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【Abstract】 Euphemism, cosmetic words, is not only a lingual phenomenon, but also a cultural and social phenomenon. It is like a mirror, reflecting the values, aesthetic conceptions and moral concepts in some extent. Euphemism plays an important part in social communication. It is like lube that avoids hurting the other party’s feeling. It oils the human relationship in communication and helps to save face of communicators. If people make full use of euphemism, it can accelerate and facilitate human communication. This paper elaborates on the features and social functions of euphemism. And it focuses on the relationships between its polite functions and Politeness Principle. This thesis is composed of six parts with Chapter Four and Five as its core: The first chapter focuses on the origin and definitions of euphemism. The second chapter discusses the features of euphemism in many ways. The third chapter talks about the social functions of euphemism from the angle of pragmatics. The fourth chapter forms the basis of the whole research by connecting euphemism with politeness and face-saving theory. The fifth chapter centers on euphemism and Politeness Principle. The last chapter concludes the whole thesis. Appropriate use of English euphemism can contribute a lot to successful message exchange.

【Key Words】 euphemism; social functions; Politeness Principle; face want

【摘 要】 委婉语是一种语言现象,一种文化现象,更是一种 社会 现象,在一定程度上, 它反映了社会的价值观,审美观和美德观。委婉语在社会交际中发挥着重要作用。日常的约定俗成的委婉语能起润滑剂的作用,通过委婉语,可以避免语言过于直露而给对方造成伤害。 它是语言使用中人们用来协调人际关系的有效润滑剂,是保全交际各方面子的重要手段。很多中外学者曾从不同的角度对 英语 委婉语进行了长期的 研究 并取得了可喜的成果。本文主要研讨了委婉语的特点,社会功用,并从语用学的角度 分析 了委婉语的社会功用,礼貌原则及面子 问题 。本文分为六个部分。第四和第五章是文章的重点。第一章主要探讨了委婉语的定义及起源。第二章从很多方面概括了委婉语的特点。第三章从语用的角度分析了委婉语的社会功用。第四章把委婉语与礼貌,面子保全论联系在一起,是本文的核心。第五章侧重于委婉语貌与礼貌原则的关系。本文的实践意义在于其分析结论有助于保证信息传递的顺利进行并促进人们的日常交流。

【关键词】 委婉语;社会功用;礼貌原则;面子

1. Introduction

There is a humor: Once a Paris tourist resided in UK. A landlady told him sadly that, “My husband has just passed to the other side.” The guest looked from the fence of the garden but saw no one, feeling confused. The landlady explained: “I mean he’s kicked the bucket.” The guest comforted her that: “I hope his foot will be better soon.” The landlady felt unintelligibly and said: “No, he wasn’t here, he snuffed it… you know.” The guest wondered and said: “But you’ve got electricity here.”

The reasons why the guest didn’t answer properly are that he didn’t realize that the landlady used euphemism, nor did he understand the “conversational implicature” of euphemism. What the landlady wanted to say is that her husband died.

The word euphemism comes from the Greek word “euphemos”, meaning "auspicious/good/fortunate speech" which in turn is derived from the Greek root--- words eu, "good/well" + pheme, "speech/speaking". The eupheme was originally a word or phrase used in place of a religious word or phrase that should not be spoken aloud (Such as taboo). The primary examples of taboo words requiring the use of a euphemism are the unspeakable names for a dEity, such as Persephone, Hecate, Nemesis or Yahweh. By speaking only words favorable to the gods or spirits, the speaker attempted to produce good fortune by remaining in good favor with them.

“Euphemism is defined in the New Edition of the Oxford Concise Dictionary (19


6) as ‘Substitution of mild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh or direct one; expression thus substituted.’ IN Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (19


3) the definition reads, ‘Substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.’”[1]

Euphemism is an important rhetorical means in English. It plays an important role in people’s daily communication. It is not only a cultural phenomenon, but also a social phenomenon. It just likes a mirror, which reflects some social and psychological phenomena.

2. Features of euphemism

2.1 Indirect and implicit

The most important character of euphemism is indirect and implicit. Euphemism always gives people hints in a roundabout way. We can infer the deeper meaning and intention from the context. For example, when someone is ill, we always say he is under the weather. If someone is mad, we say he is soft in mind.

2.2 Universality

Universality is something that is well-known and accepted by all of the people. Though euphemism is indirect and it doesn’t come straight to the point, people can easily infer its deeper implication. Some taboos connected with sex, death, or body functions are replaced by euphemisms. And the public has accepted this kind of use. For example, when we refer to death, we seldom say “die”. We use the expression “pass away”.

2.3 The feature of times

The changes of language depend on the need and changes of the society. And euphemism undergoes a process of metabolism. It bears a marked brand of times.

For example, “‘She is pregnant’ has many different euphemistic expressions in different eras.

(1) She has canceled all her social engagements. (18



(2) She is in an interesting condition. (18


(3) She is in a delicate condition. (18



(4) She is knitting little bootees. (19


(6) She is expecting. (19


5)But after 1960s, euphemisms of pregnant develop slowly because in modern times, people are not so implicit. They always mention things directly. And now, the phenomenon of pregnant is a cheerful thing. People will not be shy when mentioning it.

“The word ‘gay’, at first, it means happy and homosexuality. But as euphemism develops, the word ‘gay’ only reminds us the meaning of homosexuality. Thus, people don’t use the expression ‘We are young and gay.’”[3]

2.4 Regional feature

In euphemism, there are some regional differences. An Australian woman married to an American man. They spent thEIr honeymoon in America. And one day, the couple intended to go to a party together. But the bridegroom couldn’t find a suitable full dress. The bride took out a birthday suit that she gave him as a present few days ago and said: “Why not wear your birthday suit?” However , the whole family all astonished because in American English, “in one’s birthday suit” [4] is the euphemistic expression of “naked”. So this embarrassing situation resulted from the regional differences in euphemism.

