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The personal character not only contains what they do, not also contains how to do. So the personal character plays an important role in one’s life. Falstaff is the most famous figure in the Henry Ⅳ and The Merry Wives of Windsor. What are the characters of Falstaff? Because of the spanersities of Falstaff’s character, different people hold different views on the character of Falstaff. In order to make people know Falstaff more clearly and objectively, this paper seeks to find out characters of Falstaff from several aspects according to Liu Zaifu’s theory. The first part is to compare King Lear with Falstaff to find out the special character of Falstaff. The second part is to discuss the characters of Falstaff. It is easy to find that there are complication and romanticism and realistic meanings existed in the character of Falstaff. The third part is to find out the causes of shaping the character of Falstaff and get all-side recognition.

Key Words

Falstaff’s character; Complication; Romanticism; Realistic meanings; Causes;

摘 要

恩格斯说:“人物的性格不仅表现在他做什么,而且表现在他怎样做”。福斯塔夫是莎士比亚的历史剧《亨利四世》和喜剧《温莎的风流娘们儿》中著名的喜剧人物, 也是世界戏剧史上最令人难忘的艺术形象之一,那么福斯塔夫到底有着什么样的性格呢?历来的评论家对他性格的分析有着不同的意见,但往往是要么太偏激要么太主观,因此本文根据刘再复《性格组合论》的相关理论探讨福斯塔夫的性格。第一部分,通过福斯塔夫和李尔王的对比,寻找两个人性格的异同点,从而凸现出福斯塔夫的性格;第二部分,具体探讨福斯塔夫的性格,主要是从福斯塔夫性格的复杂性,浪漫性和现实性入手;第三部分,追溯福斯塔夫性格形成的原因,一方面,从骑士的历史背景及福斯塔夫的社会地位着手;另一方面,从人自身的心理因素着手。从而让人们看到一个全新的福斯塔夫,既生动逼真又客观合乎情理。




The character Sir John Falstaff plays a crucial part in Shakespeare's Henry IV and The Merry Wives of Windsor. Falstaff gives a deep impression to people on the world since he has stepped the stage. What draws us in and makes us like Falstaff? If you ask what he enjoys, no doubt the answer is, first and foremost, eating and drinking, then relaxing at the inn with his other merry friends and companions. These things are what really matter to Falstaff, but Falstaff portrays one aspect of life that is both brutal and harsh. This is important because Falstaff is noble like all other main characters in the play. Unlike Falstaff, the other nobles in the play behave well as real noble persons. Falstaff acts more like the lower class people. In order to satisfy his needs and desire, Falstaff has to ignore his status and does some ridiculous things. At the same time, he talks big and ignores the social honor and conventions. To him, honor is just a word and nothing dying over. It is easy to find that the character of Falstaff is a typical example for research. So many people on the world have done some research on him. Sun Qi had compared Falstaff with Ah’Q in order to find the character of Falstaff. Other critics have done similar researches. Besides some advantages we have find that those studying have some disadvantages. As we know personal character is a complex system. Liu Zaifu has said in his work The Combination of Character that there are three methods to analyze the personal character. The first one is to compare between different personal characters; the second is to compare between the phenomenon and essence existed in one person; the last one is to compare the two opponent factors of character in one person. According to those rules we discuss and analyze the character of Falstaff. We seek to find out the similarities and differences between Falstaff and King Lear, then analyze the complex character of Falstaff from several aspects. It is easy to find that there are complication and romanticism and realistic meanings existed in the character of Falstaff. In addition, we try to find the causes of shaping the character of Falstaff and get all-side recognition. On one hand, the birth of Falstaff is not casual, at that time the knight system has been decayed and the humanism is in the embryonic stage, Falstaff represents the special class that should be doomed to die, because they do not want to do anything for themselves and idle about. On the other hand, the character is a pursuing system and this kind of pursing system is motivation that forces the human being to do something for themselves and others. Falstaff is a knight and has decent status, in order to live and get the love he has to talk big, tell lies and often be teased by others.

I. Comparison between Falstaff and King Lear

The strength of Shakespeare’s plays lies in the absorbing stories they tell, in their wealth of complex characters, and in the eloquent speech—vivid, forceful, and at the same time lyric—that the playwright puts on his characters’ lips. It has often been noted that Shakespeare’s characters are neither wholly good nor wholly evil, and that it is their flawed, inconsistent nature that makes them memorable. Hamlet fascinates audiences with his ambivalence about revenge and the uncertainty over how much of his madness is feigned and how much genuine. Falstaff would not be beloved if, in addition to being genial, openhearted, and witty, he were not also boisterous, cowardly, and, ultimately, poignant. Because of those reasons we have to analyze the character of Falstaff. Liu Zaifu has said in his works The Combination of Character that there are three methods to analyze the personal character. The first one is to compare between different personal character; the second is to compare between the phenomenon and essence existed in one person; the last one is to compare the two opponent factors of character in one person. According to those rules we discuss and analyze the character of Falstaff.

