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[Abstract] Euphemism is derived from taboo, which is used to describe something inappropriate to talk about directly in communication. It is a cultural phenomenon as well as a rhetorical device. It is also a proper language pattern people created in social communication in order to make the communication effective. It plays an important role in our daily life. The most important social functions of euphemism are evasive function, polite function and cosmetic function. Political euphemism is a type of euphemism, so it has the feature of euphemism. Political euphemism is used widely by politicians, through which they can deliver thEir real information in a mild way without any harshness. This article will make an introduction of the origin, social functions and the application of euphemisms, and then discuss respectively the political euphemisms used in internal and international aspect and the rhetorical application of political euphemisms.

[Key Words] social function; political euphemism; rhetorical application

【摘 要】 委婉语起源于民俗禁忌,人们在交际中用来描述不宜直言的人或事物,既是一种修辞手法,又是一种文化现象。委婉语又是人们在 社会 交际中为谋求理想的交际效果而创造的一种适当的语言形式。它在生活中发挥着十分重要的交际功能。最主要的有避讳功能,礼貌功能,掩饰、美化功能。 政治 委婉语是委婉语的一个范畴,沿袭了普通委婉语的特征,广为政治家们所用。它使政治家们得以一种温和、不带任何刺激性的表达方式传递其真正的信息。本文将从委婉语的起源、社会功能、修辞入手,分别阐述政治委婉语的国际国内使用情况和政治委婉语修辞 应用 。

【关键词】 社会功能; 政治委婉语; 修辞应用

1. Introduction

1.1 The definition of euphemism

The English word “euphemism” derived from the Greek word “euphemismos”,which means “fair speech”. The prefix “eu-” means “good,sounding well”,and “pheme” means “saying” or “speech”. So the literal meaning of “euphemism” is “to speak with good words or in a pleasant manner.” In the book of Modern Linguistics, it is defined as “a mild, indirect or less offensive word or expression substituted when the speaker or writer fears more direct wording might be harsh, unpleasantly direct or offensive.”[1]

1.2 The origin of euphemism

To trace the beginning of euphemisms, we can’t neglect “taboo”. In primitive society, people couldn’t explain such things as death, ailments and some supernatural phenomena. They also had confusion between the names of things and the things themselves: The name is viewed as an extension of the things. Just as the idiom says “Speak of the devil and he appears.” Naturally the words or the phrases related to these unexplainable things became taboos.

For ordinary people, the safest way to avoid mentioning these things that they have to mention in many circumstances is to use another name---euphemisms to replace the true name of such a thing. In many cultures,the names of gods and devils are taboos .In order to avoid mentioning them directly, people use “gosh or golly” instead of God and “dicken or old Nick” instead of the devil. Therefore,we can safely state that “the existence of taboo words or taboo ideas stimulates the creation of euphemisms”.

In our modern society, however, the religious and superstitious relics still exist. But to a larger extent,euphemism is mostly motivated by people’s fear of death. Thus it is no wonder that such a large number of euphemisms about “death” exist: depart, decease,pass away,etc.

In short,euphemism originates from taboo. Because of the psychology of fear, people dare not or would rather not call something by name directly. If such unpleasant things have to be mentioned,people work out indirect terms to replace them. Thus euphemisms come into bEIng. Using euphemisms gives people a feeling that they are somewhat distant from what they fear,and resorting to euphemisms seems to be a guarantee of their safety,happiness,health and good luck.

1.3 The social functions of euphemism

From the origin of euphemism, we can see that the original function of euphemism is to be used in talking about taboos. In our daily life, there are some tabooed things that are believed to be dangerous to certain inspaniduals, or to the society as a whole, or to be disgusting and unpleasant and cause fear. Such taboo things include disease, disabilities, death, sex, body excretion and body elimination process, etc. People can use euphemisms to talk about what cannot be talked about.

With the development of our society, some new functions came into being during the communication in the civilized society. In our daily communication, besides, taboo topics, there are other sensitive and unpleasant topics which we do not feel like talking about directly, such as occupation, appearance, form of address, social status, poverty, murder, and so on. If we talk about such things directly, we may feel or make others feel embarrassed or unhappy. Such psychology in communication results in another function of euphemism, that is to show politeness and conceal feelings. For instance, unemployment and poverty are very dreadful things nowadays. In the modern way of thinking, to mention somebody’s unemployment and poverty is to speak pejoratively of his condition. So the replacements for them keep appearing. The miserable fact of unemployment is said to be “involuntarily leisured”, “between jobs”, etc. The poor becomes “the underprivileged”, and “the disadvantaged”. In Chinese, we refer to 失业 as 下岗,炒鱿鱼;被裁掉 as 给优化掉,etc. And the poor are descried as 拮据,手头紧,手头不便,囊中羞涩,etc.