There are two causes of regional differences.

First is a regional cultural difference. In different regions, the culture there will effect the development of euphemism. For example, “go to w.c.”. In the Balliol college of Oxford University, students call “‘go to toilet’ as ‘to visit Lady Periam’”[5] because the toilets of that college were built on the land donated by Lady Periam. Of course, Americans will not agree with this expression.

“Second is the difference of geographic environment. For example, in seaside, death would be connected with sea and tide. They may use ‘go with the tide’ to express die. On the contrary, in American west mountain areas, the euphemism for die is ‘(gone) over the range’ or ‘to cross the Great Divide’. These are the typical regional euphemisms.”[6]

2.5 Diversity of lingual region

Someone thinks that only upper and middle class use euphemism. But this conclusion is too absolute. We can analyze this in three aspects.

2.5.1 Differences of gender or age

“A study shows that female use more euphemisms than male do. There is a saying in English: ‘horse sweat; men perspire; young ladies glow.’ (Brock, 1973:


3) Women use obscure word to express the action of sweat. And the difference of gender and age usually influence the choice of the synonyms of euphemism. For instance, there are a variety of expressions about ‘go to toilet’. Men use the expression ‘to shoot a lion’. Adults may say ‘to go to w.c.’. And children say ‘to go to the pot’.”[7]

2.5.2 Difference of profession or identity

Euphemism changes while the profession and identity change. This is a synchrony variation. The word “die” can be used in many different ways. “In military, people use the expression ‘to lose number of one’s mess’. This expression orients from the mess system of UK navy. However, in the press, people often use the word ‘thirty’ because they usually mark ‘30’ in the end of a news article, which means ending.”[8]

2.5.3 Difference of style or context

Stylistically, the word “die” has hundreds of euphemisms. But in daily communication, people may use “to be gone” or “to be no more”. In obituary, people use “to pass away” or “to depart”. It also has some witty expressions, for instance, “to pop off” or “to kick the bucket”.

Euphemism is restricted by the context. For example, “On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think. (F. Engels, Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx)” [9] This example involves the passing away of a great man. And the phrase “ceased to think” echoes “thinker”. This euphemism produces a good effect.

3. Pragmatic functions of euphemism

3.1 Taboo function

“Taboo is the main psychological basis of the emergence of euphemism. Euphemism is the avoidance of the unpleasant, inelegant things. A famous sociolinguist Mr. Chen Yuan once said: ‘Generally speaking, the coming into being of euphemism all begins from taboo.’ From the origin of euphemism, we can see that taboo is the first function of euphemism. Euphemism has been using for a long time, and it is closely related to taboo. In fact, euphemism dates back to the language taboo in the early period of human civilization. When people try to avoid and give up taboo words, they have to find another word to replace this vacancy at the same time. Hence, people created euphemism.” [10]

There are some taboo things, such as birth, death, funeral, sex, nakedness, defecation, and urinate. If they are expressed directly, they are called taboo words and the feelings they give us are vulgar, crude and harsh, whereas if they are expressed indirectly, they are called euphemism, and the impressions they made on us are elegant, implicit and polite. The evading function of euphemism also works today. Some taboo notions cannot be easily removed from people’s mind. 3.2 Polite function

Polite function of euphemism is to avoid inelegant things and make people feel pleasant. As Joanna Channell put in her book Vague Language “Vagueness is used as one way of adhering to the politeness rules for a particular culture, and of not threatening face.” [13] It means that in real life, when people meet with some unpleasant things or behaviors, they usually choose some vague expressions to avoid making bold or hurting other’s feeling----to use euphemism.

It is harsh to say someone is deaf, so people use “auditory-impaired” to replace it. They sound more gracefully. “When English-speakers refer to the appearance, they don’t use the word ‘ugly’ or ‘awful’, which has strong derogatory sense. Instead, they use the word ‘plain-looking’ or ‘not pretty’.” [14] Westerners are sensitive to age. In their opinion, “old” equals to “useless” in some extent. In order not to hurt the feeling and self-esteem of the old, “old men” are replaced by “senior citizens” or “seasoned men”. For the word “senior” has many meanings. Except “older”, it also means higher in rank or authority. And the word “seasoned” means experienced. “Following are some euphemisms about profession.” [15]

Harsh expression euphemism

butcher Meat technologist

Chimney worker Chimney consultant

fireman Fire fighter

Garbage man Sanitation engineer

hairdresser Hair stylist

housekeeper Household executive

Press-agent Public relation counselor

Prison guard Correctional officer

3.3 Covering up function

In Vagueness Language, Channell stated covering up function as deliberately withholding information. What is so called “cover up” means “not giving information which the speaker possesses and which could be appropriate in the situation.” [16]

Western political life gives birth to euphemism. Some politicians and news medias have made good use of the vagueness of euphemism to cover up the facts of some events for the purpose of making the politics, economy, and military more steady.

Concealing the dark side of society is to alleviate the social contradictions caused by sex, violence, poverty, unemployment, and crime. There are some euphemisms about social phenomena. “Venereal disease” has been beautified as “social disease”. “Rape”, a kind of crime, is mentioned casually as “interfere with”; “prostitution became a high-sounding profession------‘the oldest profession in the world’.” [17] In politicians’ view, violence is a kind of action and dismissal is also “lay off”. People don’t need to be surprised at these phenomena.

In western countries, politicians create some political euphemisms to serve their political goals. They try to conceal the facts as to ease the tense relations between other countries and reassure and pacify public’s anti-war emotions. For example, In Vietnam War, Gulf war, or Iraqi war, a number of euphemisms emerged to gloss over the horror and cruelty of war and contemptible diplomatic means.