A. The Character of King Lear

Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear is a detailed description of the consequences of one man's decisions. This fictitious man is Lear, King of England, whose decisions greatly alter his life and the lives of those around him. As Lear bears the status of King he is, as one expects, a man of great power but sinfully he surrenders all of this power to his daughters as a reward for their demonstration of love towards her. This untimely abdication of his throne results in a chain reaction of events that send him through a journey of hell. King Lear is a metaphorical description of one man's journey through hell in order to expiate his sin. As the play opens one can almost immediately see that Lear begins to make mistakes that will eventually result in his downfall. This is the first and most significant of the many sins that he makes in this play. By abdicating his throne to fuel his ego he is disrupts the great chain of being which states that the King must not challenge the position that God has given him. This undermining of God's authority results in chaos that tears apart Lear's world. Leaving him, in the end, there is nothing. Following this Lear begins to banish those around him that genuinely care for him as at this stage he cannot see beyond the mask that the evil wear. He banishes Kent, a loyal servant to Lear, and his youngest and previously most loved daughter Cordelia. The result in Lear surrounding himself with people who only wish to use him which leaves him very vulnerable attack. This is precisely what happens and it is through this that he discovers his wrongs and amends them. Following the committing of his sins, Lear becomes abandoned and estranged from his kingdom which causes him to loose sanity. While lost in his grief and self-pity the fool is introduced to guide Lear back to the sane world and to help Lear find that was once lost behind a hundred knights but now is out in the open and scared like a little child. The fact that Lear has now been pushed out from behind his Knights is dramatically represented by him actually being out on the lawns of his castle. The terrified little child that is now unsheltered is dramatically portrayed by Lear's sudden insanity and his rage and anger is seen through the thunderous weather that is being experienced. All of this contributes to the suffering of Lear due to the gross sins that he has committed. The peak of this hell that is experienced by Lear in order to repay his sins is at the end of the play when Cordelia is killed. Lear says this before he himself dies as he cannot live without his daughter. All of this pain that Lear suffered is traced back to the single most important error that he made the choice to give up his throne. This one sin has proven to have massive repercussions upon Lear and the lives of those around him eventually killing almost all of those who were involved. And one is left to ask one's self if a single wrong turn can do this to Lear then what difficult corner lies ahead that may cause similar alterations in one's life.

B. The Falstaff's Ludicrous Traits

Falstaff in Henry IV is a very different composition. The main character of Falstaff is clearly a prankster, and not nearly as many horrible things happen to him. Falstaff is the character we laugh at, a mock King in Henry IV. Hal is the ideal King and Falstaff is a Lord of Misrule. Up to certain point Falstaff is merely an object of pure entertainment. His character is present chiefly for the humor that arises by showing his ludicrous traits. Why should we laugh at a man with a huge belly and an appetite to match, at the way he suffers on a hot day, his cumbersome size and the liveliness of his spirit. His timeless age and his youthful lightness of heart show his true nature. Why do we find comedy in the enormity of his lies and the suddenness of their exposure and frustration. The contrast between his reputation and his real character, seen most absurdly when, at the mere mention of his name, a rebel surrenders to him. What is it about Falstaff that causedus to laugh at these and many such things? Here we have them poured out in endless profusion and with that air of careless ease which is so fascination in Shakespeare. But while they are quite essential to the character, there is much more than just fun in him. These things by themselves do not explain why, besides laughing at Falstaff, we are made happy by him and laugh with him. But while they are quite essential to the character, there is an ugly side of Falstaff, but we overlook it in light of his great humor.

C. The Differences and Similarities in them

The two compositions have humorous parts in them but both are distinctly different. Falstaff in Henry IV is clearly a comedy with almost all the traits of a comedy while King Lear is a sad character. Falstaff and King Lear are somewhat dissimilar. King Lear deals with all of the problems from one of his actions-abdication of his throne. Falstaff deals with the situations surrounding the prince and he can take different paths with his life. The two characters share a troubled past and an even more troubling future but that is the extent of their similarity. Compared to King Lear who is extremely unhappy and is on a quest to regain his happiness which is ultimately impossible, Falstaff’s indulgences cause him to slowly lose his life and alienate the people around him. Like King Lear they both lose possessions along their journey. They are alike in many ways but take different ways to meet their ends. Their experiences are different but their end is the same.

