, she finally dies in insult, ridicule and indifference. It reveals the inferior status of women in cruel hypocrisy puritanical society. Surviving hardships and the tragic fate, also reflects Hawthorne’s thoughts: he advocates feminism and deeply sympathizes with women who seek romantic love.

Seeking the true love and longing for happy marriage is reasonable requests. However, she is punished by puritan regime for her whole life, wearing a red in public. The church hard life and the rigid dogma restrain Dimmesdale’s hearts for a while. His human nature is to revive, when he sees Hester with slender body, beautiful appearance almost close to human perfection and deep black eyes. Then he defeats the “spanine”, making love with her, but religious spirit as the opiate poisons his soul. A deep-rooted religious idea in his mind has stifled the desire for love and happiness. Their love is regarded as “an affront to the sacred law.” Since he considers himself as a sinner, he should be punished. But he dare not openly afford his responsibility. He is afraid of wearing the character “A” together and fears that God doesn’t forgive him. Therefore, they groan with pain and struggle in despair.

Dimmesdale’s spirit will always be useless remorse for the pain and evil. After suffering from the tortures of soul, he feels exhausted and has become a victim of religious poison. Hester inner confusion, suspicion and craziness have also stirred her head. Due to torture of inner world and external environment, they are doomed to have a tragic life.

He is willing to challenge for the secular and religion! He would like to escape with Hester. They are eager to be in pursuit of the love and enjoy the love, but they fear loss of the paradise. However, he repents in public at last. That is to say, he overcomes prejudices, hypocrisies and so on.

From the fate of Hester and Dimmesdale, people may learn that it avails not the sinner to live a life of saintly deeds and aims, but to be true; not to scourge himself, to wear sackcloth, or to redeem other souls, but openly to accept his shame. The poison of sin isn’t so much in the sin itself as in the concealment; for all men are sinners, but he who conceals his sin pretends a superhuman holiness. All sin is based on selfishness; but the supreme abdication of self, postulated by voluntary and unreserved self-revelation, leaves no further basis for sin to build on. As a result, the sin doesn’t destroy her inward spirit, instead, she gathers her strength and courage, and flourishes the letter “A”.

B. Camilla’s Winning of the Respect and Marrying Charles

Camilla ends in a comedy, because she marries Charles. She makes more efforts to seek her true love. At the same time, Charles never really stops loving Camilla. He refuses to give her up. Through her marriage and his own, they still manage to have their lovers’ relationship. It is believed that their love ranks right up there with the big stories of the centuries.

Whether the recent years of careful planning and control of publicity surrounding this couple have paid off, or whether the public give in to the romanticism of a royal wedding, Camilla’s public approval has improved. She is finally getting to marry the love of her life, Charles. She has waited thirty-five years to make their union legal. Perhaps the most surprising result is that Camilla wins respect in England. Camilla is slammed endlessly by the press for unpolished appearance, but she has been setting style trends.


According to Hester’s and Camilla’s attitudes towards love by comparison, people can know their similarities and differences towards love. They are rebels with unhappy marriages, eager to seek the true love. They are good models for women in new generation.

Hester is a firm and persistent woman who seek freedom, equality, and passion, while she is fettered by religious spirit. She rebels against the Puritanism by an action marked with natural dignity and force of character, as if by her own “free will”. Her rebellion in this phase is argued in a high level. In her era, Hester should have kept adherence to her husband, even she hasn’t a bit love for her husband. But Hester shakes off Puritanical bondage and loves. She doesn’t control her desires intentionally and does everything that she thinks to be worth. The love between them is undoubtedly a violation of both God’s law and social law, but it does not violate the natural law. It is not sinful thing for them to love each other. On the contrary, the Puritan New England is depicted as an intolerant society and the strict moral codes would only lead to cruelty and tragedy. That is a suppression of humanity. In her opinion, their love is full of dignity and grace. But it is a pity that they cannot spend their rest life staying together, which is a tragic result.