“Following is a chart about military euphemisms.” [18]

Horrific expression Euphemism

air strike air option

bombing and blasting softening up the resistance

civilian casualties collateral damage

defense crushed defense neutralized

ground war ground operation

invasion pre-emptive action

missile Vehicle

nuclear bomb nuclear device

retreat strategic withdrawal

suicidal attack one-way mission

warhead payload

There are also some euphemisms about economy. “People use ‘depression’ instead of ‘economic crises’. The word ‘Striking’ has been beautified as ‘industrial action’.” [19] and when people mentioned slum, they often use “substandard housing” to replace it.

“The euphemisms here are in the true sense of the word “false.” They are used to cover up the true nature of events, deceiving the public with nice-sounding and pseudo technical words.” [20]

3.4 Inducing function

Sometimes, people use euphemism to make thEir statement more persuasive. Thus the cosmetic words have a special communicative function, which is called inducing function. As Channell has analyzed in the discussion of the communicative functions of vague language that “A specific setting where speakers may withhold information which they know is where they feel that they can be more persuasive by doing so.” [21]

Euphemism has been widely applied in advertisement and sales promotion activities. Some airline companies spanided the grades of passenger compartments into four ranks. The y used “deluxe” or “premium class” to replace “first class”. And the “second class” is transformed into “first class”. The “third class” is revised as “business class” or “tourist class”. They sound more pleasing.

The rooms of hotel are also compartmentalized in the same way. They can be spanided as first class, standard and private. Those words are sweet sounding and have nothing to do with customers’ self-esteem. Also, “‘antiques’ is the substitution of ‘second-hand furniture’.” [22] In the merchants’ eye, the former will make the price higher. People often use “compact car” to replace “small car”. Though thEIr meanings are the same, “small” will be associated with an image of cheap and bad while “compact” emphasizes the image of artistic, delicate, and terse.

Those euphemisms desalinate the unpleasant feeling that the former concepts give us and intensify a feeling of more reliable and elegant. As a result, those products will be identified with the consumers and achieved the promotion goal. “From the pragmatic view, the achieving of inducing function is caused by the glorification of the intrinsic meaning.” [23]

3.5 Tactical function

If a same meaning is expressed in many different ways, their effects are entirely different. This is what we called the art of speaking. If we apply this strategy to our daily life, our life will be more colorful.

For example, on the plane, there are some bags that can be used by the passengers to shoot his cookies. People don’t print the words “vomit bag” on the surface of the bag. Instead, they use the words “for motion discomfort”. [24] And the result proved that the vomit phenomenon has reduced. Because compared with the former words, the word “for motion discomfort” prevents the passengers from vomiting when in a state of airsickness. This is the tactical function of euphemism.

By contrary, if we use euphemism inappropriately, the result would be worse. Try to compare the following two statements:

(9) I am an old cripple, drawing an old-age pension, working hard to raise vast quantities of vegetables on an allotment and well aware that, one of these days, I shall die.

(10) If, however, I listen to the voice of officialdom, it turns out that I am a disadvantaged senior citizen, registered as disabled, drawing a retirement pension, renting a leisure garden and, presumably, immortal because I shall never die--- I shall merely pass away.

We can see that in the first statement, the author talks directly about his life status. The second statement is that the government officials make a survey of the hardship of citizens. They try to cover the facts by using euphemisms.

3.6 Humor function

Jocular euphemism has been used to help people face the fact more easily. For example, people use “push up daisies” to take place of “be buried” because the former words can reduce people’s horror towards death. And “be sent into prison” is replaced by “live at government’s expense”. This expression is witty. Another example, “after three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.” Its implicature is that in Japan, people are very polite. They usually bow many times a day to greet someone.

4. Euphemism and politeness

4.1 Euphemism and interpersonal communication

Euphemism has been widely used in the real human communication. It can be regarded as a kind of polite terms .In primitive and traditional society, taboo and euphemism are the two sides of a coin. They are used for social control and religious control. And in modern English, there are a number of words connected with holy, sex, body organ and body function. So when people’s topic refers to those, they have to find euphemisms to replace them. They often use some vague language to avoid mentioning them directly.

4.2 Politeness and face-threatening theory

The main function of euphemism is polite function. Thus, the main character of euphemism is polite. Politeness plays an important role in human communication. It oils human relationships. So euphemism accords with politeness will accelerate human communication.

4.2.1 The definition and features of politeness

“We view politeness as one of the major social constrains on human interaction which regulates participants’ communicative behavior by constantly reminding them to take into consideration the feelings of the others. It is necessary to consider their feelings so as to establish levels of mutual comfort and promote rapport, which in turn accelerate and facilitate human communication.” [25] The final goal of politeness is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable with one another.

There are two kinds of politeness: one is negative politeness; the other is positive politeness. Negative politeness is to make a less infringing request, such as "If you don't mind..." or "If it isn't too much trouble..." or respects a person's right to act freely. In other words, it’s deference. Positive politeness is to seek to establish a positive relationship between parties and respects a person's need to be liked and understood.

4.2.2 Face-threatening theory

Face is defined as an inspanidual’s self-esteem. “Based on the face notion of Goffman that “face” is a sacred thing for every human being, an essential factor communicators have to pay attention to, and that face wants are reciprocal (if one wants his face cared for, he should care for other people’s face).” [26] According to Brown and Levinson, nearly all speech acts are face-threatening acts. There are two kinds of face: one is Positive Face; the other is Negative Face.

“Positive Face refers to our need to be accepted and liked by others and our need to feel that our social group shares common goals. Positive Politeness orients to preserving the positive face of other people. When we use positive politeness we use speech strategies that emphasize our solidarity with the hearer, such as information pronunciation, shared dialect or slang expressions, nicknames, more frequent reference to speaker and hearer as “we”, and requests which are less indirect.