Ⅱ. The Several Aspects of Falstaff's Character

A. The Complication of Falstaff's Character

What draws us in and makes us like Falstaff? If you ask what he enjoys, no doubt the answer is, first and foremost, eating and drinking, then relaxing at the inn with his other merry friends and companions. These things are what really matter to Falstaff. Falstaff’s indulgences cause him to slowly lose his life and alienate the people around him. This is perhaps the most substantial comic character that ever was invented.

First of all, I want to help the readers recognize the complex character of Falstaff through discussing about it. As we know, the personal character plays an important role in literary works, it also shows personal way of life and mental movement. Western writers often pay attention to this point and regard it as the values of literary, while Chinese people do not take care of it and spanide human being into two groups. So the personal character in literary is simple and unique, the characters between the perfect and the worst are very clear as God and beast. Some Chinese people regard the character of Falstaff as bad hooligan while others take opposite view. At the same time, in the study of human nature there is one method which certainly cannot lead to reliable results. This is to ask people about their own personality. Nevertheless, many serious psychologists and sociologists still have a naive confidence in this method, and practice it by sending out questionnaires to thousands of inspaniduals. The sociologist who uses this method in order to establish the presence of certain psychological traits in masses of people, does not know the most elementary characteristic of human nature, which is that people do not know themselves. We might hope that people's actions are more characteristic than their opinions. Actions are indeed more valuable than words, and questionnaires on behavior would yield more interesting results if one could rely on the correctness of the answers. In fact, human nature is complex system, there is no perfect man except God, also there is no bad man except beast. In order to get rid of this unreasonable view I suggest we should hold the right stand to judge the character of Falstaff.

Falstaff carries a most portly presence in the mind's eye, and in him, not to speak it profanely, "we behold the fullness of the spirit of wit and humor bodily." We are as well acquainted with his person as his mind, and his jokes come upon us with double force and relish from the quantity of flesh through which they make their way, as he shakes his fat sides with laughter, or "lards the lean earth as he walks along." Other comic characters seem, if we approach and handle them, to resolve themselves into air, "into thin air", but this is embodied and palpable to the grossest apprehension: it lies "three fingers deep upon the ribs," it plays about the lungs and the diaphragm with all the force of animal enjoyment. His body is like a good estate to his mind, from which he receives rents and revenues of profit and pleasure in kind, according to its extent and the richness of the soil. Wit is often a meager substitute for pleasurable sensation, an effusion of bad temper and petty spite at the comforts of others, from feeling none in itself. Falstaff's wit is an emanation of a fine constitution; an exuberance of good-humor and good-nature; an overflowing of his love of laughter and good-fellowship; a giving vent to his heart's ease, and over-contentment with himself and others. He would not be in character, if he were not so fat as he is, for there is the greatest keeping in the boundless luxury of his imagination and the pampered self-indulgence of his physical appetites. He manures and nourishes his mind with jests, as he does his body with sack and sugar. He has jokes with others, as he would eat capon or a haunch of venison. His tongue drops fatness, and in the chambers of his brain "it snows of meat and drink". He keeps up perpetual holiday and open house, and we live with him in a round, of invitations to a rump steak. Yet we are not to suppose that he was a mere sensualist. All this is as much in imagination as in reality. His sensuality does not occupy and dull his other faculties, but "ascends me into the brain, clears away all the dull, crude vapors that environ it, and makes it full of nimble, fiery, and delectable shapes." His imagination keeps up the fat body after his senses have done with it. He seems to have even a greater enjoyment of the freedom from restraint, of good cheer, of his ease, of his vanity, in the ideal exaggerated description which he gives of them, than in fact. He never fails to enrich his discourse with allusions to eating and drinking, but we never see him at table. He carries his own kitchen about with him, and he is "a tun". His pulling out the bottle in the field of battle is a joke to show his contempt for glory accompanied with danger, his systematic adherence to his Epicurean philosophy in the most trying circumstances. Again, such is his deliberate exaggeration of his own vices, that it does not seem quite certain whether the account of his hostess's bill, found in his pocket, with such an out-of-the-way charge for capons and sack with only one half penny-worth of bread, was not put there by himself as a trick to humor the jest upon his favorite propensities, and as a conscious caricature of himself. He is represented as a liar, a braggart, a coward, a glutton, etc., and yet we are not offended but delighted with him, for he is all these as much to amuse others as to gratify himself. He openly assumes all these characters to show the humorous part of them. The unrestrained indulgence of his own ease, appetites, and convenience, has neither malice nor hypocrisy in it. In a word, he is an actor in himself almost as much as upon the stage, and we no more object to the character of Falstaff in a moral point of view than we should think of bringing an excellent comedian, who should represent him to the life. We only consider the number of pleasant lights in which he puts certain weaknesses (the more pleasant as they are opposed to the received rules and necessary restraints of society), and do not trouble ourselves about the consequences resulting from them, for no mischievous consequences do result. Falstaff is old as well as fat, which gives a melancholy retrospective tinge to the character, and by the disparity between his inclinations and his capacity for enjoyment, makes it still more ludicrous and fantastical.