As for Camilla, she is internationally known, living the life of a celebrity surrounded by intrusive public interest that makes her the subject of abuse and admiration all at the same time. She is also a rebel. In modern England society, the British royal family cannot permit Princes marrying a spanorced woman. Furthermore, Camilla is older than Charles. The royal family pays more attention to the Prince’s future and the next generation’s blue blood. Nevertheless, Camilla still overcomes all kinds of difficulties and finally marries Charles after more than 30 years. Camilla wins respect from royal family and the public, which is a beautiful ending.


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摘 要:《简・爱》中通过展现女主人公简・爱的整个生活过程和成长历程,描述她所经历的曲折起伏的感情过程,作者通过对其性格和行为的描写表达出了支持独立自主,鼓励追求自我,力求人人平等,不向命运屈服的勇敢顽强精神。在该部作品......
39年,能让一个人发生多少改变?在河南省郑州市的陇海大院里,一群人不离不弃地守望着身患重病的高新海,39年从未间断。 好好照顾你, 陇海大院共同的承诺 1976年7月的一天,樊石头刚下班,看到好朋友王志平气喘吁吁地跑过来说......
摘 要:由郑晓龙执导、孙俪主演的电视剧《甄执》于2012年上映,大获成功。本文主要从“权力”和“爱”两个主题词入手,对电视剧中的主要人物分三类进行分析,探讨其人物性格与命运的关系。 关键词:权力 爱 《甄执》 由郑晓龙执导......
AbstractPride and prejudice is Austin’s great work. Through the discussion of the different marriages and love, the writer demonstrates her concept about love and marriage: love and marriage is closely associated with ......
她和他 父母让空空自由成长,她对很多事情都充满好奇,并乐于尝试。大一入校,空空想买一台单反,就到尼康的销售店内做售货员,学习如何操作;有一阵子比较喜欢吃烤鱼,为了学习制作方法,她就借着在店里做服务员的机会偷师;她做过......
在经济当先的年代,爱情最易流失.其实,经济与爱情是相通的,将经济学的规律与爱情学类比,你会发现其中惊人的相似之处。下面是查字典范文网小编为大家推荐的爱情经济分析论文,供大家参考。 爱情经济分析论文范文一:浅析大学生爱情经济......
" [摘要] 土地是农民财富的重要来源,是农民生存的重要保障,是农民精神的重要寄托,农民真诚的爱着土地。但由于土地束缚了农民的发展空间,成了农民的负担,土地的经营收入不断下降, 土地调整频繁,土地产权模糊, 农民又没有真正意义上的......
平日里,“学霸”给我们的印象就是只知道埋头苦读,但是某大学机械专业的“学霸”赵言可就不一样了。他利用自己的专业来了一场超有创意的表白秀,为爱情添上一分色彩。 今年1月6日晚8时,赵言用无人机向外地赶来的女友呈现了一场最......