Negative Face refers to our right to independence of action and our need not to be imposed on by others. Negative Politeness orients to preserving the negative face of other people. This is much more likely if there is a social distance between the speaker and the hearer. When we use negative politeness, we use speech strategies that emphasize our deference for the hearer. Nicknames, slang and informal pronunciation tend to be avoided and requests tend to be more indirect and impersonal, often involving could you… or could I ask you to… or even referring to the hearer in the third person.” [27]

4.2.3 The relationship between politeness and face want

Face refers to our public self-image. Politeness involves us showing an awareness of other people’s face want. In our interpersonal communication, we should pay attention to other’s face want. In the field of education, teacher has to deal with the relations with the students. There are some euphemisms about education. For example, if a student is lazy, we don’t call him “lazy student”. Instead, we call him “underachiever”. If a student cheats in class, we regard it that he depends on others to do his work. “And if a student is quarter-witted and he usually gets a low mark in the exams, we don’t call him stupid. So when the teacher talks with the child’s parents, the teacher would say: ‘Your child is a bit slow for his age.’” [28] He says the fact in a roundabout way so it will not hurt the parents’ and the child’s self-esteem. It is a face-saving strategy.

In short, in people’s daily communication, they have to be polite to save each other’s face and make their relations more harmoniously. They can achieve this goal by using euphemisms because they are sweet-sounding. And this is the polite function of euphemism.

5. Euphemism and Politeness Principle

From the above, we know that euphemism has something to do with politeness. We can associate politeness with Politeness Principle.

5.1 Leech’s politeness principle

(1)Tact Maxim (in impositives and commissives)

a. Minimize cost to other;

b. Maximize benefit to other.

Some examples : a、If you keep this diet, you’ll be on the heavy side.

(c.f.: If you keep on eating too much, you’ll become very fat.)

b、Thank you for your kind hospitality.

(c.f.: Thank you for your delicious food.)

(2)Generosity Maxim (in impositives and commissives)

a. Minimize benefit to self;

b. Maximize cost to self.

Some examples: a、Would you do me a favor?

(c.f.: Can you help me?)

b、I shall never cease to feel grateful for your favors.

(c.f.: I shall never cease to feel grateful for your help.)

(3)Approbation Maxim (in expressives and assertives)

a. Minimize dispraise of other;

b. Maximize praise of other.

Some examples: a、He is a senior citizen now.

(c.f.: He is an old man now.)

b、Cao Yu is a Shakespeare of China.

(c.f.: Cao Yu is the best playwright of China.)

(4)Modesty Maxim (in expressives and assertives)

a. Minimize praise of self;

b. Maximize dispraise of self.

Some examples: a、This is a token of my regard for you.

(c.f.: This is a present for you.)

b、Your praise is the highest honor for me.

(c.f.: Thank you for your praise.)

(5)Agreement Maxim (in assertives)

a. Minimize disagreement between self and other;

b. Maximize agreement between self and other.

Some examples: a、I couldn’t share the same idea with you.

(c.f.: I don’t agree with you.)

b、If you were in my position, you would do the same.

(c.f.: I have to do so.)

(6)Sympathy Maxim (in assertives)

a. Minimize antipathy between self and other;

b. Maximize sympathy between self and other.” [29]

Some examples: a、I am sorry to hear that your father rested in Abraham’s arms.

(c.f.: I am sorry to hear that your father is dead.)

b、If I were you, I would have taken a route of egress as you did.

(c.f.: If I had been in your position, I would have been defeated by the mighty enemy, too.)

Leech ties politeness to the relationship between both parties and the language used. He claims that “static” feature, such as social distance, interact with “dynamic” features, such as the kind of illocutionary demand the speaker is making on the maker, to produce an appropriate degree of politeness. The core of his politeness is to minimize the expression of impolite benefits.

5.2 Polite function and Politeness Principle

Polite function is the basic social function of euphemism. And Politeness Principle shows this function. Euphemism always abides by the Politeness Principle. In such a case, euphemism can make people’s relationship more harmonious. But there are also some exceptions. Euphemisms of military do not accord with Politeness principle most of the time.

5.3 Politeness Principle and the cooperative Principle

The Politeness Principle shows equal and friendly relationships between people in the society. It demands that in communication, the speaker should cooperate with the hearer. The two parties use euphemisms to replace harsh words because it can meet the psychological needs of face-want. And the language used by the two parties should be appropriate. Generally speaking, the appropriateness of the speech is closely related with euphemism. However , “The Maxim of Relevance” of Grice’s “Cooperative Principle” limits the choice of euphemism. He suggests that in communication, the reply of the hearer should be closely related to the speech of the speaker. In the process of communication, the euphemisms used just now should be connected with the primary language symbols. In such case, it will provide a clue to the hearer so that he can understand the connotation of the speech. This principle provides a lot of standard conversational implicatures. In a word, the two parties can understand the intention of each other from the context.


1) A: How is John doing with his study at school?

B: He’s a machine.

Here, from the literal meaning of B's reply, he seems haven’t answer A’s question. But at least, his answer violates Quality Maxim and Relation Maxim. We know that though B’s answer doesn’t cooperate with A’s question, we can still understand B’s meaning by the deeper implication of his speech. First, we should suppose that this conversation tally with Cooperative Principle. Second, we can guess the implication between machine and study. At last, we can infer that John is hard-working. Thus, if the utterance is not relevant with each other, we can reason. “Unlike presuppositions and entailments, implicatures are inferences that cannot be made from isolated utterances. They are dependent on the context of the utterance and the shared knowledge between the speaker and the hearer.” [30]

6. Conclusion

Euphemism is an appropriate language form created by people to achieve an ideal communicative effect in the social interactions. “Enrighr D.J. stated that ‘If euphemism doesn’t exist, the movement of the world will stop and it will be filled with hatred.’” [31] Nearly no one can live without euphemism.

Euphemism is not only a social phenomenon, but also a lingual phenomenon. The formation of euphemism is the result of social factors and psychological factors. From the day of its birth, there are countless ties between euphemism and the social culture. Euphemism develops while the society develops. Euphemism is a mirror. We can learn the values and moral concepts of the society. Euphemism that accords with Politeness Principle oils human communication because polite function is the main function of Politeness principle. If we make good use of this language form, it will accelerate and facilitate human communication. People’s interpersonal relations will be more harmonious. We can make full use of euphemism and make our life more colorful.

