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Love is the eternal theme in human life. However, love changes much because of the influence of asceticism. Although love is a tragedy, the spirit of main characters longing for love and struggling with the doctrine of religions is worth learning. It can also be learned that the asceticism restrains the human nature and results in the destruction.

This thesis will deal with the influence of asceticism on love in The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds. The influence reflects mainly in the leading characters Dimmesdale and Ralph. Both of them are priests and fall in love. The worse is that each of them has a child. However, they have to abandon their beloved because of the asceticism, and they bear too much torture. So tragedy cannot be avoided.

Key Words

Love; desire; tragedy; asceticism

摘 要

爱情是人类永恒的话题. 可是在西方社会中,爱情由于宗教禁欲主义的影响发生了一些变化,带有了一定的悲剧色彩。在西方描写神职人员爱情的文学作品中,虽然他们的爱情是悲剧,但他们那种为了爱情而努力奋斗,甚至和宗教做抗争的精神使我们振奋。从中我们也能深刻的感受到宗教对人性的摧残。

本篇论文将从《红字》和《荆棘鸟》两部作品中的主要人物丁梅斯代尔和拉尔夫来看宗教禁欲主义对他们内心的摧残和折磨,从而导致的悲剧. 丁梅斯代尔和拉尔夫都是牧师,却同样陷入了感情之中。但是因为宗教的禁欲主义,他们不能接触爱情,一旦有了感情就要经受很多折磨和痛苦。所以悲剧的产生是必然的。


爱情; 欲望; 悲剧; 禁欲主义


Love, one of the most beautiful and romantic emotion in human life, has been struggling with Asceticism in western society. Just because of this, love, the most beautiful feeling in human’s heart, is both a dream and a punishment in the eyes of clergymen under Asceticism. Therefore, love of clergymen in the western literary works ends in tragedy. This paper will deal with the love tragedy under Asceticism in The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds.

The Scarlet Letter is written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The story happened in the background of American colony ruled by Puritan in the sixteenth century. The leading characters in this novel Dimmesdale and Hester fall in love with each other. But Dimmesdale is a priest. Before he meets Hester, he has devoted himself to the God. In this paper, you can learn Dimmesdale’s mixed feeling. He loves Hester, but he must abide by the rule of Puritan. Pearl’s birth not only sends Hester to the prison and Hester is sentenced to wear the scarlet letter “A” all her life, but also gives Dimmesdale more spiritual torture, because Dimmesdale has no courage to confess his sin. He is afraid of losing his fame, his status and the punishment of religion. The torture he suffering is not so much coming from his conscience as coming from the forbidden of asceticism. Therefore, it is asceticism that results in the tragedy love between Dimmesdale and Hester.

In The Thorn Birds, Ralph has more than one chance to choose his own life, which is not controlled by the doctrine of religion. In order to get the power, fame and his career, Ralph abandons his love. His choice provides him with the power, and forbids himself at the same time. But on the other hand, he cannot forget Meggie and he realizes the importance that Meggie means to him gradually. At that time, the religious doctrines have taken back his right staying with Meggie. Therefore, the tragedy happens inevitably.

In a word, Asceticism is cruel and inhuman to the priests in western society. It strangles too much love and resulted in too many tragedies.

I. Love in Guilty and Self-accusation—Tragedy under Asceticism in The Scarlet Letter

A. The Brief Contents of The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne discusses the original sin of human being through the love tragedy between Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale with the background of American colony ruled by Puritan in sixteenth century. The story tells about the life of the resident under the surrounding of persecution derived from the ineradicable religion in Massachusetts of Boston in New England in public. The symbol of Asceticism in this article is the scarlet letter “A”. The four leading actors are: Hester Prynne, a woman with her beloved but living in injury because of adultery; Arthur Dimmesdale, a handsome and educated young man, at one time, whose behaviors and words are generally regarded as spanine sign among all inhabitants in that place and godly pastor of Hester. However, he falls in love with Hester and because he is a minister, so their love is forbidden, they must face the love tragedy; by contraries, Roger Chillingworth, husband of Hester, is an ugly old man being a both skillful physician and surgeon. Unfortunately, he pursues to revenge for the humiliation by Dimmesdale with taking care at the same time, digging at him for monstrous contentment. Seen from another angle, he is also a victim of Asceticism. The last role is small Pearl, the daughter of Hester and Dimmesdale.

The story begins in the sixteenth-century in Boston. At that time, it was a puritan settlement. Therefore, the ethics was puritan’s asceticism. The atmosphere at that time was rather depressing by the rule of Stern Puritan. People regarded exploring their real feeling as a shame. Hester is a woman who was released from the town prison with her illegal infant daughter Pearl. Hester is found adulterous guilty and sentenced to wear a scarlet letter to show her sin. Hester’s husband, a scholar much older than her sends her ahead to American, but he does not arrived in Boston. Therefore, Hester thinks he has dead. The fact is that he has lost at sea. While waiting for her husband, Hester has love affair with a young minister Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester’s husband, who is now practicing medicine and calling himself Chillingworth, intends on revenge when he escapes and arrives at Boston. For the reason that he wants to find the “true criminal”, he becomes another victim of asceticism.

Readers often interpret The Scarlet Letter as a tale of sin. However, this novel is much more a love story between Hester and Dimmesdale than everything else. Through the strong emphasis of love, Pearl’s presence and Dimmesdale’s torture, it can be identified as a tale of romance.

B. Dimmesdale’s Tragedy

Dimmesdale, the hidden scarlet letter, dies after suffering the long torture and self-punishment.

Life is hard, but accepting that fact makes it easier. This common phrase has been proven true in many people’s lives, but it is also a harsh fact that Dimmesdale, the key character in the Scarlet Letter, have to face. In this twisted story of deception and adultery set in the Puritan era, Hawthorne introduces Dimmesdale as a weak and cowardly man who refuses to take responsibility for his actions. Yet, at last, he frees himself through facing his sin before it is too late, ultimately finding happiness.