From the above examples we can see that euphemisms can help to keep us more distant from the unpleasant reality, or in other words, the harsh truth has been concealed to a certain extent, that is to say, in reality,euphemisms are also often used to cover the truth. The euphemisms related to politics given excellent explanation for this. For example, the Watergate Scandal made people more sensitive to political language. It became necessary to use euphemisms to make the sensitive political concepts softened and vague. Hence,the “Caper incident” substituted “phones taps”, “go the hangout road” for “tell the truth”,and “stone wall” for “flatly refuse to cooperate”.[2] George Orwell once illustrated the bitter irony of such linguistic phenomenon,“political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable,and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

Based on the above descriptions about the social functions of euphemisms,we can make the generalizations as follows:

(1) Euphemisms not only help the speaker avoid talking about the dreadful or embarrassed things directly, but also help the speaker or the listener feel relaxed talking about the things that might probably make him/her appear disgraced or embarrassed if spoken directly.

(2) Euphemisms are used to cover up the true nature of events, deceiving the public with nice-sounding and pseudo-technical work, and in the meanwhile it also can help some people avoid talking about sensitive things directly so that they can escape their due responsibility, even punishment.

1.4. Rhetorical application of euphemism

1.4.1. The definition of rhetoric

Before we study the rhetorical application of euphemism,it is necessary to make clear what is rhetoric. Rhetoric is “the art of using language impressively and persuasively, esp. in public speaking.”(Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, 4th edition.) Whether Speaking or writing,one has to get oneself across effectively, i.e.,to be eloquent,accurate,impressive,persuasive and expressive. The study of how to express oneself effectively,generally speaking,is the main concern of rhetoric.

1.4.2. Rhetorical application of euphemism

When we use euphemisms, we also have to think about how to express our ideas effectively. So we should make use of the rhetorical device. [3] The rhetorical devices frequently used are as following:

(i) Metaphor

With this figure of speech,the euphemism always seems to be romantic so that the style of the language may change a lot. There are numerous euphemistic words for “die” in English. Actually some of them are vivid and informal metaphor. For instance,“go to his long home”, “go to sleep forever” and “cease to think”,etc.

(ii) Metonymy

Metonymy is a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is used to stand for another thing. The two things involved in a metonymy are not of the same kind but are closely related. Euphemism makes a good use of it. For instance, some part of human body are often euphemized with a whole part for a very special one, which is not suitable to mention directly, such as “lower parts”, or “part below” for “secret parts”, “upper parts” for “breasts”, etc.

(iii) Synecdoche

Some euphemisms are invented by synecdoche, a trope which is “a figure by which a more comprehensive term is used for less comprehensive or vice versa; as whole for part or part for whole, a genus for species or species for genus, etc.”(Oxford Dictionary) For instance, “He has a smooth tongue,” in fact, means, “He is talkative.”

(iv) Personification

Some unpleasant things are given human characteristics or human names to achieve a vivid effect. Examples:

(1)Personified euphemisms for drugs:

Big Harry for heroin,Miss Emma for morphine,

Mary Jane for marijuana,etc.

(2)Personified euphemisms for bathroom:

John (Am.E.) ,jakes,Sir John;

Mrs. Tones,Aunt (e.g. to go to one’s Aunt) (used by female only) ,etc

(v) Periphrasis

Periphrasis, as circumlocution, refers to a thing named in a roundabout way. Rawson suggests “the longer the euphemisms, the better .” They have more syllables, and frequently, two or more words will be deployed in place of a single one. For instance, “trousers” does not sound well,so “nether garments” replaces it. “Fart” is too unpleasant to the ear,so people say it as “wind from behind”.

(vi) Understatement

Understatement is a figure of speech in which an idea is deliberately expressed too weakly. It is used to play down or to minimize the importance of something. It is usually employed in three ways: litotes, meiosis and overtones. Litotes is understatement by denying the contrary of the thing being affirmed. It is the use of negative form for positive ideas when the speaker wishes to weaken his tone of comment on something. For example, we often use “unwise” instead of “stupid”; “impolite” instead of “rude”.

(vii) Irony

Irony is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning of the words used is the direct opposite of their usual sense. For example, when someone hates the weather, which spoils his trip and says, “What a fine day!” he is ironical.

Some intimate feelings or bad things are expressed resorting to irony, a figure of speech in which the meaning literally expressed is the opposite of the meaning indicated and aims at humor or sarcasm and avoid hurting others by direct expressions. In certain context,it can hold the reader’s attention and deepen its impression,therefore,a Pleasant effect could be achieved. Examples: Ministry of Defense is in fact referred to “Ministry of War”, the real meaning of “life insurance” is “insurance when you are dead”, and “freedom fighter” is substituted for “terrorists”.

2. Political euphemism

2.1. Introduction

Politics is a fertile area for the growth of euphemisms,which are cosmetic in expression but deceptive in nature. Euphemisms of this kind are always used consciously and deliberately. Euphemisms used in political issues are mainly seen in the internal and international aspects.