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" 【论文关键词】:委婉语;原因;功能;英语教学 【论文摘要】:委婉语的使用是人类交往过程中非常普遍的一种语言现象。正确的使用委婉语可以避免人际交往的尴尬或不快,从而达到成功交往的目的。当今社会,委婉语已在各个领域被......
摘 要:公示语的翻译是一种跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的交际活动。言语交际能否顺利进行,取决于诸多因素,其中礼貌在成功的交际活动中起着不可或缺的作用。礼貌原则适用于公示语尤其是指令性公示语的英译,因为礼貌原则有助于约束翻译过......
摘要委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象。它不仅是一种 社会 语言现象,更是一种文化现象。不管是在日常生活还是在涉外交际中,我们都要进行语言交流。由于某些生活习惯或习俗差异,以及不同文化背景的社会具有不同的忌讳,这时我......
[摘要] 本文以语用学 理论 为依据,通过 分析 合作和礼貌原则在商务 英语 电子 邮件中的 应用 ,探讨了商务英语电子邮件的基本写作原则,为商务英语电子邮件写作提供 参考 。 [关键词] 商务英语 电子邮件 合作原则 礼貌原则 ......
" 论文关键词: 英语委婉语 交际功能 跨文化交际 论文摘要: 随着人们交往的日益频繁,英语委婉语作为一种普遍存在的语言现象在人际关系中的“润滑”作用越来越突出;作为一种文化现象,它更是反映着英美国家的价值观念和文化传统,......
中文摘要 在任何一个 社会 中,总有些不能直截了当说出来的话。在人们交际的过程中,有些词语使人尴尬,惹人不快,招人讨厌或令人害怕,如果直接表达出来会给人一种粗俗、轻浮、无礼的印象。因此在一些场合为了避免难堪,或减轻对人的感......
引言 一.量准则的违反 刘姥姥初到荣国府经过几番周折,终于见到了周瑞家的。周瑞家的问“今日还是路过,还是特来的?”刘姥姥说,“原是特来瞧瞧嫂子你,二则也请请姑太太的安。若可以领我见一见更好,若不能,便借重嫂子转致意罢了......
" [论文关键词]委婉语 使用动机 修辞手段 [论文摘要]委婉语是英语中的一种修辞格,是社会心理学在语言中的反映,其应用范围极其广泛,使用动机错综复杂。通过一些实例,初浅地分析委婉语使用的动机,以便在英语学习的过程中更好地......
摘要:从语用学角度对英汉委婉语进行对比,揭示出英汉委婉语在语用功能方面的相似性,都具有避讳、雅化、礼貌、掩饰及淡化和夸张功能。 关键词:英汉委婉语;语用功能;相似性 委婉语是用曲折、含蓄的方式表达思想的语言在英、汉语中......
摘 要:语言交际是人类赖以维系 社会 和人际关系的重要手段,委婉语的使用有效避免了引起交际双方的不快从而损害双方的关系,本文从委婉语的 应用 出发,着重探讨了委婉语的避讳功能、礼貌功能、避俗功能、掩饰功能、劝诱功能,这将有助......
【论文摘要】 本文“论商务语言策略中的礼貌原则(1)”从语用学理论的角度探讨了商务语言的特点。通过列举并分析典型事例,从新的视角分析商务人员怎样运用语言策略中的礼貌原则。 【论文关键词】 商务语言 礼貌原则 礼貌原则是语用学......
" 论文摘要:委婉语是一种用曲折委婉的方式表达说话者思想的特殊语言形式,也是一种语言策略和交际技巧,在人际交往中起着不可忽视的作用。美国语言哲学家格赖斯的合作原则作为语用学的理论基石之一,是指导人们言语交际的原则之一。......
" 论文摘要:受不同文化、价值观等影响,英汉语言的礼貌用语也有所不同。这种差异往往会影响跨文化交际的有效进行。因此教师在英语教学中有必要使学生了解英汉礼貌用语的差异,以培养学生的跨文化意识,提高他们的跨文化交际能力。 ......
" 【论文关键词】委婉用语;修辞格;合作原则 【论文摘要】人们在交际和交流中希望找到一种合适的表达方式,既使双方能够顺利完成交际,又使双方感到此次交际是愉快的,完成了理想的交际任务,委婉用语就是实现这一理想交际的合适的......
" 论文关键词:模糊限制语 日常会话 礼貌原则 论文摘要:礼貌是人际交往中不可或缺的手段,而模糊性是语言的一种本质属性。本文欲从模糊限制语的概念及分类、礼貌原则和日常生活中模糊限制语的运用对礼貌原则的体JE-方面分析二者之......
[Abstract] Language communication is an important method to maintain social relationship, so people often use the indirect or pleasant expressions in the place of those considered unpleasant, rude or offensive in commun......
摘 要:“跨文化语用失误”一词已经由来已久,自从珍妮・托马斯提出以后,中外的学者对其展开了热烈的研究,大多数学者的研究重点主要是放在语用,文化,心理等方面,而对语音语调的研究并没有那么充分。因此本文主要从语音语调方面对......
[Abstract] Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in the global culture. It plays an important part in our daily communication. As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemism has been a......
英汉委婉语比较与翻译 英汉委婉语比较与翻译 英汉委婉语比较与翻译 [论文关键词]英汉委婉语 比较 翻译 [论文摘 要]委婉语是各种语言共有的语言现象,具有重要的社会功能。本文从委婉语的定义入手,对英语和汉语的......