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne utilizes imagery to convey that Dimmesdale can represent Puritan society rather than round character that can be seen on the surface level. This is seen through the imagery and symbolism of hypocrisy, Dimmesdale as a Christ figure, and the scarlet letter. Living in such surrounding, as a minister, because of the love, he drops in the abyss of misery.

In this article, Hawthorne describes Dimmesdale as “a viler companion of the vilest, the worse of sinners,” (Hawthorne, 2001) even though Dimmesdale is seen as the most holy man in the Puritan community. One really cannot understand Dimmesdale or his dilemma without at least a cursory understanding of the Puritans who inhabited Boston at this time and because he is in the dilemma of the love to Hester and Pearl and the loyalty to the God, so it is destined that he is a tragic character.

Dimmesdale is a minister, love means sin to him. But he loves Hester. From this point, he is not only a sinner to God but also a lover of Hester and a father to Pearl. He lives in this dilemma and cannot get away from it.

As a minister, Dimmesdale has a voice that consoles and an ability to sway audience. His congregation adores him and his parishioners seek his advice. As a minister, Dimmesdale must be above reproach, and there is no question that he excels at his profession and enjoys a reputation among his ministry aids people in leading good lives. If he publicly confesses, he will lose his ability to be effective in this regard.

For Dimmesdale, however, his effectiveness betrays his desire to confess. The more he suffers the better his sermons become. The more he whips himself, the more eloquent he is on Sunday and the more his congregation worships his words. Nevertheless, Hawthorne states in chapter 20, “No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true.” (Hawthorne, 2001)

As a sinner, Dimmesdale is weakened to temptation. As demonstrated later, his weakened condition makes it easier for him to associate himself with Black Man in the forest. His congregations expect himto be above other mortals, and his life and thoughts must exist on a higher spiritual plant than others. Accordingly, his wonderful sermons are applauded by all for a reason his listeners do not understand. Sin and agony have enabled the intellectual scholar-minister to recognize and emphasized with other sinners.

Hawthorne writes about one of Dimmesdale’s sermons that are, “addressed to the multitude a discourse on sin, in all its branches.” (Hawthorne, 2001) In Dimmesdale’s sermons, he speaks out against sin while at the same time he commits his sin, just as the Puritans commit sins that they condemn Dimmesdale’s character models Puritan society in the way they treat religions persecution. In fact, Dimmesdale has many opportunities to admit his sin and get the guilt off his chest. The first opportunity is when Dimmesdale was making his speech in front of an audience. He tries to tell the truth but more lies just come out. The second opportunity that Dimmesdale has to confess what is troubling him and again, Dimmesdale refuses to confess. Finally, the third time that Dimmesdale has a great opportunity to confess is at the end of the story during the festival on the scaffold. Standing there with Hester and Pearl, Dimmesdale is still too much of a coward to admit his sin and release the anguish from his burning chest.

He cannot confess his sin, just because he does not want to lose his good fame, his status. He bears long torture and pain. He desires to liberate himself. He wants to expiate Hester and Pearl, but he has not the courage. He is a coward facing the God. He is afraid to be punished by God. Therefore, even though he has more chance, he can do nothing except when his life is going to end.

As Hester’s lover, he is coward. When Hester is placed before public in burning shame and orders to wear an “A”, a scarlet letter on her breast, Dimmesdale does not stand out to admit his sin. On the contrary, he keeps his dreadful secret for seven years just for fear that, he will lose the citizen’s love and they will not forgive him. He is too weak to admit his sin and love openly and entirely. Just because of this, Hester tasks on all the love and all the punishments.

Dimmesdale is a sinner to God, and to Hester he is also a sinner. His sin against Hester and Pearl is that he will not acknowledge them as his wife and daughter. He loves Hester, but Hester bears all the miseries and punishments. On the other hand, it can be seen that Dimmesdale wants to reduce his sin. He loves Hester and his Pearl. At the town meeting where the governor plans to take custody of Hester’s daughter Pearl, Dimmesdale convinced G.ov.Wilson to let her retain custody. The town meeting is set up by the author to appear as a reminder of Hester and Dimmesdale’s sin. However, it is Dimmesdale’s love for Hester that ultimately carries the scene. While defending Hester, he speaks “with a voice sweet, tremendous but powerful.” He could have spoken in the darker tone. Therefore, it can prove he also love Hester.

The forest scene is crucial in the narrative of the Scarlet Letter and a proper understanding of what happens in the forest is necessary for any interpretation of Dimmesdale’s last days of life and his final “confession”. The meeting in the forest can say at the times Dimmesdale is wakening. He was getting rid of the tie of asceticism gradually. He wants to start a new life with Hester and Pearl. He knows what he loves and he can confess his sin to get the new life. The meet in the forest proves the harmony nature. There, Dimmesdale gets away from the God, reflexes his heart, and has a rest at that time.

Hester is afraid that Chillingworth would do something bad to Dimmesdale, so they plan to run away four days after their meeting in the forest. Dimmesdale comforts himself with the knowledge that he would give his sermons predestination on the third day and thus leave his community with fond memories of his final exhortation. Dimmesdale’s flaw can be found in the fact that he chooses to value the public view above those of Hester, his love, and God, his master.

In the forest scene, Dimmesdale evidently realizes that he is a human and he should ask for forgiveness and do penance openly. On the way home, he sees how far his defenses have been breached by evil. These thoughts explain why he could so easily write his Election Day sermon, which is filled with the passion of his struggle and his humanity.

Dimmesdale’s confession in the third scaffold scene and the climax of the story ensures his salvation. The reader senses that whether chosen or earned, Dimmesdale’s salvation is a reality. Having had several opportunities to confess, without success until this scene, true to his nature if not his ministry, he asks for God’s forgiveness not only for himself, but also for Chillingworth, who confirms the minister’s triumph when he laments, “Thou hast escaped me! ….Thou hast escaped me”! (Hawthorne, 2001) Dimmesdale’s confession also brings about Pearl’s humane metamorphosis.