〔摘要〕 从基础内涵上来讲,柏拉图与马克思在政治哲学观的根源、哲学与政治的基本关系及哲学对政治的最终影响三方面表现出巨大的差异,而这些差异决定了二者不同的政治哲学观。在政治哲学观的内在逻辑方面,二者分别以“理念”与“个......
1 故障现象 一辆丰田卡罗拉GL1.6轿车,搭载(1ZR-FE)发动机,行驶里程为5万公里,据车主反映,该车工作期间加速无力,且发动机在怠速时发生喘抖,踩下加速踏板,车辆没有动力输出迹象。 2 发动机加速不良故障原因分析 引起该故障......
1.3 观察指标 对比观察两组患者治疗前后的胸骨后疼痛、胃脘痞满、恶心干呕、嘈杂反酸等症状的改善情况,同时采用无痛胃镜检查患者的食管黏膜恢复情况:如果恢复明显,则判定为治疗显效;如果有所恢复,则判定为治疗有效;如果没有恢......
[摘 要]典雅爱情观的产生是多种因素共同作用的结果。从文化层面上说,凯尔特神话、基督教、圣母崇拜都对典雅爱情观的形成产生了影响,都应被看做是其源头。而从社会现实的层面来看,贵族婚姻状况、女性地位等现实因素也为典雅爱情观的......
是在很久以后,她方才知道自己喜欢他。 他们读中学的时候,男生女生还不说话,所以虽然他们高中同学三年,却是在上了大学以后才认识。那是第一年的寒假,同学在母校聚会,大家一起玩一种叫“心慌慌”的纸牌游戏,她第一次玩,一直输......
摘 要:当代社会中,女性的婚姻自主,恋爱自由,对比民国时期我国女性的婚恋情况,我们会有很多启发。本文将从《伤逝》和《十八春》的对比中关注中国女性的思想转变,和她们的婚恋观念。通过比较子君与顾曼桢的人生观、性格和她们的婚......
[ 论文 关键词]简爱 苔丝 宗教思想 悲观情绪 [论文摘要]简爱和苔丝均出身贫苦,一生与命运抗争.追求自尊、独立和幸福,但俩人命运却截然不同。本文试从作者创作思想、故事情节及人物性格 发展 等角度做了简要分析和比较。 ......
不久前的一天早晨,我在布拉格从不安的睡梦中醒来,发现自己变成了一名怀揣使命的游客,不再是1990年代在布拉格旅居三年期间的那个我。 那时候,我对这座城市以及出生于此的作家弗朗茨・卡夫卡的所有印象都是消极的。我对把卡夫卡商......
摘 要:从我国新会计准则实施之后,资产负债观和收入费用观上都出现了明显的变化,人们对其的认识程度不断增强。新会计准则下的新理念不断出现,这些理念对会计信息的质量以及会计工作的内容产生了严重的影响。因此,需要从资产负债观......
一、 中拉经贸进入新常态 (一)货物贸易:超高速增长期终结 进入新世纪以来,中国同拉美和加勒比地区(以下简称拉美)取得飞快发展。 特别是在金融危机发生之前(2000-2008年),中拉贸易年均增速高达38%,比中国对外贸......
摘 要 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚早期创作的一部浪漫主义爱情悲剧。这部剧作反映了文艺复兴时期,英国资本主义浪漫爱情与传统的社会阶层之间的矛盾,具有深刻的历史意义。本文针对《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的爱情悲剧进行了有效的分析......
摘要 爱情是人类历史上永恒不变的话题,是人类文学创作中经久不衰的题材。许多赫赫有名的文学家都把自己对爱情的独特看法融入自己的作品之中,创作出了许许多多关于爱情的佳作。欧・亨利的《爱的奉献》、《麦琪的礼物》便是这样的两篇......
【摘 要】三毛的作品就是三毛的一生。最为人津津乐道的便是她传奇的爱情。纵观她短暂的年岁,她一路都在追寻爱情。勇敢,智慧。无疑她获得了最真的爱情,最让人羡慕的自由生活。即使最后仍然充满遗憾,但没有遗憾的爱情是不存在,缺失......
小仙女,水妖精,亦正亦邪,折了谁的腰? 天使面,魔鬼身,亦醉亦醒,湿了谁的身? 嫩模弗拉达,冰肌玉骨,倩影翩翩。雁过无痕,乳过留香,三分姿色两分愁。遥望两山多少梦,乌发缠绵最相思。 ......