【摘 要】文章讨论语言的性别差异在Leech的“礼貌原则”中的体现,并试图提出引起差异的原因。结果表明,男性语言与女性语言在礼貌原则的各个方面有差异,这些差异是由一些社会的和非社会的原因引起的。 【关键词】言语交际,性别差......
一、引言二、委婉语产生的原因(一)、由于敬畏天地神灵而使用委婉语在英美国家,人们普遍笃信上帝(God),出于对上帝的敬畏,他们不敢直称上帝耶和华(Jehoval)的名字,于是便产生了许多的委婉语。例如:“the Almighty(万能者),the......
" 论文摘要:当前高校英语的跨文化意识培养具有重要意义.本文分析了中西方委婉语的文化内涵区别,委婉语的跨文化交际功能以及委婉语引起跨文化交际障碍的原因,在此基础上给出了相关的高校英语教学策略。 论文关键词:跨文化交际,......
" 论文关键词:汉语委婉语 禁忌 礼貌原则 论文摘要:委婉语作为一种语言现象,有其独特的交际功能,蕴涵着一个民族丰富的文化内涵,展现出交际主体的心理。本文对汉语委婉语的产生心理作了浅显的探讨,认为主要是内容的禁忌和表达中......
[Abstract] Euphemism, as a common linguistic phenomenon in world culture, is widely used in every social class and field. English euphemism, as one of many euphemisms existing in the world, has its own deep origin, whi......
一、委婉语的概述 (一)委婉语的涵义 在人们的日常交际活动中离不开委婉语。根据西班牙词典当中对委婉语做出的定义,即在特殊语境之下,处于各方面的原因,用来取代双方都不适合采用的表达方式。西班牙学者Hugh Rawson在他的作品当......
" 论文关键词:英语教学;评价;原则 论文摘要:英语教学应建立多元化和多样性的评价体系,遵从学生主体的原则,注重形成性评价对学生发展的作用以及终结性评价对学生综合语言运用能力的考查;注重评价结果对教学效果的反馈作用。......
" 论文摘要:礼貌原则的研究从上世纪七十年代以来一直受到各领域学者的关注。本文概述了在语用学领域里礼貌原则的研究历史及现状,讨论礼貌原则研究中存在的问题,指出礼貌原则研究中存在的问题与研究人员的预设,语料的真实性,研究......
从少儿英语看心理语言学对英语教学的启示 如刘润清教授所指出的:“学生如何学外语,教师如何教外语,中间涉及何种心理过程,值得深入研究。”社会心理语言学是一门新兴语言学边缘学科,是一个由语言学家和社会心理学家共同努力、互相配......
[摘要]礼貌用语是一种社会现象,它反映了不同民族的文化特色。本文探讨了中西方文化的差异,以及由此带来的两种截然不同的礼貌原则。 [关键词]文化;礼貌原则;礼貌用语 [中图分类号]G642 [文献标识码]A [本刊网址]http://w......
[Abstract] As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemisms have existed for a long time. The appearance of everything, including euphemism, has its reasons. The emergence of English euphem......
[Abstract] Euphemism is derived from taboo, which is used to describe something inappropriate to talk about directly in communication. It is a cultural phenomenon as well as a rhetorical device. It is also a proper la......
摘 要:礼貌原则的研究从20世纪七十年代以来就受到了众多学者的关注,该领域正在朝着动态、应用、多元化的格局发展。 关键词:礼貌语言;礼貌原则;综述 但是,格赖斯的合作原则没有说明其本身为什么是必要的,为什么说话者会经常......
浅谈从英语中汉语借词看 中国英语的发展趋势
" 论文关键词:汉语借词 中国英语 中国文化 汉化思维 发展趋势 论文摘要:英语在发展过程 中吸纳了众 多的汉语借词。随着中国在 国际中的地位进一步提高,汉语借词最终可能会发展成为中国英语词汇部分。中国英语是成长于中国的......
摘 要: 委婉语是人类 社会 中瞢追存在的一种语言现象。由于东、西方文化的不同,在委婉语的使用上也存在许多差异。本文对 中、西委婉语跨文化现象进行了对比 研究 ,揭示了其内在联系。 ' 关键词: 委婉语;文化;对比研究 委婉语,......
前言 随着经济全球化的进一步发展,世界各国之间的商务交流活动越来越频繁。作为一种国际通用的语言,英语在不同国家之间的商务交流中,尤其是跨文化商务谈判中,起着至关重要的作用。从实质上说,商务谈判就是为了解决买卖中的争议或......
摘 要:小品是一种为大众所喜爱,能够以风趣的语言和夸张的举止引人发笑的艺术形式,其典型特点就是言语幽默。赵本山老师近年来很少登上荧幕,但其作品可谓经典,本论文尝试从格莱斯的合作原则视角分析其小品中的言语幽默。 关键词......
一、引言 一般认为,庭审语言是以抗辩性为突出特点,然而通过对庭审话语的分析,本文作者发现庭审过程运用了大量的礼貌策略。如何表达礼貌以及如何在交际中运用礼貌策略一直都是语用学领域的重要研究课题,由此产生了Leech总结的礼貌......
在英语子句中,主语和谓语动词之间,在“人称”和“数”方面须保持一致关系(concord),这就是“主谓一致”,又称“主―动―致”。主谓一致受以下三种原则支配,即语法一致原则(grammatical concord)、意义一致原则(notional con......