The secret of Falstaff's wit is, for the most part, a masterly presence of mind, an absolute self-possession, which nothing can disturb. His repartees are involuntary suggestions of his self-love; instinctive evasions of everything that threatens to interrupt the career of his triumphant jollity and self-complacency. His very size floats him out of all his difficulties in a sea of rich conceits, and he turns round on the pivot of his convenience, with every occasion and at a moment's warning. His natural repugnance to every unpleasant thought or circumstance, of itself makes light of objections, and provokes the most extravagant and licentious answers in his own justification. His indifference to truth puts no check upon his invention. The more improbable and unexpected his contrivances are, the more happily does he seem to be delivered of them, the anticipation of their effect acting as a stimulus to the gaiety of his fancy. The success of one adventurous sally gives him spirits to undertake another thing, and his exaggerations and excuses are "open, palpable, monstrous as the father that begets them." His dissolute carelessness of what he says discovers itself in the first dialogue with the Prince.

B. The Romanticism of the Falstaff's Character

C. The Realistic Meanings of Falstaff's Character

As a poet says “A little sand reflects the whole world.” Analyzing the character of Falstaff still has great meanings nowadays. From the little figure we not only see Falstaff more clearly, but also can experience the period of history and feel culture that author described. With the global development and international communication, the people in different countries have started to learn from each other and enhance their cultural civilization. William Shakespeare is a famous dramatist who ever lives and his woks are worldwide literature masterpiece.

The ideas which I have formed concerning the courage and military character of the dramatic Sir John Falstaff, are so different from those which I find generally to prevail in the world, that I shall take the liberty of stating my sentiments on the subject, in hope that some person as unengaged as myself, will either correct and reform my error in this respect, or, joining himself to my opinion, remedy me from, what I may call, the reproach of singularity. I am to avow that I do not clearly discern that Sir John Falstaff deserves to bear the character so generally given him of an absolute coward, in other words, that I do not conceive Shakespeare ever meant to make cowardice an essential part of his constitution. I know how universally the contrary opinion prevails, and I know what respect and deference are due to the public voice. But if to make an avowal of this singularity, I add all the reasons that have led me to it, and acknowledge myself to be wholly in the judgment of the public, I shall hope to avoid the censure of too much forwardness or indecorum.

It must, in the first place, be admitted that the appearances in this case are singularly strong and striking. We see this extraordinary character, almost in the first moment of our acquaintance with him, involved in circumstances of apparent dishonor; and we hear him familiarly called coward by his most intimate companions. We see Falstaff, on occasion of the robbery at Gads-Hill, in the very act of running away from the Prince and Poins, and we behold him, on another of more honorable obligation, in open day light, in battle, and acting in his profession as a Soldier, escaping from Douglas even out of the world as it were; pretending death, and deserting his very existence; and we find him on the former occasion, betrayed into those lies and boastful words, which are the usual concomitants of coward in military action, and pretenders to valor.

At last but not least, Falstaff is an excellent talker and also well versed. He expresses his ideas through his words and action. Falstaff presents many harsh, realistic ideas in the play. These ideas are balanced with his good nature. Falstaff is a lovable character and invokes deep emotions in the reader. Since Falstaff's views invokes thought in the reader. Through their contrast to the other noble's views, and since pain is used to balance his views, Falstaff invoked "thoughtful sadness" in the reader. This is an important quality in many literary works.

Ⅲ.The Results into Character of Falstaff

A. The Knight History and Social Background

B. Psychological Factor

Most people usually consider that inspanidual characters have two aspects. The one is the actions in reality which often reflect the human beings’ practice, the another is motive of actions which represent the mental movement. So discussing the personal characters should be research the psychology. The characters is a pursuing system and this kind of pursing system is motive power that forces the human being to do something for themselves and others, which distinguish the human beings from animals. Animals live and regulate themselves to adopt the nature by inbuilt ability no matter how it changes, while the human beings often want to overcome and control the nature heart and soul, and do always feel unsatisfied and try to do their best to change their living condition and reform the world. So from above evidences, the psychologists regard the characters of human beings as formed by two basic requirements, which are nature purpose and cultural purpose. For instance, though Falstaff is a knight and has decent status, in order to live and get the love he has to talk big, tell lies and often be teased by others. Without those things, the characters of Falstaff cannot make a deep impression in people’s mind.