2.1.1 Internal aspect

In internal aspect, political euphemisms are used for some social problems such as poverty,unemployment, crime and racism, and the activities of the political organization and so on, which are cosmetic.

In order to cover the problems of poverty and unemployment, etc, the government continuously created euphemisms serving for his political purpose. For example, in America, “the poor” is called as “the deprived, man of modest means, the less well off”, and the poor area as “the inner city”, etc. And “lose jobs” become “between jobs”, “fire employees” become “downsizing” or “RIF (reduction in force),”lack of job security” is referred to as “job flexibility”. In Britain, the unemployed can enjoy the half-price film ticket or theatre ticket, only because they are “the less fortunate”.

When the western countries were in the beginning of 20th century, the relation between the laborers and the capitalist was very tense, and strike become a serious social problem. In order to cover the contradiction, “strike” was referred to as “industrial dispute”, “boycott classes” as “student unrest”, “and drop” as “adjustment downward”.[4]America is a country pound of its perfect law system, however, it is also a country filled with all kinds of social crime. In order to avoid those disgraced sayings, euphemisms are frequently used. For instance, “steal” is called as “to hook, to palm, to work the hole, to walk away with”; “to robbery” is referred to as “to clip, to put the arm on, to break a jug”; “to murder” is referred to as “to cross out, to disappear, to die in a necktie, to go cool”; “punishment ”becomes “to drop into the bucket, do time, to walk the last mile”. [5] P47 The word “nigger” which is full of racial discrimination and has a bad connotation is replaced by “Negro” and then “colored”, “black” and now “Afro-American”.

Some political organizations also prefer to use euphemisms. In America, the activity of the FBI organization often be criticized and satirized. People especially disagreed with thEir searching activities, which invade human rights. In order to cover thEIr illegal activity, the investigators of the organizer created and changed the speech they used, using a series of euphemisms, such as “technical trespasses, surreptitious, uncontested physical searches, and warrantless investigations”, etc, all of which, in fact, are the euphemism of “break in”. After the American president Reagan win the election, he set about to deal with the country’s financial problem. He appealed “revenue enhancements”. In fact, it is “tax increase”, which run counter to “cut taxes” he promised during the election. The euphemism used here vague his true intention abstractly and fuzzily. [6]

There are also some other political euphemisms used to cover the political scandals. For example, “lie” is referred to as “less than truthful, prevaricate, inoperative”; “illegal” is referred to as “inappropriate” There are a lot of euphemisms produced during the “Watergate scandal” about president Nixon in America of 20th century 1970s.For instance, “plumber” is referred to as “intelligence-stealer”, “eavesdrop” as “intelligence-gathering”, “the scheme of eavesdrop” as “scenario”, and even “the scandal” became “event”.

In modern society, social problems are numerous,so it is with China. To reassure and pacify the public,the government just makes such remarks as “我们绝大多数党员干部是廉洁自律的,这样的人在我们的干部队伍中只是极少数, 问题 是有的,但成绩是主要的,主流是好的” etc. For diplomatic talks,we have such remarks as “双方进行了建设性的会谈,双方就共同关心的问题坦率地交换了意见,总之,双方的会谈是有益的和富有建设性的”etc. All these indicate that both sides are quite far from reaching agreement concerning certain issues. These vague remarks just conceal the fact of truth and serve certain political purpose.2.1.2 International aspect

In the case of international aspect, the cosmetic euphemisms also can be easily found in political and military activities. For instance, “lie” is referred to as “terminological inexactitude”; “aggression” as “pre-emptive action” or “police action”; “retreat and tout” as “phased withdrawal”; “admit defeat” as “concede the victory to”; “concentration camps” as “strategic villages” or “hamlets”; “bombing and blasting of whole villages” as “pacification of the enemy infrastructure” or “softening up of enemy resistance” or “give massive air support”. The euphemisms here are in the true sense of the word “false.” They are used to cover up the true nature of events, deceiving the public with nice-sounding and pseudo-technical words.

Political euphemisms used in military activity come into being with the war. Politicians in the western countries call the invasive war used to transfer the internal contradiction as “preventive war” or “international armed conflict”; “defeat” as “strategic withdrawal”; “the refugee tide ”during the war as “transfer of population”.

The military activity of the allied forces of the USA and Britain in Iraq also produced many political euphemisms. The moment of starting the war was called as “moment of truth”; the slogan of this action was “Iraqi Freedom”; the illegal and inhuman aggression become “liberation”; “bombing” was called as “ a target of opportunity,” that is, a target of the Iraqi leadership, which really means “random bombing”.

Government discussion of the Vietnam War was saturated with euphemisms. Villagers were burned and the inhabitants imprisoned-that were ‘pacifications’; saturation bombing with B-525 was ‘ordnance delivery’,destroying crops was ‘defoliation’; the war itself was not a war but a ‘conflict’. These euphemisms form a framework to deceive,to hide the dirty business of war. And examples are everywhere: in 1983,after the U.S. sent its armed forces into Grenada,Reagan showed his irritation with reporters at their ‘frequent use of the word invasion. ‘This’, he said,‘was a rescue mission.’ Actually, it was Reagan himself who had first called it an invasion. In 1999,the U.S. government bombed Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia on purpose,but to conceal their guilt,they called the bombing ‘friendly fires’ and so on.