He lives in big pain of discomposure because of the secrecy of his thought that he has brought the heavy stress to Hester. On one hand, he feels greatly guilty when the dweller treats him as venerator, because he has to pretend to be noble-minded. On the other hand, he is ashamed of making Hester’s life harder and he is guilty to Hester and their love. Worse lucky, Chillingworth lives with Dimmesdale and he tries his best to torture Dimmesdale’s heart. Thus, it makes him incriminatory all days and becomes afflict himself everyday for releasing multiple pains. Furthermore, he turns to breakdown nearly due to the unmeant but huge strike on him slowly and continually every day. Moreover, his spirit lacks the strength and dies after revealing the whole thing. Tremendous burdens have been pressed on him for a long period during most of his lifetime. Moreover, once releasing from his heart, his life would come to the end and the heavy burdens makes up of all his love.

C. Hester’s Tragedy

Dimmesdale seeks to hide his sin, his love, but on the contrary, Hester is brave to confess and face her sin, to pursue the true love.

Hester Prynne is left a deep impression to the readers. Hester is a woman, who has great courage to devote to real love and a woman who experiences hard life and longs for freedom. She loves her life no matter how difficult it is. She tries her best to struggle against the adversity. She is a beautiful, virtuous, brave and tough woman.

Hester, marries with an unloved ugly old man, nothing but having great knowledge admired by all fools. However, when Hester goes to Massachusetts of Boston, She falls in love with Dimmesdale who is her true lover. It should be a good matter, so to speak, if she could spanorce from the oldest Chillingworth and then marry Dimmesdale it would be a romantic love story. Unfortunately, it is disgraceful of a married woman to love another man even if that is her beloved one in that abnormal time. So, what a disgraced thing it is that she has to be set up to public shame and wore a mark of shame upon her bosom letter A stands for adultery that makes her bring sermon against sin, until the ignominious scarlet letter be engraved upon her tombstone .But that does not impact on her life even if all dwells give a wide berth to her and use the most incautious words to aggress her later. Because of her benevolence, the inhabitants accept her gradually though they insult her sometimes. Hester does not mind it, because what she concerns is Whether Dimmesdale’s life is good or not.

Hester is the only person who wears the “A”, in the whole article. Which power does on earth make her be willing to wear it all day long after the punishment of three hours standing on the scaffold? Hester can leave the Massachusetts colony, for it is kept no restrictive clause of her condemnation with in the limits of the puritan settlement. She does not flee and regards the place as her home living as the type of shame. It is love, which is the only reason for her to live in that place. The kind of love is declared guilty according to the puritan religion, which takes the asceticism as the local law at that time. “There trode the feet of one with whom she deemed herself connected in a union….would bring them together before the bar of final judgment, and make that their marriage-alter, for a joint futurity of endless retribution (Hawthorne, 2001 ). May be at that time, Hester’s choice seems a little innocent. Just for the faith for love, which can also be regarded as the passion in a short while though wild nature as she has, she restrains her be behavior from then on for she thinks herself commit an offence. Her swears of keeping the secret of the relationship between her and her husband Chillingworth shows that she is in blame at that time and puzzled with her love.

The later seven years consume her a lot from spirit to body. The scarlet letter does not change her from appearance but from the inside of her, on the contrary it lets her grow strong and think deeply the guilty of herself. She found that the problem happened between her and Dimmesdale was not solved. Nothing changes. The free thinking temperament does not make her atone from her crime but be more puzzled.

Hester tried her best to insist on and protect her love, her lover, and she struggles with asceticism, struggles with the hard environment. In the fourteen chapter “Hester and the physician” puts on a new look. Hester’s counterattack to Chillingworth identifies that she has a kind of more strong power at that time. This power comes from her love to Dimmesdale. Then the meet between Hester and Dimmesdale in the forest describes one possible way of resolving the problem. They plan to flee away to live a happy life and shake off the so-called sin here. The plan of fleeing reflects the human nature of looking for happiness. Thought at least the nature played on them a joke in this drama, Hester has already known how to get what she wants and how to realize love. She stands for the thought of releasing from the original .sin and the possibility of happy life of female. She completes the discussion of significance of love through the scarlet letter.

The love between Hester and Dimmesdale is true. However, their end is a tragedy. Because of the long inner torture, Dimmesdale dies and then Hester comes back to her home England and memorizes their love. After Pearl married, she goes to Massachusetts and stays with Dimmesdale. Their love is great, but because of this love, Chillingworth hates Dimmesdale and tries his best to revenge him, at last, it results in the tragedy.

D. Chillingworth’s Tragedy

Love and hate are totally different things. Some said that the hatred coming from love is absolutely horrible, which could completely change one’s philosophy even life. Roger Chillingworth is a good example. Because of hatred, he becomes the slave of asceticism, and the murderous tool of asceticism. Almost all know he is despicable, abhorrent and dad-burned, however he is the most tragic and pathetic person. Because it is known that, the former aspect of Roger Chillingworth is intellectual and studious, calm and quiet. When knowing the whole thing, he succeeds in being an eager, searching, and almost fierce yet carefully guarded look. In a word, old Roger Chillingworth is a striking evidence of man’s faculty of transforming himself into a devil, if he will only, for a reasonable space of time, undertake a devil’s office. This unhappy person has effected such a transformation, by devoting himself, for seven years, to the constant analysis of a heart full of tortures, and deriving his enjoyment thence, and adding fuel to those fiery tortures, which he analyses and gloats over. By reason of hatred, he becomes a sin. From this, it is clearly known that he is the real poor guy for as much as people will not be woeful so long as they get their own life even if it may be disturbed by others sometimes for what do is related to them at any rate. When one loses his own way, he loses everything, not only atman but also fleshes and blood. Therefore, Chillingworth sets a guideline in his whole life carrying out the plan of revenging gradually. Finally, after finishing the task completely, the black-hearted guideline loses its object, and he gets lost and dies. One lives for others, life is insignificant and nothing. The whole life of Chillingworth is revenging. For this object, he loses himself and sells his soul. He does not live for himself, but for evil, for religion’s asceticism. His life is also one tragedy under asceticism.