摘 要:《杨柳清风》是英国作家肯尼斯・格雷厄姆创作的儿童文学经典。小说主要围绕鼹鼠、河鼠、老獾和蟾蜍展开,讲述了它们曲折的历险故事,颠扑不破的友谊以及温馨动人的生活。在词汇选择上,译者融进口语化十足的叠词、叹词、拟声词......
浅谈《内战的预感》 与 《格尔尼卡》 的差异比较分析
一、创作历史背景的差异性 《内战的预感》是西班牙超现实主义画家达利的作品, 其主旨是远离现实与理性, 回到原始, 注重人们的无思想意识活动,强调抛弃有逻辑次序的己知的基础为现实中的形象, 把实际想法与潜在意识的梦相结合的方法。......
论文关键词:米兰·昆德拉 “新写实” 叙事姿态 叙事态度 叙事气度 叙事姿势 论文摘要:米兰·昆德拉与中国“新写实”都借小说通过对人类“生存状况”的关注,来“破译自我”,完成对今天人类生存状况的审视与批判,这使得二者在......
一、引言 作为连接东方与西方的桥梁,中东欧这一全球重要的新兴市场覆盖了从波罗的海到爱琴海、从亚平宁半岛边缘至黑海西岸共近150万平方公里的广袤土地和约1.2亿人口。中东欧国家是丝绸之路经济带建设中的重要组成部分。加强中国中东......
11代车型畅销40多年,卡罗拉缔造了一个4000万辆的销售神话。全新的卡罗拉搭载8挡CVT变速器,信心满满地续写传奇。 丰田一直以来都以实用和可靠来俘虏消费者的心,作为一个德系车的拥趸也不得不承认这一点。更低的油耗和更省心的使用......
关键词:玉米 品种 对比 筛选 前言 玉米是我省主要粮食作物之一。近年来,食品业、工业、畜牧业都有以玉米为原料的玉米深加工行业,玉米经济价值增高,玉米种植面积不断增加,产量高,效益好,但我省种植玉米品种较多,品种特性各有......
米拉养过一只小兔子, 小兔子白白的,吃起萝卜来咔嚓咔嚓。 米拉盼着它快点长大, 然后,他们一起去森林里,寻找小兔子从前的家。 可是,有一天,小兔子自己跑走了。米拉找遍了草丛,也没找到它! 米拉喂过一只小仓鼠, ......
摘 要:罗伯特・彭斯是苏格兰民歌的拯救者、复活者;他的诗歌富有音乐性, 吟唱性;他的诗歌充满了激进的民主、自由的思想;他的许多歌颂友谊和怀旧的抒情诗歌中,体现了诗人对家乡、对劳动人民、对民主自由、对友情和爱情的博爱情怀......
悦读导语:有一种爱,不图回报,只为能有人因为被爱而有所改变;有一种爱,不用央求,它们会自发赶来,温暖别人;有一种爱,充满力量,能够改变一开始难以撼动的沉重。卡什拉18号,就是这一种爱的聚集地。 卡什拉大街位于美国宾夕法......
【摘 要】从不同地域、不同文化背景对中泰拉祜族亲属称谓的异同进行比较分析,有助于对拉祜族亲属称谓进行深入分析。 【关键词】澜沧拉祜族;清莱拉祜族;亲属称谓;比较 拉祜族是跨境民族,主要分布在中国、缅甸、老挝、泰国等国......
摘要:马斯洛的需求层理论科学的划分了人类行为背后的动机,本文试从马斯洛需求层次角度分析艾丽丝・门罗的著名短篇小说《逃离》中女主人公卡拉的两次逃离背后的动机,和造成两次逃离不同结果的原因。 关键词:艾丽丝・门罗;需求层......
西班牙设计师亚米・海因(Jaime Hayon)在结束贝纳通Fabrica 3D设计部门的负责人工作后,开始了自己的独立设计,并以艺术家的身份为诸多品牌进行过跨界设计。2005年,他因著名的浴室系列AQHayon而声名鹊起。在随后很短的时间里,亚米......
建议广大女性去读一读毛姆的名著《月亮和六便士》,这当然是一本讲梦想的书,但它也可以是一本情感指南――把毛姆降格成陆琪,文青们会打我吗? 书中的男主角查尔斯,是伦敦股票经纪人,40岁的某天,留下一张“晚饭我准备好了”的纸条......
摘要 在“三下”开采中,对安全生产的要求很高,随着灾害防范意识的提高和措施的加大,地表动态沉陷的研究越来越被重视。FLAC数值模拟软件在模拟非线性、大变形和动态问题时效果更为明显,本文应用FLAC软件对不同开采情况下的地表下沉......