Sometimes, the invader even uses the cosmetic function of euphemisms to shirk one’s responsibility and keep themselves from being censured by the international public opinion. For example, the Japanese government was unwilling to admit its heinous crime in front of its civilians after its surrender in the World War Two. It even distorts the history. In its history textbooks, “invade China” is misrepresented as “enter the mainland”, “massive killing in Nanjing city” which shocked the whole world was called as “occupy Nanjing city”. In the end of 20th century, NATO, in order to speed up the process of “the plan of eastward”, taking the Kosovo Crisis as an excuse, bombed Yugoslavia heavily, which last over two months. The unscrupulous bombing brought the Yugoslavians the material and mental loss. When countries all over the world blamed the NATO’s “robbery action”, in order to escape from it, NATO called the war as “humanitarian intervention”. The American Defense Minister WillianCohen denied the war against Yugoslavia on the News Release Meeting, and said euphemistically that, “We are certainly engaged in ‘hostilities’; we are engaged in ‘combat’. “American Secretary of state Madeleine Albright even called the “continuous bombing” of NATO against Yugoslavia as “NATO’s operation”, so that they could take the easier way to talk about the situation of Yugoslavia concerned by people all over the world.[7]

In international aspect, there are also some examples, which reflect the positive function of the political euphemisms. For instance, “the developing country” is referred to “the poor country” to avoid the problem of un-development and show the politeness, which is good for the cooperation between the countries all over the world. Another example, when different political systems are referred, people often use “the eastern countries “to refer to the socialist countries, such as China, and “the western countries” to the capitalist countries, such as America, so as to soften and avoid the conflict, and keep a harmonious atmosphere between the countries.

We can also see the use of political euphemisms used for politeness from the reports about “Nuclear Weapon Problem in Korean Peninsula”. The speaker of American White House Steve McClaren once emphasized on a News Release Meeting that, “the America’s attitude would never be changed, that is, we will continue to look for diplomatic resolution cooperating with the neighbor countries of Korean, but at the same time, we still keep all the other optional plans.” Richard Perle, the high-grade consultant of American Defense Department, who was visiting Moscow at that time, when he was interviewed by the local TV program about Nuclear Weapon Problem in Korean Peninsula, he said, “I don’t think (America) would solve the problem through use of force, but no one can ensure that it is impossible to use force. We are making our endeavor to solve the problem, and are trying to make Korean stop its nuclear plan without considering using force.” In face of America’s beating around the bush, Korean relied that, “If America attack Korean, Korean people army certainly will give the American army ‘the ruthless punishment’.” In the diplomatic speech, although the two side opposed each other with equal harshness, expressed each other’s firm attitude, they still tried to avoid talking about “war” directly, so that they can remain the room for peace solution through political and diplomatic devices, so as not to be fallen into the passive situation.[8]

From all the examples above, we can conclude that there are two main features of the communication of political euphemisms.

(1) To disguise: The use of such political euphemisms helps government beautify the fact,and prevents people from taking any anti-government action. These euphemisms form a framework to deceive,to hide the dirty business of war.

(2) To be polite: It was used to maintain the friendly relations, which are required for smooth and effective communication. The purpose of social interaction is to promote the friendship between the speakers and therefore,every time when one speaks,he has to consider whether what he says is likely to maintain,improve,or damage the friendship.

3. Rhetorical application of political euphemism

Political euphemism, as an important type of euphemism, also uses the rhetorical devices to make the communication effectively. [9] People often use the following rhetorical devices:

3.1 The use of understatement

The feature of understatement is that the speech of it touches the essence of the matter in a very little degree, so that people who don’t know the truth or the implication can’t feel the seriousness of the matter. Political euphemisms often use the rhetoric device of understatement. There are many examples of this kind. For example, “poor” is a dreadful word both in English and Chinese, it means the life is in a difficult position, and indicates the low social position. It also indicates the governmental inability to solve social and economic problems. In order to cover up it and make the poverty problem seem to be not so serious, government call “poor” as “needy or disadvantaged”, call the “slum” as “substandard housing”, “slum children” as “the culturally different children”, and “ghetto” is referred to as “inner city”. In English, there are not poor nations or poor countries, but only backward nations, underdeveloped nations, developing nations and emerging nations. The UN calls those poor countries as “less-developed nations or countries.”

In the international political affairs, especially in the military field, there are more examples of this kind, which are used to cover the essence of some dirty matters. For example, Ministry of Defense, in fact, is Ministry of War. American government once uses “Operation Sunshine” to cover its heinous crime that they took the experiment of hydrogen bullet in the Pacific Ocean. During the war of Gulf war, American use “air operation” and “ground operation” instead of “air strike” and “ground war”, as a result, people couldn’t feel about the terribleness and cruelness of the war from the words directly.