II. The Conflict between Asceticism and Love—the Tragedy End in The Thorn Birds

A. The Choice between Ambition and Love Ralph Faced

In The Thorn Bird, God has given Ralph freedom of choice. Before Mary dies, she gives Ralph an envelope, which is Mary’s testament. It can bring great treasure, good fame and the power to Ralph, but at the same time, he must leave Meggie. The testament ties the fate of Ralph’s life and his soul. Ralph refuses Mary’s love on the present that he is a priest and was married to the church. So at that time, Mary says” I must lose you to Meggie, but I’ve made sure she doesn’t get you either.” In fact, Mary had known the choice Ralph would make.

Facing the important choice, Ralph chose power, and he left Meggie. Just in virtue of such choice, he must abide by asceticism, the doctrine of religious. Just because of his chose, Maggie and their son Dane must face the tragic end. Of course, just owning to Ralph’s choice, asceticism forbade Ralph and Maggie’s love, even their life. Therefore, Ralph’s choice makes him be controlled by asceticism. It was destined tragedy end.

B. The Hypocrite and The Love Forbidden by God

When Ralph goes to the station to pick up Cleary family, when he meets Meggie, the future of Ralph and Meggie has been destined. Ralph is the center of young Meggie’s life and Ralph has never felt so strong about any other girls. Meggie is happy with Ralph and her dear brother Frank. However, Frank’s relationship with his father Paddy has never been peaceful. At last, Frank runs away from the family and become a boxer. With Frank’s leave, Meggie is very sad and she clings to Ralph. For in the world, Ralph can teach her how to study, how to become a respectful girl, and how to ride. Under the good ten dace of Ralph, Meggie lives happily. However, Ralph is a priest and he dreams to be the eparch. He loves his God so he cannot love Meggie. In order to gain more money to help him advance in the catholic hierarchy, Ralph goes close to Mary who is Paddy’s sister and the richest person in the Drogheda area. Ralph is a handsome and ambitious priest. The treasure of Mary is attractive. She knows Ralph love Meggie. She also knows she loves Ralph but Ralph could not accept her love so she carries out a perfect revenge. Just this revenge Changes the whole life of Meggie and Ralph. Ralph always refuses Mary putting him being a priest not a man as excise. He also refuses Meggie. At last, he gets the chance to the Catholic hierarchy, and he loses his freedom, his love even his all. He ignores that he is also a man, a nature man. He can love others. This is one nature as a man. Therefore, Ralph is painful. He puts himself in the dilemma of loving God or loving Meggie. Due to Mary’s money, Ralph gains the attention of the church and is promoted to Sydney.

Before he leaves, Meggie confesses her love for him. Ralph refuses her because of his duties as a priest and he entreats Meggie to find and marry a beau. Then he leaves her. Then Meggie courts Luke, who has recently come to Drogheda. He looks remarkably like Ralph and Meggie take a liking to him .He marries her and takes her away. After Meggie married, Ralph knows he loves Meggie so deep. He always thought Meggie could not marry because she belongs to him forever. Meggie is lonely and distraught for Luke leaves her in a poor place and goes to become a sugar cutter. When Meggie bears Justine, Ralph visits her once. He wants to say goodbye to Meggie because he is leaving Australia but whether Meggie yells and swears at him, he leaves her again.

Meggie is getting weaker and weaker and the family she is staying with pities her greatly. Therefore, they sent her to a quiet summer resort for rest. Ralph comes back on a holiday to find Meggie. The family tells him where Meggie is. Then Ralph joins Meggie, and then a revelation comes over him. He loves Meggie more than He loves God and he is indeed only a man, no matter how godlike he had tried to become. They spend two days together, and he is forced to return to his position. No matter how deep he loves Meggie he cannot change the fact that he is a priest and his whole life belongs to God. When Meggie comes back from the island, she leaves Luke, but she does not spanorce him, because she is now pregnant with Ralph’s baby.

C. The Ultimate Victim—Meggie

As Dane grows up he wants to be a priest, Fee tells Meggie that she has to give what she steals from God back. Justine wants to be an actress. Therefore, she leaves Australia to seek for her dream. Dane goes to Ralph who is now a cardinal but Ralph does not know that Dane is his own child. He takes great care of him just because of their resemblance; people mistake them for uncle and nephew. Ralph and Dane encourage the rumor. So Ralph’s close relationship with Dane is not mistaken.

Dane drowns in Greece in order to rescue two girls life. It was the time that the civil war is going on. Meggie needs to find her child. She needs Ralph’s help. He refuses to help right away. Therefore, Meggie speaks out the truth she wants to keep secret the whole life –Dane is his son. Soon after Dane’s death, Ralph passes away.

Ralph contributes his all to God. At last, he loses everything except the love coming from Meggie. For the love to Ralph, Meggie struggles with the God and the surrounding. She can abandon her all for Ralph. However, their end is tragic. Ralph passes away and so does Dane. The only thing Meggie steals from the God is taken away by God. At last, Meggie has noting but she knows clearly she is right, just because she loves Ralph. It is worthy to her.

In this story, the main protagonist Ralph also cannot break away from the asceticism, but as a man having rich emotion, he cannot end his passion. He cannot help to love Meggie. His soul is struggling with the pain and torment. As the same to Dimmesdale, Ralph cannot get rid of the desires to power and the need to love. When the rich Mary died, she leaves her property to the church of Roman catholic but she asked the church must admire Ralph’s ability and value. From then on, Ralph has been put in the war between the God and Meggie, the Power and love. To Ralph, both of God and Meggie are important. He does not want to give up each one. At last, the power defeats the love. The God wins Meggie.