[摘 要]卡拉OK著作权争议实际上针对的是卡拉OK经营者未经许可放映MTV这一行为,应根据具体内容来判断其究竟属于以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品还是录像作品。当前,卡拉OK著作权保护在收费标准、许可费分配、取证方式、争议解决以及......
[关键词] 一带一路 深圳 发展机遇 [作者简介] 陈朝萌(1975 ― ),湖南醴陵人,深圳职业技术学院副研究员,研究方向:物流管理、发展战略。 一、深圳在21世纪海上 丝绸之路战略中的定位 作为我国改革开放的窗口,深圳经过30多......
单金纳米棒的光散射分析化学: 径向比与分析灵敏度的关系
1 引言 局域表面等离子体共振(localized surface plasmonresonance, LSPR)是指入射光与比其波长小的金属纳米颗粒作用, 引起纳米颗粒表面自由电子与特定入射光相同频率的振荡. 由于 LSPR 的存在, 金属纳米颗粒显示出独特的光吸收及散射......
摘 要: 本文立足于《荆棘鸟》与《穆斯林的葬礼》两部小说文本,运用平行研究的方法,从宗教和性格两个方面分析两部小说爱情悲剧成因的相似点。 关键词: 小说《荆棘鸟》 小说《穆斯林的葬礼》 爱情悲剧 相似之处 小说《荆棘鸟》是澳......
【摘 要】卡拉瓦乔的绘画技法,提升了文艺复兴以来被被广泛应用的光影因素,形成独具特色的明暗对照光影画法。他根据需要将光投射到画面主体,为主题服务。创造性的用一种强调明暗对比的酒窖光线画法,对后世产生深远影响。 【关键......
舞我心灵之感受,舞我情感之喜忧。身体在动作,内心在诉说。听我者,我心中之神灵;懂我者,我的筋骨和肉体。这是笔者在芭蕾舞学习和教学中获得的最深刻的内心感受。 每个人在人类社会的生命旅途中都有两条路要走:一条是人类集体文明诞......
1 故障现象 该卡罗拉轿车为我校的一台教学用车,搭载(1ZR-FE)发动机。负责车辆管理的老师反映,该车在上个班级上课用完后,就出现了发动机怠速转速过低,抖动厉害。经试车检验,发动机能正常起动,且冷车发动机能正常怠速运转,开空调......
" 一、微观财政政策范畴的界定 长期以来,人们习惯于将财政政策一般地理解为政府审慎地利用其权力,根据对宏观经济形势的分析判断,有意识地变动财政收支,以实现充分就业、稳定物价、经济增长和国际收支平衡等宏观目标的政策。显然,......
摘 要:爱情是人类最为重要的情感之一,是一种主观而抽象的感情。人们通常会用一些概念隐喻表达这种微妙的情感。对于概念隐喻的研究为人们提供了一个表达情感的新的视角。本篇文章主要从中英文概念隐喻的共同点和不同点两方面比较论述......
陕西伊斯兰文化与阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的比较分析 【摘 要】 本文从理论与实践结合的角度分析了陕西伊斯兰文化与阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的异同、共同之处:如强调伊斯兰教的“六大信仰”,都重视“五门功课”的实践功修,都具有东方文化的共同特点......
关键词:玉米 干种 芽种 不同播期 前言:玉米是全世界播种面积仅次于小麦、水稻而位居第三位,在我国玉米的播种面积很大,分布很广,是我国北方主要粮食产品之一。年产量约1.6亿吨,位居世界第二。探讨在不同种子类型及不同播期情况......
摘 要:《波西米亚女郎》是薇拉・凯瑟早期的代表作。小说揭示出物质化文明进程和工业化渗透对乡村和人性带来的影响,同时折射出凯瑟对乡村―都市的复杂情感:既无法割舍与土地的血脉联系,又向往都市。 关键词:物质化 工业化 乡村......
摘 要 传统管理理念在企业长久以来的管理实践中,起到了一定指导作用,但随着经济发展与经济体制的变化,企业面对的外部环境也发生着重大改变,以往的企业管理理论对于新形势下的企业管理所起到的积极作用已不再明显。基于此,国内很多......