3.2. The use of periphrasis

Periphrasis usually uses long phrases or sentences to make the listener’s attention far from the topic. Politicians often use some longer words to express their ideas. Because when people want to disguise some facts, they often take a roundabout way of talk. Then they must use more words. Expressions in political issues are usually made by longer and more words or phrases. The typical example of this kind is the different expressions of the “War Syndrome” in three different periods. In World War One, it was “shell shock”; in World War Two, it became “combat fatigue”; while in 20th century 1960s the phrase became Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, used to describe the panic of the order soldiers of Vietnam War. We can’t see anything related to war at all from the phrases. There are some other examples: in official English, government use “in the early state of finalization” instead of “not yet finished”; “be economical with truth” instead of “withhold the truth”; “Higher Education Contribution Scheme” instead of “Educational Levy”. And “fire” is said as “give the sack”, “imprisonment” can be called as “live at the government’s expense”, “poor” is “economically disadvantaged inspaniduals”, “weapon equipment development” is called as “reconnaissance forces sweeping”, “drop” as “adjustment downward”.

3.3. The use of irony

Irony is a figure of speech in which the meaning literally expressed is the opposite of the meaning indicated and aims at humor or sarcasm and avoids hurting others by direct expressions. That is to say irony is what we said is the opposite of what we meant. Through irony, letting the listener guess and gradually understand what the speaker really intend to do, we can avoid to make the listener embarrassed. Through it, we cannot only cover what is not convenient to say directly, but also increases the humor. For example:

Nixon’s proposals have been hailed as wound if not original. But this appraisal of his own stewardship sometimes seems more generous than candid.

The word “generous” is originally used as a commendatory word to praise somebody. Its using here has the effect of irony, which intends to criticize that the president exaggerated something and was not modest. [10]

4. Conclusion

The present paper has focused on the political euphemism used in internal and international aspects and its rhetorical application. It would be a beneficial guide for the language learners to understand the culture and the psychologies. In addition,only when learning what topics or subjects are required to be euphemistically described,can we avoid being misunderstood in dealing with diplomatic affairs. Nowadays, more and more people pay attention to the research on political euphemism. By studying political euphemism, we can not only enlarge our knowledge, but also grasp the social psychology of the user using political euphemisms, and then understand and use it properly.