As if it is destined, Ralph does not belong to the God completely. He also does not belong to Meggie. They struggle with God, with the rule of religion----asceticism. They have the right to love each other because love is human nature. The legend of the thorn birds predicts the life of Ralph and Meggie. The most valuable must be exchanged with high costly. Meggie gives back what she steals from God—Dane. Their love is destined to a tragedy

Ⅲ. Analysis of Love Under Asceticism in The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn birds

Perhaps in everyone’s mind, both Hester and Meggie are sympathized in that they are the victims of asceticism. In fact, the tragedy results from not only the asceticism, but also the human being themselves. They have freedom to choose their own lives. That is to say, their tragic lives are their choice. When they face between love and power even their ambition, they both drop their love and choose their career, fame and power. After they satisfy their desire, they find love is very important to them. They want to be normal human and live a normal life, but at the time they make the decision, their loves are destined to forbidden love. Love is sin and criminal in Bible. From this, it can be said asceticism is inhuman to clergyman. But they choose God, so their love is cursed.

Dimmsdale and Ralph choose their career, the ultimate victim are Hester and Meggie. They must bear more than others. The pressure coming from religion and society is great. In fact, Hester and Meggie have the right to choose. Perhaps they can get the happy life if they give up this abnormal love, but they choose to keep on this distorted love, so their tragedy is inevitable.

Dimmsdale and Ralph get the fame and career, but the ultimate victims are Hester and Meggie. Both The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds are different stories, but it can be found the common places—both of the stories are love tragedy under asceticism.


Both The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds describe the love of clergyman and the conflict in their heart. Both of Ralph and Dimmesdale are in misery and they want to get the free love. However, in fact both of them do not escape from the doctrines of religion.

Asceticism is one moral principle or lifestyle which asks human to control their desire to human body. Religion takes the desire to body as vulgar and thinks that sex is the roots of sin and evil. When Dimmsdale and Ralph choose priest as their career, it is destined that they have not the right to live with their beloved and it is sin that they have the child. It is forbidden in the society which takes asceticism as the moral standard. Asceticism changes their lives and deprives their right to be a normal man. So asceticism is inhuman to the priests in western society.

Although love in The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds is a tragedy, the courage and spirit the main characters pursue the true love is worth learning. The two novels provide us with a perspective to view love under asceticism.