This paper explains and discusses the character of Falstaff in the Henry Ⅳ and The Merry Wives of Windsor by comparing and analyzing methods according to Liu Zaifu’s theory. Compare King Lear with Falstaff, we have found that Falstaff’s indulgences cause him to slowly lost his life and alienate people around him, but he brings happiness and delight to people no matter how hard his condition. We also have found that there are complication existed in his characters. Though he is knight and has decent status, he has to lose his face and do some ridiculous things; though he is very old and fat, his wit to please people is proper with them. The human being has started to pay attention to themself since the Renaissance has appeared. The Romanticism of Falstaff is presented by his words and actions. In order to satisfy his needs and please others he ignores social rules and convention and expresses his feeling freely. The realistic meanings of Falstaff’s character are his courage which is often different from public voices. In addition, we also find out the causes of shaping the character of Falstaff. On one hand, the birth of Falstaff is not casual, at that time the knight system has been decayed and the humanism is in the embryonic stage, Falstaff represents the special class that should be doomed to die, because they do not want to do anything for themselves and idle about. On the other hand, the character is a pursuing system and this kind of pursing system is motivation that forces the human being to do something for themselves and others. Falstaff is a knight and has decent status, in order to live and get the love he has to talk big, tell lies and often be teased by others. In a word, Falstaff is complex person, so his characters are complicate and contradictory.