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摘 要: 委婉语是人类 社会 中瞢追存在的一种语言现象。由于东、西方文化的不同,在委婉语的使用上也存在许多差异。本文对 中、西委婉语跨文化现象进行了对比 研究 ,揭示了其内在联系。 ' 关键词: 委婉语;文化;对比研究 委婉语,......
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摘要委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象。它不仅是一种 社会 语言现象,更是一种文化现象。不管是在日常生活还是在涉外交际中,我们都要进行语言交流。由于某些生活习惯或习俗差异,以及不同文化背景的社会具有不同的忌讳,这时我......
" 论文关键词:汉语委婉语 禁忌 礼貌原则 论文摘要:委婉语作为一种语言现象,有其独特的交际功能,蕴涵着一个民族丰富的文化内涵,展现出交际主体的心理。本文对汉语委婉语的产生心理作了浅显的探讨,认为主要是内容的禁忌和表达中......
摘 要:语言交际是人类赖以维系 社会 和人际关系的重要手段,委婉语的使用有效避免了引起交际双方的不快从而损害双方的关系,本文从委婉语的 应用 出发,着重探讨了委婉语的避讳功能、礼貌功能、避俗功能、掩饰功能、劝诱功能,这将有助......
[Abstract] Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in the global culture. It plays an important part in our daily communication. As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemism has been a......
【内容摘要】报刊流行词语产生的原因有:社会的变革、历史的进步、科学的发展、世界的交流、生活的需要、传统的继承、创新的要求;辞格规律常见的有:比喻、借代、仿词、引申、摹声、移用、限制、简缩、用典等等。 随着历史的发展、社......
从社会语言学角度分析英语委婉语 委婉语(Euphemism)是人类语言使用过程中的一种普遍现象,它是人们在交流中为了尽量避免使用那些令人不快或尴尬的言辞,而采用的一种含蓄或温和的语言表达形式。社会语言学是一个运用语言学和社会学的......
摘 要:作为北宋文坛的领袖,欧阳修的散文为历代学者推崇,誉之为“六一风神”。]徐委婉是其重要的美学特质之一。它的形成,一方面是欧公刚柔相济的性格使然;另一方面又源于他淡定从容的人生态度和宋一代三教合流社会思潮的影响。 ......
[Abstract] As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemisms have existed for a long time. The appearance of everything, including euphemism, has its reasons. The emergence of English euphem......
一、引言二、委婉语产生的原因(一)、由于敬畏天地神灵而使用委婉语在英美国家,人们普遍笃信上帝(God),出于对上帝的敬畏,他们不敢直称上帝耶和华(Jehoval)的名字,于是便产生了许多的委婉语。例如:“the Almighty(万能者),the......
【摘要】作为日语教学者只有掌握了日语和社会文化之间的关系,才能达到日语教学的真正目的。本文简要介绍了日语中一种比较典型的表达方式——委婉表达中是如何体现社会文化的。 【关键词】委婉表达 集团注意 以和为贵 语言和文化密......
摘 要:词语的锤炼,古人叫做“炼字”。它是我国传统的修辞艺术。刘勰《文心雕龙.章句》篇提到:“夫人之立言,因字而生句,积句成章,积章而成篇。”指出词语作为语言的基本单位,其使用的好坏直接影响表达效果。因此词语锤炼的目的......
1 前言 人们在谈话和表达想法的时候经常会用到汉语谚语,例如:不听老人言,吃亏在眼前,这是长辈们以他们的经验给我们讲道理而我们却不听的时候经常会用到的无奈之语;当我们经历了漂泊,终于回到自己的家里,就会感叹金窝银窝,不如......
1. 比喻 化平淡为生动;化深奥为浅显;化抽象为具体;化冗长为简洁。 2. 借代 使形象突出,特点鲜明,引人联想,具体生动。 3. 比拟 色彩鲜明,描绘形象,启人想象。 4. 夸张 态度鲜明,引起共鸣;揭示本质,给人启示;烘托气氛,增......
" 论文摘要:委婉语是一种用曲折委婉的方式表达说话者思想的特殊语言形式,也是一种语言策略和交际技巧,在人际交往中起着不可忽视的作用。美国语言哲学家格赖斯的合作原则作为语用学的理论基石之一,是指导人们言语交际的原则之一。......
前言 随着经济全球化的进一步发展,世界各国之间的商务交流活动越来越频繁。作为一种国际通用的语言,英语在不同国家之间的商务交流中,尤其是跨文化商务谈判中,起着至关重要的作用。从实质上说,商务谈判就是为了解决买卖中的争议或......
【摘要】查字典论文网小编为你提供的一篇关于传统美的委婉哀歌的英美文学论文,欢迎浏览! 日本现代作家川端康成一生创作出了大量的作品,营造了独特的文学世界,对日本的传统美的精细刻画及日本传统文学的继承,使其成为日本文坛上的一代......