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【English Abstract】 The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a classical novel in American literature in the 19th century. Since the first Chinese translation of The Scarlet Letter appeared in the 1950’s scholars ......
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mHealth的优势能否继续? 不得不承认,随着投资市场对春雨医生的新一轮力捧,移动医疗再次成为市场关注的焦点。我们可以看到,与传统的PC端相比,无论在用户、即时交流,还是在巨量的数据传输和处理能力方面,mHealthc即Mobile Heal......
【摘 要】赫伯特・马尔库塞是研究西方马克思主义的代表人物,文章立足于其著作《爱欲与文明》一书进行分析,从马尔库塞提出的“爱欲解放三段论”观点出发,解析爱欲的本质、爱欲与性欲的关系、劳动是爱欲的关键,力求展示马尔库塞对于......
一、“主观主义是一种不正派的学风,它是反对马克思列宁主义的,它是和共产党不能并存的” 在《整顿党的作风》中,毛泽东对主观主义的性质作了深刻分析,他强调主观主义是一种不正派的学风,它是反对马克思列宁主义的,它是和共产......
【摘 要】在英文中,“宗教”一词有把人们捆绑在一起的意思,宗教舞则是人们为祈求神灵保佑而群体共跳的娱神舞蹈,具体的场面则因种族、地域、信念与信仰的不同而不同。由此可见,在任何国家、任何民族的舞蹈之中,宗教舞蹈都占有相当......
AbstractJane Eyre is a piece of autobiographical fiction. It is Charlotte. Bronte’s first novel published in 1849. The novel creates a female image who is against social pressure with rebellion and independence. It is ......
摘 要:《爱玛》里隐含着强烈的以褒扬英国性、贬抑法国性为主要表现的仇法情结,同时小说的社会评论显性文本下也隐含着一个宗教评论潜文本,小说不仅反复使用饱含宗教意味的词汇而且爱玛的救赎契合基督教的“自省”和“恩典”观念,......
" [论文关键词】实用主义 经验主义 意义 主体性原则 实在 [论文摘要】实用主义和经验主义是西方哲学中两个影响较大且颇有l内在渊源的流派,但以往论著对其内在联系则有揭示。以詹姆斯和贝克莱为例,找出他们在意义理论、本体论原则和......
作者:何光沪 三、 爱?道德还是宗教? 仁爱之起因,并非由于对象具有什么长处或美质,可能为爱者带来什么利益或好处,亦非由于与对象交往而产生了正面的情感,产生了相互依赖的感觉,而仅仅是由于对象及其特性的存在......
" 论文关键词:范式理论 镜像思维 解释学 科学主义 人文主义 论文摘要:随着近代以来实践和科学的发展,认识论的镜像思维模式主导着各种领域的理论研究,并导致哲学史上科学主义与人文主义的分流。历史主义科学哲学中范式理论的研究......
查字典论文网论文频道一路陪伴考生编写大小论文,其中有开心也有失落。在此,小编又为朋友编辑了“从范式理论的发展和困境看科学主义与人文主义的合流”,希望朋友们可以用得着! 库恩首次在历史主义科学哲学领域中提出“范式”这个概念及......
查字典论文网论文频道一路陪伴考生编写大小论文,其中有开心也有失落。在此,小编又为朋友编辑了“从范式理论的发展和困境看科学主义与人文主义的合流”,希望朋友们可以用得着! 库恩首次在历史主义科学哲学领域中提出“范式”这个概念及......
摘 要:在初中历史教学中,对学生的爱国主义情感教育尤为重要。主要分析了初中历史教学中的爱国主义情感教育策略。 关键词:初中历史;爱国主义;情感教育 初中历史教材中涉及很多爱国主义教育的素材,如民族英雄事迹、艰苦卓绝的......
【摘 要】接受美学产生于20 世纪60 年代末70 年代初的德国,强调了读者能动地接受活动在文学传播与欣赏中的地位和作用。本文主要从接受美学的角度对接受者在流行歌曲欣赏中所受的影响、接受者的心理与歌曲接受关系,以及对歌曲创作的重要......
论文 关键词:清教精神 宗教救赎 自然 本能 情欲 命定说 论文摘要:作为一名杰出的剧作家,奥尼尔从不满足仅仅停留在事件层面的分析,而是努力寻找存在于事件背后的形而上的根源。他一直致力于挖掘当代社会的病根——上帝的......
从《红字》里海斯特的形象看美国文化价值观 一、《红字》里女主http://wwW.LWlm.cOM角海斯特形象简单介绍 小说讲述了女主角海丝特·白兰因犯了通奸罪受到加尔文教派权力机构的惩罚,随后被排挤,被孤立,但最后却通过自己的双手和品性应......
[摘要]人生际遇坎坷,使苏轼的思想及人生观念随之发生了较大的变化,也使他的作品风格呈现出三个方面的明显变化。 [关键词]苏轼;乌台诗案;创作风格 苏轼,字子瞻,号东坡居士,北宋杰出文学家、书画家,唐宋八大家之一。他幼年......
AbstractIn all ages, love is an eternal subject. The research on it has never ended. As for the definition of love, everyone has his understanding. Someone thinks it is a hope on internal spirit, while others think it i......
摘 要:《诗经》在中国历史上的地位是崇高的,两千五百多年以来,它以其丰富的文化内容和完美的艺术形式,对中国社会的各个方面都产生了不可估量的影响。在《诗经》中,鸟类因其成双成对、用情专一、啼声悲欢等特征成了一个重要的文学......
公元前202年十二月的一夜,天空乌云密布,从山上往下望去,已分不清哪里是乌云,哪里是汉军的旗帜。 从寨垒巡视完后,项羽回到中军帐中,虞姬已备好酒菜,还特意穿了一身紫金凤袍,这是她平常不怎么穿的。她跟随项羽征战多年,缴获......
前言 在小说《红字》中主人公海丝特・白兰抱着不知道父亲是谁的婴儿,被判站刑台示众,从那一天起佩戴红字A(A代表Adultery,意为通奸)。和她在欧洲就分离的丈夫从森林中出来,她丈夫是一个无情、冷淡的知识分子,并有了一生的时候来......
一 引言"反智论"译自英语的anti-intellectualism,也可称为"反智识主义"。与其认为它是种学说,倒不如视之为一种态度。在古代中国,始终没有"反智论"这个名词,但这种现象却一直存在于政治,文化等领域。(1) 在禅宗中,反智论的表......