英语世界中的诚信原则 英语世界中的诚信原则 英语世界中的诚信原则 摘要:本文以英美两国为例探讨了诚信原则在英语世界的运作情况。在英美法系,主观诚信未受争议地长期存在,一般被理解为“不知......
" [论文关键词]交际能力 合作原则 礼貌原则 大学英语教学 指导 [论文摘要]大学英语教学的目的是培养大学生的交际能力,学生的语言能力并不意味着就能进行成功的交际。要提高学生的交际能力,教师不但要传授给学生语言知识,也要......
" 论文关键词:语法 原则 方法 论文摘要:本文中笔者结合多年的英语教学经验。提倡英语教学应该在学习语法知识的前提下结合能力培养,对于英语语法教学中需要注意的有效原则和方法谈一些心得体会,与各位同行共勉。 万丈高楼平......
【摘要】作为日语教学者只有掌握了日语和社会文化之间的关系,才能达到日语教学的真正目的。本文简要介绍了日语中一种比较典型的表达方式——委婉表达中是如何体现社会文化的。 【关键词】委婉表达 集团注意 以和为贵 语言和文化密......
摘要:汉语委婉语的习得是对外汉语教学中的一个重点,同时也是一个难点。本文通过对汉语委婉语习得过程的分析,提出了其对对外汉语委婉语教学的几点启示。 关键词:汉语 委婉语 习得 1 汉语委婉语的习得过程 汉语委婉语的习得过......
从语用目的看俄语双关语的翻译 一、引言“双关是为了达到一定的修辞目的,利用语言或语音手段造成的一个词语意义上相互对立。”从心理语言学的角度看,言语交际中的理解需要经历一个由编码到解码的心理过程。双关语修辞意义主要是依靠语......
" [论文关键词] 大学英语 课堂互动 [论文摘 要] 本文主要以大学英语教学改革给大学英语带来的影响为契机研究多媒体环境下大学英语课课堂互动问题,主要探讨互动的类型和特性,分析目前课堂互动的现状,以此来为大学英语教学课堂互动......
摘 要:随着新课程改革的不断深入发展,初中英语教学面临着巨大的挑战。我们初中英语教师应该顺应时代发展的要求,抛弃传统模式下的英语教学模式,始终坚持以学生为主体,按照学生个体的差异性原则,探讨如何通过高效课堂来实现更好的......
" 少儿英语教学并不只是语言教学。当我们教授英语的对象是5至12岁的少年儿童时,就必须充分考虑这一群体的社会、认知和语言发展水平等因素。从少儿成长研究和少儿第一和第二语言发展的研究中发现,上述发展过程中都存在一定规律和一些至......
汉语社交言语行为及交际的礼貌策略 摘要:根据言语行为理论,尤其是言外行为的社会功能和礼貌语言在言语活动中维持良好的人际关系这一社会目标之间的相互关系,将社交言语行为归为三类,并从礼貌策略的角度探讨汉语社交语境下的言语行为......
礼貌原则与跨文化交际 礼貌原则与跨文化交际 礼貌原则与跨文化交际 摘 要:本文分析了礼貌原则在英汉语言文化中的不同表现,从而证明了培养学生跨文化交际能力的重要性。礼貌原则是人们交际过程中不可缺少的因素,学生要提高......
本文从社会语言学的含义网络用语的特点和网络用语的发展三方面,从社会语言学角度对网络用语进行研究和讨论。 一、社会语言学的含义 社会语言学是语言学的分支,是探讨语言与社会之间关系的一门学科。社会语言学研究的领域包括语言与......
从英语动物习语看西方文化 一、引言 在人类进化发展的历史进程中,动物,作为人类自然生活和社会生活中不可回避也不可或缺的一部分,已经对人类的语言产生了重要影响,其中,英语中与动物有关的习语的产生就是有力表现之一。 同时,......
摘 要:合作原则与礼貌原则均为人与人之间成功有效交流所需要遵循的重要原则。而翻译作为一种特殊形式的交流,目的在于沟通两种或多种不同文化,因而更应遵循礼貌原则,以避免发生误解,甚至造成矛盾。本文以苹果官方网站的广告词翻译......
摘 要:合作原则与礼貌原则是会话中需要遵循的基本准则,但在实际会话中,人们却常常违反这些准则。本篇论文主要概述了合作原则与礼貌原则的内容,并运用一些实例,来探析当这些准则被打破时那些蕴藏的含义,继而分析合作原则与礼貌原......
从文化翻译观看汉语习语的英译 从文化翻译观看汉语习语的英译 从文化翻译观看汉语习语的英译 [Abstract] Domestication and foreignization are the terms brought up by an American scholar L.Venuti to describ......
摘 要: 流行语是反映社会生活的一面镜子。本文以目的论为基础,对其英译策略进行探析,以便使广大译者向渴望了解中国语言文化的外国友人更好地传递流行语的语义特征和文化内涵。 关键词: 目的论 汉语流行语英译 语义特征 文化内涵......
一、引言 二、有关空语类概念 20世纪70年代末80年代初,乔姆斯基(Chomsky)提出了空语类的概念,这一经典理论是建立在对英语、西班牙语等少数欧洲语言的研究基础上的。近几十年,以管约理论(Government and Binding Theory)为框......
摘 要:本文从语用学的角度,根据原则对幽默话语进行了分析。由此得知,言语幽默往往是字面是违反了合作原则的一项或多项准则,产生了会话的隐含意义。幽默言语的理解是建立在人的认知基础之上的,要在复杂的现实中寻找相似性和关联性......
" 关键词: 信守内容意旨;遵从译语习惯;切合语体语域 Abstract: Transmigration, an abstract whole at large, is too good to be practical and such concrete subwholes under “good translation” as fidelity to the source-lang......
" 论文摘要: 随着教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》的正式颁布,大学英语教学改革也在向着纵深方向发展。本文从两个方面阐述了在教改的背景之下,大学英语教师应如何实现自身的转变。 论文关键词: 大学英语 教学改革 教学理念 教学方......