谈新闻英语中比喻修辞格及翻译 谈新闻英语中比喻修辞格及翻译 谈新闻英语中比喻修辞格及翻译 摘要:比喻是语言中历史最悠久的修辞格之一。 在新闻英语中,比喻也是最常用的修辞手段。 本文对新闻英语中常用的几种比 ......
一、委婉语的概述 (一)委婉语的涵义 在人们的日常交际活动中离不开委婉语。根据西班牙词典当中对委婉语做出的定义,即在特殊语境之下,处于各方面的原因,用来取代双方都不适合采用的表达方式。西班牙学者Hugh Rawson在他的作品当......
摘 要:在修辞中大量使用量词是汉语的一大显著特征,量词各种修辞格的使用在一定程度上反映了汉民族的文化心理。本文主要探讨了量词的四种常用修辞格,并且从思维方式角度分析了量词修辞用法所反映的汉民族文化心理。 关键词:汉语 量......
" 中国广大农村的村民委员会选举引起了西方和中国学者的广泛兴趣。目前,村委会研究所存在的主要问题是:一方面,中国学者因缺乏理论的建构而使研究流于对现象的一般性描述,或只是对政策条文进行说明和图解;另一方面,西方学者则因不......
摘 要:阎连科小说的一个重要的特点是色彩词的使用,他对色彩词的运用可谓是信手拈来,得心应手,与文坛的绝大多数作家相比,阎连科主要是通过对色彩词的偏离来达到一种陌生化的美感,生动形象的将各种表情、形态、事物鲜明生动地呈现......
[摘要] 广告英语以其独具特色的词法、句法和修辞特点彰显出了灵活、自由、极富美感的语体特点。本文试对部分有代表性的英语广告语言进行分析和研究,来揭示作为应用性语言的广告英语所常用的几种修辞方式,以期对英语广告的创作,以及人......
" 论文关键词:话语 修辞 关联 论文摘要:关联理论强调最佳关联原则,但在言语交际中,说话者与听话人既有利益一致、遵循最佳关联原则追求最佳关联的一面;也有出于不同交际目的,发话者或是诱导受话者定向、偏向关联,或是受话者有......
" 任何语言都有修辞,英语当然不能例外。在中学英语教学中,修辞显然不是教学重点,但把它束之高阁, 甚至在教学中遇到一些常用修辞现象不向学生讲一讲也是欠妥的。我认为,在教学中,如果遇到一些英语修辞 现象,可适当向学生介绍,......
摘 要:任何修辞活动都是在一定的语境中进行的,没有语言环境,就没有修辞。语境是修辞的生命,语境是修辞的基础,修辞必须适应语境。正确地使用修辞,可以将语境很好地呈现出来,从而增强表达效果。本文着重从语境是修辞的基础、语境制......
摘 要:《日月河》是陕西青年先锋作家宁可的第一部长篇小说,对比修辞手法的使用,使文本具有了较高的审美价值。小说中运用地理上的对比,拓展了小说的空间;运用主要人物之间的对比,凸显了人性的善恶;运用同一人物不同时期的对比,......
" 论文摘要:当前高校英语的跨文化意识培养具有重要意义.本文分析了中西方委婉语的文化内涵区别,委婉语的跨文化交际功能以及委婉语引起跨文化交际障碍的原因,在此基础上给出了相关的高校英语教学策略。 论文关键词:跨文化交际,......
摘 要:修辞造词法是汉语新词语造词法的一种,是指修辞方法介入造词过程,组织语素从无到有地造出新词语的一种方法。修辞方法不只是指修辞格,而是一种广义的修辞手法。本文从汉字修辞和修辞格两个方面来考察修辞手法在当代汉语新词语造词中......
" 论文关键词:手机短信; 功能形态; 工具; 修辞; 权力 论文摘要:从最初的实用工具功能形态阶段到修辞性叙事功能形态阶段,再到目前的文化评判与社会参与功能形态阶段,手机短信依次经历了“工具符号”、“大众审美文化符号”......
" 句子修辞 句子修辞主要指对句子的组织和对句式的选择。它主要包括: 一、整句和散句的组织 整句就是把结构相同或者相似的一组句子整齐地排列在一起;相反,散句则是把结构不一致的各种各样的句子交错地排列在一起。整句形......
一、新中国成立后法治话语的历史演变 (一)社会主义法治不完善时期的话语表达 1.新中国成立初期:人民民主专政的法制。新中国建立初期,由于新的政权刚刚建立,百废待兴,新的政治秩序也需重建,在这样的历史条件下,塑造了建国初期的......
〔摘要〕 思想政治教育是一项运用话语进行理论宣传、心灵沟通、引领成长的教育实践活动,其有序运作和取得实效,与思想政治教育话语的科学合理运用密不可分。当前,思想政治教育话语在社会现代性和社会结构转型中面临多重现实困境:文化......
科技英语中的美学修辞和翻译 科技英语中的美学修辞和翻译 科技英语中的美学修辞和翻译 摘要:修辞分为美学修辞和交际修辞。本文以科技英语中的美学修辞为研究对象,通过美学修辞的三个方面即(音韵修辞、词语修辞、结......
摘 要:“今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸、晓风残月。”宋词是我国古代优秀文化的杰出代表,而婉约派是与豪放派比肩而立的一个流派,在宋词、乃至中国文化史上都有着重要地位。婉约,即婉转含蓄之意,词本为合乐而歌,愉悦宾客、表达兴致,内容......
摘 要: 叠音词在我国文学史上经久不衰。它之所以有这样的生命力,与它特有的音义组合形式是分不开的。对于叠音词的修辞功能,本文以史为序,以历代名篇为点,依次对叠音词引证分析。一者,不再重述它在不同文学样式中所具有的活力;二者,力......
摘 要: 如何在演讲中,特别是即兴演讲中抓住听众的耳朵,吸引他们的眼球是极为重要的。演讲者需要合理恰当地运用一些技巧和手段来点缀他们的言辞,而变异修辞的运用尤为值得关注。 关键词: 即兴演讲 变异修辞 运用 一、 即兴演讲概......