阿德利企鹅用石子搭建的巢穴虽然简陋,但仍为它们的后代提供了庇护 在鸟类的择偶过程中,雌鸟由于初期投资巨大,要为后代付出一个硕大而富含营养的卵,因此,它们总是矜持而高傲。雄鸟是否具有较强的生存能力、是否能够为雌鸟和未来的......
从哲学角度看白流苏和简爱的性格 张爱玲的《倾城之恋》用自己的经历以及对社会的理解来塑造白流苏这一人物形象,让她成为20世纪中国女性形象中坚强的代名词。而夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作《简·爱》与作者一样来源于社会底层,受尽磨难,虽......
从接受美学角度看“林黛玉”和“简爱” 接受美学的创始人是姚斯和伊瑟尔。姚斯认为传统意义上的美学史关乎生产的美学,而接受美学则是关乎效果的美学。众所周知,创作的三要素是指:创作者。作品、观赏者,缺一不可。缺少哪一个因素都影......
" 论文关键词:资本主义 社会主义 熊彼特 创新 资本家 论文摘要:由于资本主义的发展强烈地要求企业家或资本家有优秀的创新能力,但由于长期处于资本主义经济生活下的资本家磨灭了冒险意识,创新已成为了例行公事或是机械化。加上市......
数字出版是建立在数字阅读基础之上的,有数字阅读需求,才有数字出版的发展;从数字阅读存在的一些问题,可以从侧面反映出数字出版的不足之处,只有看到不足,才能不断改进,找到突破口。 从以上材料可以看出,数字阅读需求在逐渐增......
摘 要:语义研究对翻译活动中的文本意义理解具有重要的意义。传统语义学研究倾向于孤立地研究词语的意义而忽略了语义现象之间的联系,语境语义研究通过分析词与词之间的关系以及词语与外部世界的关系有助于辨析词语的言内与言外意义。......
这是一组90后男人和70后女人如何看待爱情的报道,他们的回答无论深刻还是青涩,都是个体对自己过往情感生活的一种检视和总结。 感情一直是徐静蕾影视作品中永恒的话题,尤其是爱情。从她最早执导的改编于斯蒂芬・茨威格的《一封陌生女......
" [论文关键词] 传统社会主义 发展社会主义 和谐社会主义 [论文提要]中国先后经历了传统社会主义、发展社会主义、和谐社会主义三种社会主义发展模式。从经济社会发展的角度来看,传统社会主义向发展社会主义转变,再转向和谐社会主......
是在很久以后,她方才知道自己喜欢他。 他们读中学的时候,男生女生还不说话,所以虽然他们高中同学三年,却是在上了大学以后才认识。那是第一年的寒假,同学在母校聚会,大家一起玩一种叫“心慌慌”的纸牌游戏,她第一次玩,一直输......
摘 要:本文简单介绍《汉字英雄》中运用汉字的游戏和联结主义理论,并在联结主义观点的基础上提出一些不同的观点。《汉字英雄》里学生对汉字的运用可以体现出一定的内在理论,这也体现出中国学生在学习汉字时的特点,即怎样又准确又快......
2015年4月11日,《军事文摘・科学少年》杂志受邀参加了北京动物园科普馆举办的“爱鸟周”活动。在现场活动中,本刊小读者当起了爱鸟宣传员,向 广 大 游 客 传 爱鸟 护鸟 知识,受到了游客们的欢迎! 4月11日一大早,我和妈妈就来到动......
论文关键词:文体学性别歧视 表现形式 原因 论文摘要:是的载体,语言是人类交际的工具,它反映着人们的价值取向和处事态度。中的确存在语言性别歧视,并且有着多方面的原因。文章以语言学的相关理论为主线,对语言中的性别歧视及发展趋势......
" 我們常常可以發現,基督徒的個人表現往往不夠完美;他們常常執著於表達某一個理念,卻沒有企圖讓自己的各方面修行同時兼顧。於是我們往往可以很輕易的發現『有些』基督徒如何,『有些』基督徒又如何。這往往見諸各種討論的批評裡。 ......
作者:何光沪 一、引言 由时空、质能、生命和心智构成的世界--过程,其未来的走向已同心智即人类发展紧密相连。自然选择过程从某种意义上说已让位位于“人类选择”过程。 世界的前途系于人的自由选择,人类的问题集于人......
贴心小药盒 因为一部《红高粱》,男主角朱亚文一夜爆红。朱亚文是一个把激情看得很淡的人,他的父亲是公务员,母亲是老师,老两口日子过得清清淡淡简简单单。朱亚文觉得这样的生活就很不错。所以,他的恋爱观是奔着结婚去的。大学四......
从接受美学看郑振铎译《飞鸟集》 从接受美学看郑振铎译《飞鸟集》 从接受美学看郑振铎译《飞鸟集》 精 品 源自历 史科 1.引言 印度诗人泰戈尔是近百年中国译介得最多的几个文学大家之一,他的作品在中国流传很广,影响至......
【摘 要】在信息化迅速发展的大背景下,在情报信息主导警务的理念指导下,近年来情报信息的搜集和分析渐渐引起了禁毒部门的重视,并且被广泛地应用到全国各地的缉毒工作中。禁毒情报人员运用各种方法和工具搜集禁毒情报信息,并对其进......
摘要:语言禁忌是中西方普遍存在的一种社会文化现象。在不同的文化中, 语言禁忌的差异很大,本文试图从中西文化差异的角度分析英汉两种语言的禁忌,从而保证国际交往的顺利进行。 关键词:语言禁忌;文化差异 萨丕尔说:“Language ......
老胡55岁,毛毛52岁。“毛毛”是娘家人口中的昵称,老胡也这么叫。这一叫,倏忽已是30年,青丝中也夹杂了若隐若现的白发。 12年前的夏天,毛毛因脑膜瘤住院,手术后出现了严重的排异现象,高烧持续不退,毛毛处于昏迷状态,靠呼吸机......
摘 要:爱国主义是我国民族精神的核心内容,初中历史教学过程中一个非常重要的教学目标就是培养学生的爱国主义情感,主要结合初中历史教学的实际特点,对如何利用初中历史培养学生的爱国主义情感予以探讨。 关键词:爱国主义情感;历......
提 要:朝鲜时代与明清两朝都是在16世纪即明朝嘉靖、朝鲜明宗年间大规模普及乡约的,随后明朝出现族规,朝鲜产生族契。乡约的普及与族契的产生,造成宗族乡约化。族会思想与实践即族会普及化,也促使族契的出现与宗族凝聚力的加强。族......
彼此相爱的两个人,如果家境贫富有差别, 穷的那个,是否要放弃? 10年之后 前几天我看到一篇文章,一个穷男生写自己跟全心全意爱他的女友分手的故事。 他家境贫寒,但是高考成绩全县第一。贫穷的家庭从他身上看到了希望。 他到......
" 【论文关键词】 社会主义 历史难题 破解 生命力 【论文摘要】 在经济文化落后的国家怎样建设、巩固和发展社会主义,长期以来,一直是世界社会主义存在的一大历史难题。这一大历史难题终于在以邓小平为代表的中国共产党人的社会主......
" 论文摘要:近年来,“宗教热”蔓延到大学校园,不少大学生表现出对宗教的兴趣,但是大部分学生对宗教的本质和作用认识不清,对大学生的信仰教育产生巨大的冲击,这些都对作为思想政治教育施教主体的高校提出了挑战,要求教育者在把握......
电影 《钢琴课》由新西兰著名女导演简坎皮恩 (Jane Campion) 编剧并执导于 1993 年。上映以来,受到的好评不断。它的成功在于对女性的解读,一种女性为了追求爱情和欲望的反叛性和觉醒意识的深刻性。影片充分展现了爱情的魔力,也展现......