" 论文关键词:模糊语言,模糊限制语,礼貌原则 论文摘要:模糊性是语言的一种本质属性,礼貌是人际交往中不可或缺的手段。模糊语言的功能多种多样,本文主要从模糊限制语、模糊修辞的角度讨论其对礼貌原则的维护功能。 众所周......
论广告英语翻译的原则 论广告英语翻译的原则 论广告英语翻译的原则 精 品 源自中 考备 战 1 语用学研究 语言是人之间沟通的基础,语用学就是针对语言进行研究的一门学科,语用学重点研究人们使用语言时的技巧和一些特......
从语言学角度分析中英语用差异 不同于http://WwW.LWlM.cOm西方,东方人更加注重血缘,家族和姓氏。中国古老的宗法制和分封制奠定了中国人注重亲缘血亲关系的基础。这一点,通过中国复杂庞大的称谓系统就可以看得出来。从成书于战国前后......
" 在英语教学中检测“阅读理解能力”是指检测学生从阅读中获取信息的能力以及对文意理解的速度和准确 性。如何在高中课文教学中培养这种阅读能力,一直是高中教师研究探索的问题。我们现行的中学英语教学大 纲针对课文教学有明确规定:......
从语言的模糊性看英语文学艺术作品的翻译 从语言的模糊性看英语文学艺术作品的翻译 从语言的模糊性看英语文学艺术作品的翻译 来源于www. 1. 前言 在古往今来的文学艺术作品中,但凡经典美文都不乏模糊性的语言,而且......
" 英语是一种交际工具,英语教学的目的就是培养和发展学生使用这种交际工具的能力。英语学习者的交际需要这一主题已逐渐为我国的英语教育者所熟悉和接受。语言教学的交际性原则起源于60年代末,这一方面是由于语言学研究的发展使语言......
[摘 要] 本文通过商务活动中语用礼貌原则的运用,提出熟练得体的运用此项原则,有助于双方在平等互利的基础上建立贸易关系,树立自身的良好商业形象,促进从事国际商务跨文化交际活动的双方相互交往沟通和传递信息,从而获得商务活动的成......
基于学生自主探究的《英语语言学》教学设计原则 一、引言 自上世纪80年代以来,高校英语专业陆续开设了以英语讲授的语言学课程。课程以英语专业高年级学生为对象,目的是使他们了解人类语言研究的丰富成果,提高其对语言的社会、经济、......
论文关键词:英专学生 毕业论文 “学” 课程教学 1 引言 2 调查研究 究其因,首先是作为基础学科的“英语语言学”未能引起学生太多的关注和兴趣;其次,语言学研究方法和内容未能引起师生足够地注意;再次,教师在课......
摘 要:模糊限制语,作为语言模糊性的重要表现之一,在英语广告语言中被使用。本文以迄今为止最有影响力的由Prince及其同事提出的划分方法为基本标准,对广告中的模糊限制语进行分类,以合作原则为理论依据,分析了英语广告中的模糊限......
教学活动中是提升英语教学效率的重要因素,学生的主体地位是英语教学的出发点和落脚点,以下是小编搜集整理的一篇探究中学英语教学中的互动教学内涵的论文范文,欢迎阅读借鉴。 在英语教学中,课堂互动是教学个体和学生个体,以及......
" 在课文教学中如何将课文内容作为话题,如何激发学生的兴趣,如何培养学生的思维能力,如何使其能创造性地解决课文话题所引出的与现实生活密切相关的问题,是摆在我们外语教师面前的一大课题。而教育学理论中的“近体原则”在中学英语课......
【摘 要】在言语交流中,话语是否礼貌得体,是交际能否顺利进行以维系良好人际关系的前提。称谓语作为开启交际的首要环节--不仅是语言现象,更是文化的体现,称谓语的选择和使用能反映交际双方在社交过程中所遵循的礼貌原则和文化价值......
摘 要: 作者以探讨分层教学对英语课堂教学的效果为目的,通过自己教授的两节同课异构的分层语法课,讲述了授课教师在备课、授课、反馈等多个环节的思考,并对分层教学下的英语课堂教学效果进行了反思。 关键词: 分层教学 语法课 ......
" 论文关键词:心理语言学 听力理解 听力教学 论文摘要:听、说、读、写、译是英语学习的五项基本技能,过去很长一段时间学校都是注重读写能力的培养,而忽略了听说能力的训练。直到近年来.听说能力才受到了越来越多的重视。这......
" 近体原则在英语课文话题设计中的运用_英语教学论文由英语作文网整理收集 中学英语课文教学的目的绝不只是学生在教师的引导下,获取课文所传达的信息,也不仅仅是让学生掌握课文所包含的词语、词法、句型和语法等语言知识。语言教学只......
从英语词汇看西方文化 摘 要: 语言是文化的载体,是一种文化现象,是文化的表现形式。因此,学习英语离不开学习西方文化。本文从英语词汇入手,从不同角度来透视其中蕴含的西方文化相关信息,力图寻找语言与文化之间相互交织、相互促进......
" 21世纪是一个社会生活信息化和经济体系全球化的新时代。英语在社会生活和国际交往中成为不可缺少的重要工具。从某种意义上说,掌握了英语实际就意味着把握了参与和发展的机会。新《英语课程标准》提出了全新的教育理念,树立以学生为本......
" 论文摘要:第二语言教学有其一定的语言学原则,本文从母语的影响、中夼语和变际语言能力等三方面探讨了第二语言教学的语言学原则厦其实应用,旨在帮助广太第二语言教师更加有效地进行语言教学。 论文关健词:第二语言教学 语言学......
中国传统文化礼仪在英语教学中的运用 中国作为四大文明古国之一,传统文化在中国的历史之上一直占有很重要的地位,作为中国的孕育之根,中国文化礼仪孕育了中国一代代炎黄子孙,即使在经济全球化日趋强化的现在,对中国传统的文化礼仪......
【摘 要】随着中国的日益强盛和与世界各国交往的增加,英语做为国际交流的工具,其重要性愈加突显,英语教学也被人们日益重视。在英语教学中,多采用双语教学,母语贯穿始终。如何适时、适当地在英语教学中使用母语,减少母语对学生学......
摘 要:公共图书馆是为群众提供公共文化服务的重要场所,其中图书馆工作人员的语言表达能力在一定程度上决定着服务的水平。恰当而礼貌的语言能反映出馆员与读者之间和谐,美好的人际关系,能真正落实“一切为了读者”的服务理念。本文......