中文摘要: 新闻报道中的语言,必须符合新闻准确描述现实世界发生的事情的要求,但又随着其载体即新闻机构所处的 社会 环境而有其需要调适的需求。委婉语是人类认知与现实世界调适下的产物。本文先对委婉语的定义做了说明,同时对涌现于新......
如何治理河流及其水生态修复 如何治理河流及其水生态修复 如何治理河流及其水生态修复 摘 要:水这个字对于我们来说并不陌生,更何况他还是我们人类生存条件必不可少的。然而,随着社会经济条件的不断发展,城市化进程的不断......
【论文摘要】 商务英语是承载了商务理论与实践的专门用途英语。本文从商务英语的特点谈起,说明商务语境中培养修辞意识的重要性,重点分析了几种常见的能体现商务英语修辞特色的修辞手段,指出在商务英语中恰当地使用修辞手段,能给人留......
" 论文关键词:21语修辞;汉民族;文化信息;思维;心理;风俗 论文摘要:言语修辞活动中,对修辞材料、修辞手段和修辞方法的选择运用,浸染着浓厚的民族文化色彩,蕴涵着丰富的民族文化信息。12语修辞活动中折射出汉民族具象、整体......
【试题展示】 请自选话题,仿照下面句子的形式和修辞,写一组排比句。 一个坦荡的人并非没有烦恼,只不过他善于把烦恼当作一阵清风一刮而去;一个坦荡的人并非没有忧伤,只不过他善于把忧伤化为希望的力量;一个坦荡的人并非没有......
摘 要:企业高效、安全生产离不开设备的科技性和可靠性,而确保设备高度可靠性则依赖于设备管理和维护水平。设备故障发生时间、失效类型、频率及其对设备效能造成的影响,是维修理论研究模型基础;对设备故障规律的研究和掌握是现代设......
锦绣藻绘,丽物天光,皆在语言生成之时呈现,可谓“飞鸟连天”的修辞。 “飞鸟连天”的修辞,可用来论兰波的《彩图集》。 读法国天才兰波的《彩图集》,我看见了一个纵横古今的读者。那个人的身影漂浮不定,姑且就是我古往今来的......
摘 要:从修辞学的角度分析陆文夫小说《美食家》的语言表现艺术,分别从语音修辞、词语修辞、修辞格三个角度进行研究。语音修辞主要包括叠音词、象声词、双声叠韵修辞、儿化、押韵以及感叹辞格六个方面;词语修辞包括独具地方特色的方......
摘 要:高校思想政治理论课教学话语和教材话语由于言说主体的不同和生成的具体时空语境不同,内涵、功能和特征表现出一定的差异。高校思想政治理论课教学话语的生成需要教师依托于教材话语,结合学生的认知规律和课堂应时语境,并对其......
摘 要:修辞义是借助一定的修辞手段生成的词语的固定意义。修辞义的产生原因是复杂的。本文从社会生活中的客观存在是产生修辞义的物质基础,人类的心理机制是产生修辞义的心理基础,语言交际是产生修辞义的动力,语境是产生修辞义的主......
摘要 从大陆与香港现行的中学语文(汉语)教材所反映的情况来看,不论是大陆还是香港,都没有把修辞教学提到语文教学的重要位置上,都是以修辞格的辨识为中心的教学模式。这其实都是把修辞当作语文教学中的一种点缀,从而,把修辞教学引......
一、小说中明喻的功能 明喻属于修辞学中比喻的一种类型,是指通过一种联想,将两个本质不同的实物经某一相似特点联系起来。在表达上,明喻可增强叙写对象的形象性、生动性;在接收上,也可调动读者的兴趣,更加准确理解文本的内涵,......
摘要 从大陆与香港现行的中学语文(汉语)教材所反映的情况来看,不论是大陆还是香港,都没有把修辞教学提到语文教学的重要位置上,都是以修辞格的辨识为中心的教学模式。这其实都是把修辞当作语文教学中的一种点缀,从而,把修辞教学引......
摘 要: 对联是中国特有的文化形式之一,它有自己的特点和要求,运用多种修辞方法和手段来增强表达效果。由缺隐、急转、谬读、改写、总分、串组等特殊的修辞手段构成的对联异彩纷呈,极具艺术表现力。 关键词: 对联 修辞手段 表达效果 ......
" 论文关键词 明用稽疑 引用 事类 论文提要 “明用稽疑”是盛行于先秦时期的一种占卜行为。它以各种形式渗透到人们的精神生活中,成为中国人作文惯于引经据典的渊源。尽管历代人们对引用现象的称呼不同,但它们指称的对象都是人们写......
摘 要:运用修辞是演讲的一个主要特点,演讲的感染力、号召力和鼓舞力在很大程度上决定于演讲主体对修辞手法的运用水平,演讲艺术的魅力和鼓动性离不开对语言修辞的恰当运用。在演讲修辞的运用过程中,演讲主体不能忽视听众的接受心理......
摘 要:对外汉语修辞学是一门正处于探索阶段的新兴学科。从整体看,现有的对外汉语修辞学理论绝大多数未能突破汉语本体修辞学的桎梏,完善自足的对外汉语修辞学理论体系尚未建立。只有坚持“以交际为中心”的修辞观,立足对外汉语教学实际,......
" 现代汉语“之”字结构是较为特殊的一类定中结构,其适用范围广,使用频率高,备受语言使用者青睐。本文拟从修辞学的角度对现代汉语“之”字结构进行分析,以求明晰这一结构备受青睐的修辞学原因。 人们在运用语言时,为取得理想的交......
第一章《舌尖上的中国》的视听语言修辞环境的生发 《舌尖上的中国》作为第一部被国际真正意义上多数人认可的纪录片佳作,它背负的成功光环,既有中国传统文化内涵,又贯穿了现代人的人文寄托,并在纪录片领域发出了独具中国特色的嗓音......
【摘要】汉语修辞活动中,对修辞材料、修辞手段和修辞方法的选择运用,浸染着浓厚的民族文化色彩,蕴涵着丰富的民族文化信息。各种修辞活动折射出具体与抽象、整体与部分,联想与比附的汉民族思维方式。 【关键词】修辞 汉民族 思维 ......