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5月9日,在俄罗斯纪念卫国战争胜利70周年暨“欧洲胜利日”的盛大阅兵上,以T-14“阿玛塔”为核心的俄军新一代坦克装甲车辆集体亮相,不仅让看惯了传统坦克的观众们眼前一亮,更引发了全世界陆军对于下一代主战坦克的集体探讨。 自从......
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A 弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫创作的《到灯塔去》是一部具有女性主义色彩的小说。小说中塑造了莉莉・布里斯科这个另类的女性形象。小说文本描述了莉莉经历了一系列的心理过程,从对自我的困惑、到对男性原则......
论希曼诺夫斯基钢琴前奏曲的哭泣音调与非传统性 内容摘要:本文概述了波兰音乐家希曼诺夫斯基的音乐风格,以其钢琴前奏曲为例,总结出作品的哭泣音调与非传统性的音乐特点,并结合具体曲例加以论述。 关键词:希曼诺夫斯基;钢琴前奏......
摘 要: 陀思妥耶夫斯基笔下博学睿智、勇敢反叛的时代新女性不再用受苦受难磨炼自己,而是高举女权主义的大旗奋起抗争,在与男权制度的博弈中,追求自由与幸福。但是陀思妥耶夫斯基对于“新女性”的认知有着矛盾心理,她们在进行自我......
洗澡的人们 引言 有一回我在河里洗澡心里琢磨―― 这大概有点儿出乎你的预料―― 究竟是些什么人正在我旁边洗澡, 进而联想到漫长岁月世世代代, 这河水即便不是万古流淌,想必 也流过了不止千年,远比人生更长, 那么......
佐罗塔耶夫手风琴作品的创作特点 佐罗塔耶夫手风琴作品的创作特点 作者:小雪 来源:互联网 更新:2009-12-19 阅读: 栏目:音乐论文 佐罗塔耶夫手风琴作品的创作特点 论文关键词 佐罗塔耶夫......
这个房间很高啊! 这里的窗户、门和壁炉看上去都是为巨人建的。 它们和房间的大小相匹配,所以很大!凡尔赛宫的小间和大厅的大小比例经过研究以求得平衡与和谐。 听说这里没有天花板,能看得见天空。 那是绘画装饰造成的错觉......
一、李斯特塔兰台拉作品风格特征 李斯特《塔兰台拉舞曲》不仅是一首钢琴独奏作品, 同样也作为管弦乐队的经典曲来演奏,这就表明着《塔兰台拉舞曲》是李斯特所特有的在钢琴上表现了管弦乐效果的作品。《塔兰台拉舞曲》具有强大的音响效......
贝塔斯曼图书销售业务在中国失败的讨论 贝塔斯曼图书销售业务在中国失败的讨论 贝塔斯曼图书销售业务在中国失败的讨论 精 品 源自中 考备 战 摘要 本文从图书的特性、中国的现状和网络时代的特点三个方面分别论述了贝塔斯......
上世纪80年代初,某地有个姓许的民间文艺工作者去乡间采风。所谓采风,便是听老人说些过去的故事,然后再整理成文。 某次,他到了一个偏僻的小村庄,因为天晚了便寄住在一户人家。这家就一个老人,晚上两人围着火炉烤番薯吃时,许......
逻辑后承是逻辑学的核心概念。早在1936 年以德文发表的《论逻辑后承概念》一文中,塔斯基就专门且明确地讨论了这个概念。他借助所谓的科学语义学(即模型论语义学)的技术给出了逻辑后承概念的定义,并认为他的定义最能符合我们关于通常......
陀思妥耶夫斯基文学的汉译 陀思妥耶夫斯基文学的汉译 陀思妥耶夫斯基文学的汉译 来 源自 教育 网 一、“如火如荼”的上世纪20年代 此后,陀氏的另一篇“为人生的现实主义”特征明显的作品《圣诞树和婚礼》也随即被翻......
1前言 剧情主宰着整个电影故事情节的发展脉络,动作设计的内、外部规定情境与影片的主控思想、叙述结构有机融合在一起,就形成了该片的故事情节。}]s}对于动作导演来说,只有在熟悉具体情节的基础上,他们才能为人物的武打动作赋予逻......
" 一、引言 恩格斯这些年被我们冷落了,而这种冷落不利于我们深化对马克思主义哲学的理解。 传统理解马克思主义哲学的视角是“恩格斯视角”,其基点是恩格斯关于“哲学基本问 题”的经典表述,由此出发所看到的马克思主义哲学就是后......
维特根斯坦与海德格尔的象论 维特根斯坦与海德格尔的象论 维特根斯坦与海德格尔的象论 维特根斯坦与海德格尔分属于现代西方哲学中很不同的哲学思潮。两者的治学风格更是相距甚远。然而,在他们的思想深处似乎有某种相......
" 内容提要:本文讨论了上世纪80年代以来占据知识界前沿的一次伟大争论:福柯和哈贝马斯的争论。由于这两个人在今天的巨大声望,以及思想的尖锐差异,使这场争论遍及整个欧美学界并引发了巨大的讨论。大致说来,差异体现在三个方面:......
【摘 要】虚无主义问题最初来自德国,是现代化晚发的传统深厚的大国,受到西方现代化文明传入,自身传统受到现代文明冲击后,对于现代文明哲学基础的反思和质疑。不同于德、俄两国的是,中国作为东方的文明深厚的大国,加之地理区位和......
格式塔美学对翻译的引荐价值 格式塔美学对翻译的引荐价值 格式塔美学对翻译的引荐价值 来 源自 教育 网 源自汉语的日谚“人间万事塞翁が马”,单一个“万”字便涵盖了诸多纷繁的世事。那么模糊视阈下的中日谚语数字翻......