作者:游冠辉 基督教与希腊哲学经过大约两个世纪的相摩相荡,在奥古斯丁这里终于形成了一种有机的融合。奥古斯丁以其对基督信仰的忠实与对希腊哲学的继承和改造完成了这一融合。 1.生平与思想背景简介 奥古斯丁于354年......
AbstractThere are many domains research about romanticism. Whereas, the research about British positive romanticism is little. The positive romanticism has its remarkable characteristics in the various countries. The En......
【摘 要】爱国主义是凝聚各族人民紧密团结的坚强纽带,推动社会历史前进的强大精神力量。随着时代的变化和发展,对大学生进行爱国主义教育的内容、途径和方法等也应与时俱进,增强教育的实效性。大学生是祖国的未来,民族的希望。加强......
" 古殿青灯旁的一枝寒梅——浅析《红楼梦》中妙玉的性格与爱情 内容摘要:本文主要描写了妙玉的性格与爱情。她的出身、她所处的环境造就了她被扭曲的怪僻性格和灵魂,但她敢于打破世俗的常规戒律,去大胆追求正常人的生活和爱情,可一个......
作者:何光沪 一、 爱?有多少罪恶,假汝之名以行? 1、在现代汉语中,尤其是在中国人的日常语词中,有着数不清的混淆和误解,由之产生了很严重的误用和滥用,并对国人的实际生活状况产生了巨大的负面作用。“爱”这个词,......
一、拉尔夫・沃尔多・爱默生 在美国浪漫主义时期的文学中,新英格兰的超验主义是其发展的高峰,拉尔夫・沃尔多・爱默生是该运动的主要代表。 1840年爱默生任超验主义刊物《日晷》(The Dial)的主编,进一步宣扬超验主义思想。后来......
【摘要】本文通过毛泽东与毛岸英等的书信,论述了档案是爱国主义教育的生动教材。内容感人至深。 【关键词】毛泽东;书信;档案;爱国主义 充分利用档案进行爱国主义教育,在加强和改进青少年思想道德建设工作中具有不可替代的作用。......
摘 要:追求浪漫幸福的爱情是人类的永恒目标,也是文学作品的永恒主题,爱情主题几乎贯穿加兹达诺夫的所有作品。加兹达诺夫的《伤痕》《飞行》和《夜间伴侣》等小说中面具下的爱情掩盖了男女双方的本真人格和行为动机,体现出现代人被......
追逐幸福的路上,嫁给有钱人不是幸福的终点,而仅仅是个开始。 皇朝酒店顶层的旋转餐厅里,五月的阳光隔着透明的玻璃圆顶浸润下来,在水晶壁灯上折射出彩虹的颜色。 红毯的尽头,何阅薇和宋超跟在柳扬和李立之后,两对新人一起款......
聂耳音乐中的爱情主题 聂耳音乐中的爱情主题 :小学音乐论文:音乐课堂教学过程 我国民族音乐的形成与特点 音乐鉴赏教学中的创造性思维培养聂耳音乐中的爱情主题 《梅娘曲》选自话剧《回春之曲》中的第三幕,讲述的是......
" 论文关键词:宗教 狭隘性 积极作用 消极作用 与时俱进 论文摘要:在宗教复兴的现时代,宗教问题不仅影响着世界的稳定,也对我国的发展具有重要的制约作用。马克思主义宗教思想启示我们,宗教以“精神补偿”的独特方式,整合民族的......
【摘 要】美国霸权主义的产生由来已久,他的产生给美国带来无穷的利益的同时也给其他许多国家带来了无尽的灾难。它是美国国内包括政治、经济、文化、军事等多种因素共同作用下的结果,而宗教因素也是十分重要的因素之一。弄清楚它产生......
" 如此高扬主体性并非意在贬低客观物质条件在历史发展中的作用。但是,人的社会意识的本性毕竟在于否定存在、超越存在,而不是适应存在。主体性发展的历史是主体冲破客观的限制性,摆脱被动性的历史。客体是主体的幼稚园,成长着的主......
" 论文关键词:无神主义;人本主义;伟大人格 论文摘要:近代新文化运动、五四运动的领导者一陈独秀在科学主义、自由主义与马克思主义的指导下宣扬否定一切宗教迷信,特刺是基督教,揭露其荒谬性.主张用科学取代宗教的无神主叉思想......
" 20世纪90年代以来,西方学术界开展了一场关于资本主义的前途和未来的大讨论,资 本主义向何处去的问题重新彰显。资本主义必然灭亡吗?它的未来是什么?为此,自由主 义思想家、西方马克思主义者和左翼激进思想家展开了广泛而激烈的论争......
" 论文关键词:马克思主义 宗教 社会道德 文化 邪教 论文摘要:宗教问题影响世界的稳定,对我国的社会生活也有着重大影响。宗教对民族的发展具有整合功能,促使人们更好地遵守社会道德规范,对文化具有重要的积极影响。与此同时,宗......
爱情,是人类永恒的话题,历届诺贝尔奖得主是怎样谈论爱情的呢? ◇爱是一种病,但并不致命。 ――塞尔玛・拉格洛芙,诺贝尔文学奖,1909年 ◇人人都谈论爱情,但爱情只在拥有过爱情的人身上留下痕迹,对此我并不想多说什么......
本文为湖南省高等学校科学研究项目(10C0196)的阶段性成果。 摘 要:冰心是中国女性翻译者的代表之一,除了在文学创作上表现突出,在文学翻译上也成绩斐然。她对于翻译有着个人独特的理解,译作中不仅女性意识明显,更显现了她的生......
【摘 要】威尔弗雷德・史密斯在其《宗教的意义与终结》中指出宗教概念的缺失,提议采纳“累积的传统”和“个人的信仰”。文章从语言学角度对此进行分析。 【关键词】宗教概念;涵义集;二重性 史密斯在其《宗教的意义与终结》中阐......
毕业论文 摘 要 辩证唯物主义认为,世界万物之间都存在着对立与统1的基本规律,歌唱作为1门音乐语言艺术也是1样。歌唱艺术中所体现的对立与统1的关系,......
[摘 要]爱国主义教育是一个历久弥新的课题。自孔子时代起,爱国主义教育就作为指导学生成长成才的重要内容,在2000余年的封建历史发展过程中,爱国主义教育经历了其萌芽、发展与演变。当代,爱国主义教育倍受党和政府的重视,相关政策......
◎叶老师: 你好! 我和她是高三认识的,因为我一个好哥们儿跟她算发小,所以我们一开始就很熟络,到现在四年了,关系一直不错,属于玩得很好的异性朋友。 一般都是她在QQ或者微信上主动找我。平时上学的时候少点儿,一周大概一......
摘要:罗宾德拉纳特・泰戈尔(1861―1941)被称为印度的诗哲和诗圣、并在世界文坛享有崇高、独特的地位。他诗歌的思想并不内涵极为丰富、而且可以用一个字来归纳:爱。本文主要围绕泰戈尔诗歌的爱情主题展开讨论。 关键词:关键词:......
摘 要:施蛰存的《石秀之恋》采用古为今用的手法,重构了《水浒传》中的英雄石秀的形象。一方面,他“变”,突破了施耐庵对石秀神化的描写,以性欲书写为切入点,展现石秀在情欲与道德交战中的心理流变,还原了人类复杂多变的内心世界......
浅析爱因斯坦的宗教信仰 浅析爱因斯坦的宗教信仰 浅析爱因斯坦的宗教信仰 “上帝不是在掷骰子”,这是爱因斯坦常用的一句口头禅。对此很多人感到诧异,象爱因斯坦这样伟大的科学家难道也信奉上帝吗?这个问题也曾引起一些......
1903 年,罗斯科出生在立陶宛的德文斯科镇。在他童年时期的记忆中,俄国针对犹太人并且聚众的暴力行为对他一生产生了影响。儿时记忆中的凶险与宗教环境紧紧围绕他一生的绘画,他看重宗教情感的体验和神圣启示,他在走向更加直接的宗教......