yjbys小编为您提供一篇关于浅析《伤逝》中的爱情的现当代文学毕业论文,欢迎参考! 《伤逝》是鲁迅先生的一部短篇小说,也可以说是唯一一部以青年恋爱和婚姻为主题的小说。它描写的是两个觉醒的知识分子涓生和子君他们单纯追求个性解放......
谈对图书情报工作关键词特征的分析 从篇名抽取关键词作为检索入口,就可检索到全部论文的61.7%;研究篇名关键词、摘要关键词以及正文关键词对情报检索、咨询都是很有用处的。(2)不同数目关键词的论文及其词频分布如上所述,关键词是为......
1引言 材料性能随尺度的改变发生变化.微器件尺寸微小、比表面大,其性能与宏观材料明显不同,例如更少的缺陷、更高的强度、表面效应显著等.为了能够设计、制造微机械,我们必须深入了解这些微机械的力学行为.面分子动力学则成为了一个......
对外汉语课堂话语类型语言特征的对比分析 1、问题的提出 2、对课堂话语类型的认识 李美霞[2]将话语类型界定为“某个话语社团中人们为一定的目的用语言资源和非语言资源(离散资源)做事情的社会过程的惯习”。由此来看,“课堂话语类......
《爱吃沙拉的狮子》 作者:[日] 村上春树 译者:施小炜 出版社:南海出版公司 出版日期:2015-5 页数:224 内容简介:书中收录了村上春树的52篇风趣随笔,配以画家大桥步的52幅美丽插画,是《大萝卜和难挑的鳄梨》姊妹篇......
卡拉OK著作权纠纷案法理评析 卡拉OK著作权纠纷案法理评析 卡拉OK著作权纠纷案法理评析 内容提要:近期,国际唱片业协会向国内多家卡拉OK营业场所发出“索要MTV放映费”的律师函。相关案件的法院判......
从古至今,都有才子佳人以中药名作诗词歌赋,诉说爱情的细节和源源不断的情思。 爱情自古以来就是人生永恒的话题,因为它神圣唯美,浓郁热烈,容不得半点杂质玷污。人们以各种方式颂扬爱情,抒发对美好爱情的向往,倾述与爱人之间的......
论文摘要: 拉姆齐模型在七十年代的宏观经济分析的现代变革中被重新发现,发挥了虽然是迟的但却是意义深远的影响。本文从研究思路和数学方法这两个角度去分析拉姆齐模型对现代宏观经济分析的影响,并讨论了该模型对我国经济研究工作的借......
摘要:为了寻找有效提取杏鲍菇(Pleurotus eryngii Quel)菌丝胞外酶的方法,为杏鲍菇等食用菌胞外酶的活性研究和生长规律提供试验依据,研究通过pH 4.8的柠檬酸缓冲液、去离子水2种处理方式提取杏鲍菇菌丝胞外酶,并通过测定8种胞外......
【摘 要】以美国电影为载体所呈现的美式爱情婚恋观表现为:对性的放纵、对爱的专一性和持久性差、以自我为中心、及时行乐、不讲责任等。大学生普遍喜好美国电影,或多或少地受到美国电影中婚恋观的影响。一部分大学生还将美国电影的婚......
摘 要:沈从文先生所创作的《边城》一书主要讲述了翠翠、爷爷、傩送、天保几人之间的故事,为读者展示出了亲情的伟大、友情的谦让、爱情的坚贞。作者在对这文书仔细研读后,对亲情、友情、爱情的表达方式产生了更加深入的认识。 关......
一、国家行为原则的基本概念 (一)国家行为原则简介 美国法院在审理涉及外国政府在其本国领土范围内运用主权权力实施的行为时总是约束自身不对这一类行为的有效性进行司法审查。这一原则就是通常所称的国家行为原则(Act of State Doc......
这是一个有意思的话题。如果给你1500个亿(人民币),并且要你在比亚迪和特斯拉之间选择一个来收购,你会选哪个? 为了对你的判断起到一定的帮助,以下是值得参考的一些数据: 超过96%的销量来自传统汽车,我们应该如何给比亚迪估......
摘 要:记叙文是以记人、叙事、写景、状物为主,以写人物的经历和事物发展变化为主要内容的一种文体。与小说 戏剧有着千丝万缕的联系。无论是写人记事,写景状物的记叙文还是小说戏剧在语言上有着很多共同之处,也拥有着各自的特点。......
BNC 店面 薄荷糯米葱可不是一家小清新餐馆的名字,它是家买手店――准确定义是“中国原创设计概念店”,简称BNC(Brand New China),根据拼音首字母,定名为“薄荷糯米葱”。这家店对洪晃意味着什么?在她微博介绍中的就职“公司”一......