陈欧缺席的聚会 2015年3月10日,这一天,北京的天气并不坏――虽然不像遥远的加州有金色阳光普照,但至少没有灰蒙蒙的雾霾。 下午的时候,在中关村创业大街黑马全球路演中心咖啡馆的三楼,有一个丝毫也不引人注目的聚会。十几个人......
一、规范式的准则( normative criteria) 巴克斯塔赞成克里提出的以政府利益分析的方法论解决有关虚假冲突的事件之方式。克里在这里所谓的虚假冲突意指有关争议焦点的法所属的所有州当中仅有一个州对适用自州的法律目的具有正当利益的......
摘 要:在俄罗斯,风景优美的庄园不仅是现实存在的文化景观,而且广泛地反映在文学作品、绘画以及建筑等各种文化形态之中。文学家屠格涅夫是贵族庄园的歌手。美好的庄园环境和文化氛围使他形成优良的精神素养,同时他又以庄园生活为素......
AbstractA pioneer of naturalism in American literature, Theodore Dreiser equally deserves a place in American literature for his vigorous attack on the genteel tradition and his long and active interest in American soci......
摘 要:《飘》中有两个最重要的女主人公:斯嘉丽和梅兰妮,尽管二人有太多的不同,但他们还是具备相似的品性。本文主要分析了斯嘉丽和梅兰妮的性格,使人物形象更加清晰,加深读者对《飘》的理解与感悟。 关键词:飘;斯嘉丽;梅兰妮......
摘 要:儿童在陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品中一直占有十分重要的位置。从苦难儿童的基督精神、博爱儿童的基督精神以及纯真儿童的基督精神等方面对陀思妥耶夫斯基的基督思想进行深入解读,从宗教思想的视角来分析这些儿童形象在其作品中的意义......
一、基耶斯洛夫斯基的创作背景 基耶斯洛夫斯基出生1941年波兰华沙。与我们这个大时代的作家艺术家一样,在共产党文化制度的乳汁哺育下长大,然而他的思想又与深厚的天主教文化渊源和波兰社会的嬗变有很深的关系。基耶斯洛夫斯基时常以......
设备管理员,这是一群成天“与机器打交道”的人,他们主要负责的是身边一堆冰冷机器设备的安装、调试、管理和日常维护,使之能正常、安全地运行,同时也为其他的使用者提供必要的技术保障。而我,正是这样的人。 我的工作对象主体是......
【摘 要】吉尔吉斯斯坦独立以来,国内局势几经动荡,治理形式几经变化。议会制时代,吉尔吉斯虽然维持了表面上的稳定。但是,显然,这种稳定是脆弱的不可持续的。议会制政治体制与传统社会衔接的碎片化南北间经济的失衡和宗教的复古化......
不久前的一天早晨,我在布拉格从不安的睡梦中醒来,发现自己变成了一名怀揣使命的游客,不再是1990年代在布拉格旅居三年期间的那个我。 那时候,我对这座城市以及出生于此的作家弗朗茨・卡夫卡的所有印象都是消极的。我对把卡夫卡商......
没什么比眼下的时尚更过时 苏珊妮・比索夫斯基不混迹时尚圈,也不怎么参与社交网络的互动,因为在她看来,那些关注沉浸在所谓“时尚圈”的客户们实则早已迷失在比例,色彩和对于品牌的迷恋上,“他们根本不知道什么是合适自己的”。......
【摘 要】《反杜林论》是恩格斯著作生涯中的名作之一,它系统而全面的阐述了马克思主义,成为论述马克思主义的经典之作,在马克思主义发展史上具有举足轻重的作用。《反杜林论》被列宁、毛泽东等多位忠实马克思主义者所研读,从中吸取......
运用格式塔心理美学分析中国传统篆刻的艺术性探讨 运用格式塔心理美学分析中国传统篆刻的艺术性探讨 :艺术试论 美的追求与人的解放 我对美学方法、学科定位及审美价运用格式塔心理美学分析中国传统篆刻的艺术性探讨 文 ......
戴维森纲领基于塔尔斯基约定-T 模式将真和意义加以联结,试图勾画一幅真之语义论的理想蓝图,从而为一种自然语言中的任一表达式的意义提供一种有效的解释或说明。这一模式必须仅仅蕴涵具有外延解释性的 T-语句。然而,以福斯特( Foste......
现代 的 时代 意识及其自我确证的要求 一 马 克斯·韦伯在其《宗教 社会 学论集》的著名前言里,阐述了他毕其整个学术生涯所探讨的“世界史 问题 ”,即“为什么 科学 的、 艺术 的、 政治 的或 经济 的 发展 没有在欧洲之外也 走 ......
“新奇”诗论与什克洛夫斯基“陌生化”诗学对读第一节 “能指”的突显与前置:中西通约之可能与西方的“陌生化”诗学理论不同,中国古典诗学中的“新奇”诗论更多地散见于文论家,哲学家与美学家的著作中,往往以只字片言的形式存在着,......
看过英剧《唐顿庄园》的人恐怕都对其中的老伯爵夫人印象深刻。 演员玛吉・史密斯将这一角色塑造得惟妙惟肖,也使自己的事业在人生的暮年又迎来高峰。 扎实的戏剧功底、数十年的从业经历、战胜癌症恶魔的乐观精神,再到如今历经风......
摘 要:双性同体观是英国著名女作家伍尔夫提出的重要思想。它是一种人格和人的全面自由发展的理念,以性别的可换性来否定永恒不变的性别角色模式。在《到灯塔去》中,伍尔夫认为:最美好的人性应该是理性与情感的完美融合,女气质和男......
屠格涅夫和冈察洛夫都是19世纪俄国文坛上有影响力的人物,两人友谊深厚,他们却曾因为“抄袭门”而发生过剧烈冲突,甚至险些决斗。 的确,相当长时间以来,冈察洛夫和屠格涅夫经常在一起交流彼此的创作计划和创作构思。冈察洛夫由于......
论文 关键词:目的合理性 价值合理性 现代 性 论文摘要:马克斯·韦伯主要从社会、文化以及个人三方面阐述了西方理性主义的表现形式。他将合理性分为两种类型,一种是目的合理性,另一种是价值合理性。马克斯·韦伯认为,在资......
Abstract This paper aims to make an analysis of the marriage of Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins, two characters in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Their marriage is often criticized as an exchange of property and ha......
[ 内容 提要]:柴科夫斯基“世界性”的作曲家,他将民族主义深刻地渗透在他的作品中间,他的作品是他的精神、生活以及 艺术 追求的真实写照。对于标题 音乐 ,柴科夫斯基深刻地将其理解为“音乐内容为本,文字说明为辅”。音乐的标题是......
作者:郭齐勇 摘要:朱熹主张“恻隐是情”“四端皆情”,强调道德情感与道德理性的互动。王夫之则严格区分“四端”“七情”,批评朱子“以性为情、以情知性”,混淆了性与情、道心与人心的界限,认定已发的道德情感仍然是“性......
你当年打造苹果一代的时候,有自己的产品哲学吗?必须有一种欲望、一种激励、一种热情,才能开发一款新品。当时一般人不能理解,为什么要有自己的电脑,因为当时的电脑非常昂贵。但我们想,不光开发产品,还要让人们买得起。 你最早......
塔城,坐落于祖国的西北边陲,是一个多民族大聚居的地区,现今共有俄罗斯族、达斡尔族等29 个民族。丰富的人文环境使这里自古就是各民族交流往来,多元文化交融荟萃的神奇热土。塔城地区的俄罗斯族是由原俄罗斯人从沙俄、苏俄迁徙至此......
【摘 要】音乐教育是教育中的重要组成部分,是美育和德育的重要形式之一。文章从美育功能、德育功能和独特的音乐功能三个方面对卡巴列夫斯基音乐教育思想进行了探析,并对卡巴列夫斯基音乐教育思想的局限性提出了自己的观点,以企为我......
[ 内容 提要]:柴科夫斯基“世界性”的作曲家,他将民族主义深刻地渗透在他的作品中间,他的作品是他的精神、生活以及 艺术 追求的真实写照。对于标题 音乐 ,柴科夫斯基深刻地将其理解为“音乐内容为本,文字说明为辅”。音乐的标题是......
一、柴可夫斯基的生平及创作背景 柴可夫斯基是著名的俄罗斯作曲家,他出生在俄国一个贵族家庭,10岁开始学习钢琴和作曲,23岁入彼得堡音乐学院学习作曲,毕业后到莫斯科音乐学院任教。1877年在梅克夫人的资助下,从事专业音乐创作,仅......
摘要:本文从分析屠格涅夫性格和在《父与子》塑造的虚无主义者―巴扎罗夫的性格两个方面分析俄罗斯民族的典型性格特点和其成因。从而对俄罗斯民族的典型性性格:二律背反,极端性作基本的了解和阐释。 关键词:俄罗斯民族性格;成因......
摘 要:20世纪以来的英国在第二次工业革命的激烈竞争中失去了世界范围内巨大的优势,国家实力相对下降。这种由一枝独秀到各国百花争鸣的格局变革迫使英国不得不转变原有自由放任的国家政策,凯恩斯主义便成了良好的替代品。二战结束后......
摘要:受潮汕文化影响,潮汕企业存在一定程度的家族色彩。文章基于霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论,对潮汕企业管理中存在的问题进行探讨,并就其可持续发展提出一些对策。 关键词:潮汕企业;管理;文化 近年来,伴随潮汕地区一些企业......
一:通过景物描写凸显气氛 总体看来,《木木》中包含的气氛是两个明显对立的格调 :一个是开篇的阴冷低沉并笼罩全篇(其中只在描写木木和格拉西姆相处时用了明快的语言),另一个是位于文章结尾的光明和欢快,这两种类型的场景是动态地......
解读《失败的帝国: 从斯大林到戈尔巴乔夫》
[摘 要]纯洁而善良的女性――苔丝,在种种屈辱中顽强地活着。她是一个反抗的女性,用自身的美德与压迫她的生活环境相抗衡。她始终保持自己独立的个性与崇高的追求,以至于成为自己理想的伟大牺牲者。 [关键词]苔丝;性格;反抗 《......
" 论文摘要:福斯特是当代职业教育领域的著名学者之一,多年来始终致力于职业教育理论的研究。他的著作《发展规划中的职业学校谬误》至今仍在职业教育界存有重要影响。本文致力于从福斯特所提出的职业教育理论出发,结合我国职业教育的......
摘 要:本文从格式塔心理学角度,通过单元结合和意境整合探寻《天净沙·秋思》的空间语义。提出“语言空间-心理结构-物理空间”模式,为理解《天净沙·秋思》的空间语义提供一定的参考。 关键词:单元结合 意境整合 语言空间-心理结构......